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A question to Marc


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Hi Marc,

as we all know, Robert was being very honest during his panel and most of us (including me) seemed to really appreciate this. Which is probably why he got a lot of applause after his panel. After that you said something like how great German/European fans are. Did this mean to imply, there would have been a different reaction in the United States or did I just read this into it? (Which is entirely possible, you're telling us how great we are all the time  :D, but I'm really curious.)

Thank you in advance for answering and thanks for the great work you're doing at FedCon every year!

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Marc tourt noch 1 oder 2 Wochen durch Europa, also wird er vermutlich nicht so schnell hier antworten können.

Ich denk aber auch, dass er absolut Recht damit hatte. Ich hab auch die Erfahrung gemacht, das US-Fans viel mehr "konsumieren" und gesagtes einfach so hinnehmen, ohne das groß etwas an Emotionen aufkommt.

Beispiel: Als auf der Vegas Convention letzten Sommer fast die komplette DS9-Crew auf der Bühne stand und James Darren gerade wie in der letzten Episode live einen Song gesungen hat kam eine 2-minütige STanding Ovation... und das war's! Danach setzten sich die Fans einfach wieder hin und warteten auf den nächsten Programmpunkt... als jemand, der die Begeisterung auf deutschen Cons gewohnt ist, kam man sich da echt wie im falschen Film vor.

Und so ist das denk ich auch mit Robert Beltran's Äußerungen - die werden hingenommen, er als Blödmann abgestempelt und fertig.

Marc's Meinung würd mich da auch mal sehr interessieren.

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Yap... und in was für ner Geschwindigkeit!

Das Daniel und ich kein Leben haben und den ganzen Tag online verbringen weiß ich ja, aber DU auch?  :P  :D  ;)  ;)

Räum mal das Topic auf, DR... das könnt noch ganz interessant werden, wenn Marc sich später mal äußert. :)

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Hi Angie!

Myself and all of the actors (about 80 of them) have all shared with me backstage how incredible the German fans are to them.  German fans show a level of enthusiasm that is not seen at US conventions.  I have spoken to the organizers of the SLANTED FEDORA convention group (they are as large as CREATION) who were at FEDCON 10 and they couldn't believe what they saw as well.

German fans show more sincere "love" for STAR TREK actors and are very happy to see them in this country.  You make them feel welcome here.  I'm not saying American fans do not do the same, but it's a strange feeling.  The actors feel as if they are returning from a long voyage at sea and their family was waiting at the docks to greet them.

You should all be proud of your hospitality but the only really huge complaint I and the actors would have about German people is the service we get (or don't get) at bars and restaurants.  We Americans love to give money (tips) and if the service is good, we tip more.  The piano bar's service was horrible and I have seen that for 7 years.  That's the only bad thing about Germany I don't want to see again.

Other than that, German fans are better than any fans anywhere in the world!!!  Please don't stop showing us your love!!


:0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0

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Hi Marc...

thank you for this incredible weekend and your terrific job  one more time...we all really enjoyed it!!   :D

We won't stop showing you our sincere "love" ...!!

I hope those videos by Garrett and Dominic turned out good...both of them filmed the audience as they entered the stage!    

Thanks again...


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The piano bar's service was horrible and I have seen that for 7 years.  That's the only bad thing about Germany I don't want to see again.


I needed about thirty minutes to get one pina colada on Friday. That's probably why you didn't get any of those weissbiers. Nobody dared to make the trip a second time  :D

At least the non-existing service (and the prices) made it very easy to stay sober.  :(

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The service in the piano bar was really bad. Even Sunday evening with not so many people in the bar they needed long time to provide the drinks. I asked the barkeeper after twenty minutes very friendly where my drink was and he said in a very unfriendly tone: "I've got only two hands!"

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