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Nein. LOL

Ich wollte nur meine Freude und meinen Respekt ausdrücken für diese Formulierung einer Sache, die so gut beschrieben ist, dass keiner wirklich nachweisen kann, dass sie beschrieben wurde. Was wiederum, sollte anderswo jemand solche Formulierungen finden, verschiedene Schliessungen verhindern könnte, da ja keiner nachweisen kann, dass er gemeint hat, was er gerade beschrieben - oder eben nicht beschrieben hat. :D

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Hey Wolf,

Sometimes I get advanced copies or tickets to early previews but most of the time I catch the movie on the first day.  Our theaters open very early here which gives me time to rush and post my reviews on the same day.

Here's a question for anyone: Would you be interested in a SPY KIDS 2 review.  I had no interests in seeing this movie, even tho the first one was pretty cool, but I will if there is interests here.

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Wow, I want also some free tickets!

Here's a question for anyone: Would you be interested in a SPY KIDS 2 review.  I had no interests in seeing this movie, even tho the first one was pretty cool, but I will if there is interests here.

to be honest: no. I am not and haven´t been interested in the spy kids saga and so I don´t need your review ( which are, from my point of view, fantastic! ).

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XXX (Pronounced Triple X)

Synopsis: Underground extreme-sports icon Xander "XXX" Cage (Vin Diesel) finds himself facing a new kind of trouble when he steals a state senator's Corvette and drives it off a bridge. He is recruited by NSA Agent Augustus Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) to go undercover and infiltrate a Russian crime ring. If he refuses, he will be sent to jail. XXX takes the job and travels to Prague, where he befriends Yorgi (Marton Csokas), the head of Anarchy '99, and meets the mysterious Yelena (Asia Argento). Once part of the group, XXX helps uncover its plan: to use a biological weapon dubbed Silent Night.

eXtreme, eXciting, eXhilarating ...

eXtraordinary? Somewhat.

This new extreme sport secret agent franchise plants Vin Diesel at the top of the action hero heap. Diesel is a muscle-bound skinhead (in appearance, not attitude) with an engaging growl and a winning smirk, especially when he's showing contempt for authority.

Which, as we all know, every secret agent-rogue cop-hot-dog fighter pilot etc. must have, in abundance, to save the world.

This movie opens hard, fast, and loud.  Early action happens in a German-like “rave” club in Prague with loud music, foreign acid rock bands and a hell of a bunch of hot women!  Yippee!!

XXX delivers Diesel as an extreme sport prankster, a master of the snowboard-surfboard-parachute-bungee jumping-rock climbing "edge" where cool form is as important as disdain for one's personal safety. Xander Cage videotapes his absurdly over-the-top stunts for a Web site, which apparently finances the expensive pranks, such as snatching a Corvette from a pro-censorship senator.

Afterward, he parties with a lot of hot chicks and guys who overuse "Dude," "Yo!" and "Word!"

He's recruited by the omnipresent National Security Agency -- placing spy heroes within the CIA is just no longer cool enough for the movies. That's where Samuel L. Jackson works, playing a burn-scarred dandy, an M who sends our boy on his missions.

After some harrowing "tests" that bend the Constitution and stretch the possible, "Triple X" is sent to Prague to infiltrate a gang of fellow-travelers -- young, cool anarchists who think absolute freedom is achieved by nerve-gassing governments and wearing really cool clothes. I agree with only one of these.

Xander meets Yorgi, the brains, and falls for Yelena played by Asia Argento, the Goth queen with the heart as dark as her eyeliner.And he decides to bring them down, XXX-style.

Director Rob Cohen of The Fast and the Furious has a certain flair for this kind of cheese, and he stages all of the almost nonstop action with real determination. From the opening chase of another agent, through a Euro-metal concert by Rammstein, to stunning stunts involving leaping from planes, off bridges, flying from boats and snowboarding through an avalanche, this is state-of-the-art pedal-to-the-metal filmmaking. It's no surprise that a stuntman was killed making it. It's a miracle any of them lived through these fearless feats.   Hell, I wore a dress onstage and I consider that the most awesome feat of my career.  Hope my Mother never sees the pictures.

Cohen's Prague is an over-gunned, lawless city of beautiful architecture and ridiculously overdone nightclubs.

The soundtrack, a grinding blend of techno, metal, hip-hop and their variations, seems perfect for this action package. Adding a riff from The Third Man theme, a classy thriller from the '40s, is both inappropriate and over the orange-dyed heads of the target audience.

The script wallows in silliness, but, fortunately, it's overwhelmed by Diesel's stupid-cool machismo, Cohen's directorial flair, and a production design that puts XXX in acres of tattoos, big, feral fur coats and a souped-up '67 GTO.

We see the hero's XXX neck tattoo about 25 times, in close-up, which is about 22 too many.

But Diesel is very good at this brand of nihilism. When Jackson's team "tests" him by tossing him, with other reluctant would-be agents, out of a plane, Diesel makes us believe his line -- "Are you kidding me? I LIVE for this (bleep)!"    I would have loved to see one of the other recruits in action with XXX, but alas.

Argento, the daughter of Italian gore-film king Dario Argento, looks and acts like an Uma Thurman who has given up Buddhism for witchcraft.

Is this a new action franchise, one to replace the aged Mel-Bruce-Sly-Arnold-Harrison vehicles that kept the studios in the black during the '80s and '90s? Oh yes. It's more fun than The Sum of All Fears, sexier than Mission: Impossible, gutsier and more macho than The Bourne Identity.

Recast the gadget guru, this movie's version of Bond's "Q." He's played here by a geeky kid-- who makes no impression at all other than a wannabe, irritating little jerk.

My Score: 7 out of 10.

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  • 2 Monate später...

ich hab den film geguckt und für mich ist es ein reiner prolo bond film.

ich dachte der film hätte action ohne ende? für mich war da so viel action wie in jedem anderen bond auch mehr nicht.

die story war billig und langweilig umgesetzt

alles ist einfach nur abgekupfert (woraus die ja auch keinen hehl gemacht haben, ist ja mehr oder weniger gewollt)

aber xxx ist für mich kein bond nachfolger in xxx 2 gibts dann bestimmt anstatt einer schneeszene ne grosse unterwasser orgie :rolleyes:

5/10 punkten

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