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Gut, da niemand hier postet muß ich bedauerlicherweise wieder zweimal hintereinander posten....

Wie immer wird auch dieses Jahr ein ST-Buch Projekt veröffentlicht, welches über mehrere Bände sich hinwegzieht. Dieses Jahr ist es die Lost-Years REihe. Hierbei werden die Zeiträume näher beleuchtet, welche in den Serien nicht vorkommen....hier mal eine Auflistung---der Erscheinungszeitraum in den USA ist von August 2003 bis Januar 2004


The Books

The Lost Era: The Sundered

Written by Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin

August, 2003


Four years after the presumed death of Captain James T. Kirk, the USS Excelsior, commanded by Captain Hikaru Sulu, is at the forefront of exploration, diplomacy, and the defense of the Federation.

Unprecedented peace talks with the violently xenophobic Tholian Assembly trigger a deadly confrontation aboard the Excelsior. Now Sulu and his crew--including Chekov, Rand, Chapel, Tuvok, and Akaar--are thrust into an unexpected conflict between the Tholians and a mysterious new enemy, the Neyel... whose origins, if revealed, could lead to war with Earth itself.

As the Tholians weave a web of vengeance, the Excelsior is flung beyond the galaxy to discover the hidden truth about the alien Neyel, forcing Sulu to question where his responsibilities lie--with the fragile peace he must preserve, or with the victims of his own world's tragic past.



The Lost Era: Serpents Among the Ruins

Written by David R. George III

September, 2003


It is a year of infamy, a year that later generations will remember as one that altered the course of history at the cost of thousands of lives. It is the year of the Tomed Incident, and its tale can at last be told.

In the midst of escalating political tensions among the Klingons, the Romulans, and the Federation, Starfleet goes forward with the inaugural flight of Universe, a prototype starship that promises to revolutionize space exploration. But the Universe experiment results in disaster, ravaging a region of space dangerously close to the Romulan Star Empire, apparently confirming suspicions that the Federation has begun testing a weapon of mass destruction.

As the military buildup accelerates on both sides of the Neutral Zone, Captain John Harriman of the Federation flagship USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-B, is fated for a final confrontation with his oldest enemy at a flashpoint in history--with the Beta Quadrant one wrong move from the outbreak of total war



The Lost Era: The Art of the Impossible

Written by Keith R.A. DeCandido

October, 2003

THE YEARS ARE 2328-2346

To the Cardassians, it is a point of pride. To the Klingons, a matter of honor. But the eighteen-year cold war between these two empires--euphemistically remembered in later years as the Betreka Nebula "Incident"--becomes a vortex of politics, diplomacy, and counter-intelligence that will define the age, and shape the future.

What begins as a discovery that would enable the Klingon Empire to reclaim a lost piece of its past becomes a prolonged struggle with the rapidly expanding Cardassian Union, which has claimed dominion over a region of space that the Klingons hold sacred. Enter the Federation, whose desire to preserve interstellar stability leads Ambassador Curzon Dax to broker a controversial and tenuous peace--one that is not without opponents, including Lieutenant Elias Vaughn of Starfleet special ops.

But unknown to many of the players, there are wheels within wheels to the drama unfolding in the Betreka Nebula. Within the shadowy rooms of the Cardassian Obsidian Order, Klingon Imperial Intelligence, and even the Romulan Tal Shiar, secret scales are being balanced--and for every gain made for the sake of peace, there will come a loss.



The Lost Era: Well of Souls

Written by Ilsa J. Bick

November, 2003


For twelve years, she was captain of the Federation's flagship. But while her exploits as commander of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-C are legend, little has been revealed about Rachel Garrett, her vessel, or the unusual men and women of her crew. Until now.

When the archaeological find of the decade offers possible hints about an earlier Cardassian civilization, it attracts not merely those seeking to quench their thirst for knowledge, but parties with far less noble interests. Among the latter is the Asfar Qatala, a notorious criminal cartel with a disturbing connection to one of the Enterprise's highest-ranking officers. Now Captain Garrett and her crew are swept into a maelstrom of kidnapping, extortion and murder--as well as a desperate, secret struggle between the Qatala and its chief rival, the fledgling Orion Syndicate.

