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Auction - Who has 'my' Connor Picture ??


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At the auction a picture with autograph of Connor Trinneer was sold to me, and when i wanted to get it, it was gone.

Oke, well, i was totally at a loss, still am to be quiet honoust, but i wondered......

Is there maybe somebody who knows who by accident got the picture ????

At giving away other pictures it got stuck to somebody else's picture (well thats what the lady told me).

And by that it was gone, real bad for me.

but if somehow somebody got it by accident, i would love to get it.

The price would be still the same, i would really like the charity to get the money they should get. So please if you got the picture, or know the person who got it, please let them contact me, or the organisation and let them have contact me :) ohw i would love to get the picture, and have the charity get there money they deserve ! please let me know anything if you know anything.

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