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Well done Obsi !

Maybe the discussion will look like this:

"pa´vo´yIjaH HadibaH !"  "nuqneH? pIch vIghajbe´ !"  "bIjeghbe´chugh vaj bIHegh !"  "HIjol !"

In English:

"Get out of here you asshole !"  "What do you want from me? It´s not my fault !"  "Surrender or die !"  "Beam me up !"


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Marc, I think this ist a "must have"-topic! Although I haven´t seen it yet I also agree that Nemesis is the death of the peaceful Star Trek philosophy. It is our duty as fans to let the actors and authors, who are at Fedcon, know what we think of this new movie.

Or won´t some officials even notice these discussions?

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THAT'S IT?!  You have a very talented group and all you want to talk about is a bad movie?!!!

Sheesh!  I shoulda been a priest. ???  ???

well i do not want to talk about a bad movie i wanna talk about, as werewolf described about a bad movie and the end of a philosophy...

i think this topic is far more deeper than any other 'starwars vs. startrek' topic cause it represents a way of life that is going to die for many people

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In addition, the topic "STAR TREK vs. STAR WARS" should be talked about as well, since it lokks like NEMESIS has moved Roddenberry's vision a dreadful step closer to the universe of light sabers and dark emperrors...

And there are some SW-liking idiots out there who condemn STAR TREK furiosly without even trying to understand the idea that lies behind that concept...

In return, ST fans would never talk like that about STAR WARS, otherwise they wouldn't be fans of STAR TREK.

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  • 3 Wochen später...


Topic: STAR TREK: NEMESIS ~ The Bitter End of the Star Trek Vision?

Host: Staff of TREKNEWS.de

Day: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Topic: Star Trek Fans - Fanaticism at it's best

Host: Staff of TREKNEWS.de and Karin Schneider

Day: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Topic: StarTrek vs. Star Wars

Host: Karin Schneider and 2 others

Day: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Topic: Shanshu Prophecy: A Buffy and Angel Discussion (If there is a BUFFY/ANGEL guest)

Host: Antje Lucke and Mariah Uzoetoh

Day: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Topic: Your Favorite Sci-Fi Movies

Host: Marc B. Lee and Throsten Stichweh

Day: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: Holodeck

Topic: Upcoming Sci-Fi Movies and more

Host: Marc B. Lee and Thorsten Stichweh

Day: Samstag

Time: TBA

Room: Bridge (Main Auditorium)

Topic: The Evolution of Starfleet

Host: TBA

Day: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

Topic: TREKTIONARY: The Game

Host: TBA

Day: TBA

Time: TBA

Room: TBA

(Description: You draw pictures for your team to guess)

These are all approximate times, day, and locations. They are subject to change pending the Program Director's approval.

If you would like to host a panel, review the rules above in past posts and email me at marc@fedcon.de

:mrbanana:  :uglybanana:  :mrbanana:  :uglybanana:

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I would really appreciate it if WEREWOLF, TOLAYON, and OBSIDIAN ORDER would chose and host a panel discussion.  You guys always have something "diplomatic, funny, intelligent, and worldly" to say.  I think you guys would make great moderators for a panel (not my damn job of course! :angry: ) and you should email me NOW with a topic you want to do.


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