And beneath the surface of the frozen world on which the proto-Cardassian discovery was made, another drama is playing out that will force Garrett to make the most difficult decision of her career... amid ruins reputed to link the living with the ancient dead.



The Lost Era: The Art of the Impossible

Written by Keith R.A. DeCandido

October, 2003

THE YEARS ARE 2328-2346

To the Cardassians, it is a point of pride. To the Klingons, a matter of honor. But the eighteen-year cold war between these two empires--euphemistically remembered in later years as the Betreka Nebula "Incident"--becomes a vortex of politics, diplomacy, and counter-intelligence that will define the age, and shape the future.

What begins as a discovery that would enable the Klingon Empire to reclaim a lost piece of its past becomes a prolonged struggle with the rapidly expanding Cardassian Union, which has claimed dominion over a region of space that the Klingons hold sacred. Enter the Federation, whose desire to preserve interstellar stability leads Ambassador Curzon Dax to broker a controversial and tenuous peace--one that is not without opponents, including Lieutenant Elias Vaughn of Starfleet special ops.

But unknown to many of the players, there are wheels within wheels to the drama unfolding in the Betreka Nebula. Within the shadowy rooms of the Cardassian Obsidian Order, Klingon Imperial Intelligence, and even the Romulan Tal Shiar, secret scales are being balanced--and for every gain made for the sake of peace, there will come



The Lost Era: Deny Thy Father

Written by Jeff Mariotte

December, 2003

THE YEARS ARE 2355-2357

Two men. Both defined by the personal tragedy that drove them apart. Both driven by their desire to serve, and their devotion to duty. Both haunted by the past, and uncertain of the future.... And both unable to reach across the chasm that separates father and son.

In the wake of the Tholian attack that nearly cost him his life, civilian strategic consultant Kyle Riker becomes the target on an apparent conspiracy within Starfleet Command, forcing him off Earth and beyond Federation territory to defeat the attempts on his life. But danger is never far off, even on a backwater world where Kyle's very name brings the promise of death.

At the same time, the Starfleet career of Kyle's estranged son William Riker is underway in earnest, from his turbulent formative years at the Academy to his first perilous missions as an ensign aboard the Starship Pegasus. And even as Kyle searches for the truth behind the events that have made him a fugitive, Will is pursued as well--by a family legacy he fears he will never escape.



The Lost Era: Catalyst of Sorrows

Written by Margaret Wander Bonanno

January, 2004


She was trained to be a killing machine. Abandoned as a child, without home or family, past or future, Zetha survived only by her own cunning in the back alleys of Romulus before being taken by the Tal Shiar and remade into one of its deadliest weapons. But Zetha is about to undertake a mission unlike any in her experience.

The mysterious return of a virulent scourge thought to be long extinct threatens devastation on a scale almost too horrific to contemplate. Zetha's only hope of stopping it is across the Neutral Zone-among the enemies of Romulus. Now Admiral Uhura, centenarian chief of Starfleet Intelligence, must decide what to do with the knowledge Zetha has risked her life to bring to her. In order to stop the spread of the disease that is already ravaging the Romulan Empire, Uhura must assign a hand-picked team of Starfleet officers to covertly trace the contagion to its source-and do whatever is necessary to contain it.

But the world awaiting Lieutenant Benjamin Sisko, Lieutenant Tuvok, Dr. Selar and Zetha herself is a hot zone of secrets, deceptions and subtle machinations, revealing an imminent holocaust beyond anything the away team expected, or what they could hope to combat



Für mich stellen sie ein kleines Highlight, neben dem im Oktober erscheinenden DS9 Hardcover Roman "Unity", dar handeln die Geschichten doch überwiegend von weniger vertrauten Personen aus dem Star Trek Universe

Und ihr....? Was meint Ihr??

