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A suggestion to Marc B. Lee


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Hi Marc,

you know...I was thinking....with you saying you knew where we all lived and people happy to invite you to their house, do you know what you should do? You should travel around Germany like the dutch guy has been traveling all around the world for now how many years? 2 or 3? With at least 3000 Fed Con attendees who, I'm sure, would enjoy having you over, you could easily stay for 4 or 5 years in Germany. Wouldn't that be the best, easiest and cheapest way to learn German??  ;)  :0

Don't take me too seriously, I'm still in the middle of my "Oh no, Fed Con is over AGAIN" -depression. ;)

Take care,


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ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You're right!!  Great idea.  Ok O'Malley, I like my eggs fried hard, oatmeal and toast in the morning and I like a furry teddy bear to sleep with at night.  Don't bother me till I wake up and plug my ears into a german lesson session so I can wake up speaking perfect german.  Danke!!!

Oh, btw.......I sleep alone so if you sneak into my room with a camera to see if I sleep naked, YOU will be the one wearing a dress onstage next FEDCON!!!!! :angry:  :angry:

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...and after you finished your tour through Germany you can come to Switzerland. We have eggs, oatmeal, toast and the best chocolate and cheese in the world!! So come on over! You even get my favorite teddy bear!

But I won't promise, that I don't sneak into your room  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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Hey Marc, breakfast sounds great, but I'm afraid I don't have any furry teddy bears. Would a furry cat do, too? Or maybe a real one? And if wearing a dress onstage at next FedCon is my only punishment for sneaking into your room with a camera, I'm looking forward to you staying at my place. :P  I'm a girl, that's why I don't mind :D


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