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Anbei die neueste Inhaltsangabe über den NF-Band "Gods Above", welche in den USA im October erscheint


Star Trek: New Frontier

Mass-Market Paperback / October, 2003

Length undefined


Written by Peter David


Captain Mackenzie Calhoun has often been accused of playing God, but he has never faced off against real gods--until now. As Captain Kirk did before him, Calhoun has encountered beings of unnatural power and abilities verging on godhood, and who claim to be the very individuals who inspired the Greek, Roman, Norse, and other pantheons from Earth culture.

These beings say that all they want is our worship, and in return for it will provide us with a peaceful galaxy-wide paradise of perfect health and endless pleasure. When the Federation, in the person of Captain Calhoun and the crew of the U.S.S. Excalibur, refused their offer, the resulting battle left Morgan Primus dead and Lieutenant Mark McHenry, whose own powers over time and space had proved to be substantial, in a limbo beyond death.

Now, with a wounded ship and an injured crew, Captain Calhoun, along with Captain Shelby and the crew of the Trident, must face these god-like beings once again, with the fate of galactic civilization at stake.


klingt aufregend, oder?

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Absolut! Heißt das jetzt das McHenry und Morgan Primus tot sind?

Genau, Hoshi, das frage ich mich seit Meldung auch die ganze Zeit. Und die ZEit bis Oct verrinnt wieder unheimlich langsam *seufz*

Ich gucke mal ob ich evtl. neue Meldungen erhalten, es soll ja noch ein NF erscheinen, neben der Anthology.

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Also ich kann mich jetzt nicht erinnern, aber stimmt, der wurde schon lange nicht mehr erwähnt. Ich halte mal die Ohren offen......

und hier noch eine INhaltsangabe über den ENT Roman "Daedalus" der ja auch im Sept. erscheinen soll, hoffe ich habe ihn nicht schon gepostet *brauche wieder mein Tai Ginseng*



Mass-Market Paperback / October, 2003

Length undefined


Written by Dave Stern


October 5, 2140. After a half-dozen years of research and testing, Starfleet prepares to launch its first warp 5 vessel--Daedalus. Propelled by a radical new engine designed by Earth's most brilliant warp field theorist, Victor Brodesser, the new ship will at last put the stars within mankind's reach.

But on the eve of her maiden voyage, a maintenance engineer, Ensign Charles Tucker III--"Trip" to his friends--discovers a flaw in Daedalus's design. When he confronts Brodesser, the scientist--as charismatic as he is brilliant--eases Trip's concerns. The ship launches on schedule--and as Trip watches in horror, it explodes in a catastrophic matter/antimatter reaction, killing all aboard.

Thirteen years pass. Still haunted by memories of that disaster, Trip now serves as chief engineer aboard Enterprise. When a freak explosion cripples his vessel, leaving her helpless before a surprise attack, Trip is forced to abandon his ship--and his shipmates. As he is on the verge of mounting a desperate rescue attempt, however, a shocking turn of events forces him to confront the ghosts of Daedalus one final time.

Notes"The author had 'First Flight' and re-fitted his story so it still works, and tru[th]fuly it even works better now that we have seen Trip in 'First Flight'." -- Margaret Clark, editor


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Also wurde die Daedalus doch vor der Enterprise gebaut... Dann dürften die bisherigen (Canon?-)Bilder auf denen das Schiff "U.S.S. Daedalus NX-100" heißt von nun an falsch sein...

Ehrlich gesagt hatte ich einige Zeit lang (bevor ich "First Contact" und ENTERPRISE sah) sogar geglaubt die Daedalus-Klasse gäbe es seit kurz nach Erfindung des Warpantriebs!

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hab gesehen das am 3. November noch ein weiterer New Frontier Roman erscheinen wird, der Name ist: "New Frontier Stone and Anvil".


Captain MacKenzie Calhoun is one of Starfleet's finest, a highly-trained Captain in command of the cutting-edge ship known as the USS "Excalibur". Yet he was not always destined for Starfleet. Things could have been very different!

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Es soll noch ein drittes NF-Buch im Herbst erscheinen.

Das dritte ist ein Trade Paperback mit NF Kurzgeschichten. Eine stammt von Peter David, der Rest von anderen Autoren. Hier die bisher bekannte Liste:

"Ilsa J. Bick, Loren L. Coleman, Peter David ("A Little Getaway"), Keith R.A. DeCandido ("Revelations"), Kevin Dilmore, Craig Gibb, Allyn Gibson, Robert Greenberger, Glenn Hauman & Lisa Sullivan, Robert Jeschonek, David Mack, Terri Osborne, Peg Robinson, Mary Scott-Wiecek, Josepha Sherman, Susan Shwartz, Dayton Ward ("Loose Ends"), Susan Wright, and Christina F. York."

Peter David ist der Herausgeber des Bandes und wird nach wie vor die oberste Kontrolle ueber seine Serie behalten. Somit gelten auch die Nicht-Peter-David Stories zur NF Kontinuitaet.

Die Stories der anderen Autoren handeln von den Charakteren bevor sie Crewmitglied der Excalibur wurden. Peter David schreibt die Story, mit der er in den neuesten US Baenden immer wieder die Fans geneckt hat . Mehr zu sagen waere wohl ein zu grosser Spoiler.

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Hier nun die neuesten Bücher für June 2003



Voyager: Homecoming (Book One of Two)

by Christie Golden

After seven long years in the Delta Quadrant, the crew of the Starship Voyager now confront the strangest world of all: home. For Admiral Kathryn Janeway and her stalwart officers, Voyager's miraculous return brings new honors and responsibilities, reunions with long-lost loved ones, and for some, such as the Doctor and Seven of Nine, the challenge of forging new lives in a Federation that seems to hold little place for them.

But even as Janeway and the others go their separate ways, pursuing new adventures and opportunities, a mysterious cybernetic plague strikes Earth, transforming innocent men, women, and children into an entirely new generation of Borg. Now the entire planet faces assimilation, and Voyager may be to blame!



Star Trek: The Last Roundup

by Christie Golden

Die Taschenbuchausgabe



Enterprise: Broken Bow

Novelized by Diane Carey

Based on "Broken Bow" written by Rick Berman & Brannon Braga

Behind-the-scenes written by Paul Ruditis

Eine Neuauflage des Buches aus dem letzten Jahr



Strange New Worlds VI

Edited by Dean Wesley Smith

With John J. Ordover and Paula M. Block

Kurzgeschichten von Fans aus dem im letzten Jahr gestarteten 6.Wettbewerb



SCE #28: Breakdowns

by Keith R.A. DeCandido (eBook)

Band 28 der erfolgreichen e-Book REihe (welche auch als TB erscheint)



Star Trek: Elite Force II (Computer Game)

Teil zwei eines der erfolgreichsten Computerspiele



DS9 Third Season Boxed Set DVD

dazu muß nichts gesagt werden

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Nun "The Homecoming" habe ich heute von amazon bekommen und die ersten 50 Seiten gelesen, ganz interessant wie die Voyager-Crew auf der Erde begrüsst wird, so etwas hat ich auch gerne im TV gesehen!

Tja, das hätte sich die Autorin auch sicherlich gewünscht. Zumindestens es geht irgendwie "offiziell" weiter.

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Ja, toll das es weitergeht, habe auch weitergelesen, da gibts nu so einen Geheimdienst in der Föderation. Harry Kims frühere Freundin wird auf ihn angesetzt, um zu spionieren und

Captain Janeway wird gleich bei Ankunft auf der Erde bei einem festlichen Empfang zum Admiral befördert, nu wissen wir wie sie zum Admiral befördert wurde!

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Und nächsten MOnat folgt ja der zweite BAnd "THe Farther Shore" und dann werde ich mal mit der Autorin in Kontakt treten (stehe seit geraumer Zeit mit ihr in Kontakt) und nähere Infos über evtl. Fortsetzungen zu erfahren. (Was sie mir ja sicherlich nicht sagen wird, *D'OH*

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Jo wäre sicher interessant, bestimmt wird es auch mit Voyager weitergehen, so wie mit DS9, da habe ich auch vor kurzem "Avatar" gelesen! Bin schon gespannt auf "Unity", wie Benjamin Sisko zurückkehrt! Und mit TNG auch, z.B. die die Abenteuer von Captain Riker u. Deanna Troi auf der USS Titan!
Na ja, die Autorin (CHristie Golden) ist sich nicht so sicher, da ja Verkaufszahlen eine Rolle spielen, aber sie will mir bald mehr zu ihren Projekten erzählen...

Mit Deep Space 9 geht es ja weiter, es folgt ja ein Buch "Unity" irgendwann im Spätherbst.....


Und mit TNG auch, z.B. die die Abenteuer von Captain Riker u. Deanna Troi auf der USS Titan!  

Gibt es davon schon Bücher, wusste bisher nur von DS9 und Voyager?

Also mit Capt. Riker und Troi ist bisher noch nicht in Planung oder erschienen.

Zuerst folgen ja noch eine sechsteilige Reihe welche die Jahre zwischen TOS und TNG näher beleuchten "Star Trek: The Lost Years"

und dann folgt eine 12 teilige Reihe welche im Laufe von 2004 (jeden Monat eines) erscheinen wird und die Zeit nach Nemesis näher durchdringen wird.

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Kannst du mir eigentlich sagen, ob das Buch "Lives of Dax" gut zu lesen ist und wie sind die Geschichten?

Schwierig zu sagen, mir persönlich gefiel es sehr gut. Die verschiedenen Leben von Dax wurden unterschiedlich dargestellt. Mal spannend, mal einfühlsam, mal etwas träge, doch im großen und ganzen hat es Spaß gemacht. In diesem Buch konnte man die ganze Bandbreite der SChreibstile sehr gut erleben. Ich würde es jedem empfehlen, der mehr über die verschiedenen Leben von Dax wissen möchte. Für Action-Fans oder so, ist es wahrscheinlich weniger geeignet.

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Wie Psi Phi's Star Trek Book Database berichtet, wird der kommende Enterprise Roman Daedalus nicht wie geplant im Oktober sondern im Dezember erscheinen.

Gerade bei Psi Phi gefunden: die Liste der Stories in "No Limits":

Trade Paperback / October, 2003

Length undefined


Edited by Peter David

Introduction by Peter David

Mackenzie Calhoun: "Loose Ends" by Dayton Ward

Elizabeth Shelby: "All that Glisters..." by Loren L. Coleman

Zak Kebron: "Waiting for G'Doh, or, How I Learned to Stop Moving and Hate People" by David Mack

Robin Lefler: "Lefler's Logs" by Robert Greenberger

Morgan Primus: "Alice, on the Edge of Night" by Ilsa J. Bick

Soleta: "Revelations" by Keith R.A. DeCandido

Si Cwan: "Turning Point" by Josepha Sherman

Selar: "'Q'-uandary" by Terri Osborne

Burgoyne 172: "Oil and Water" by Robert Jeschonek

Mark McHenry: "Singularity" by Christina F. York

Arex: "The Road to Edos" by Kevin Dilmore

D'ndai of Calhoun: "A Lady of Xenex" by Peg Robinson

U.S.S. Excalibur: "Making a Difference" by Mary Scott-Wiecek

Katerina Mueller: "Performance Appraisal" by Allyn Gibson

Xant: "Redemption" by Glenn Hauman and Lisa Sullivan

Soleta: "Out of the Frying Pan" by Susan Shwartz

Burgoyne 172: "Through the Looking Glass" by Susan Wright

Calhoun & Shelby: "A Little Getaway" by Peter David

The Star Trek: New Frontier Timeline, compiled by Keith R.A. DeCandido

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