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A few stars showed up at LIGHTSPEED FINE ARTS gallery for an invitation only celebrity auction and signing. It was a great time and a successful event.

The charity was the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY and LIGHTSPEED flew me out to their Laguna Hills, California offices as auctioneer. We had about 150 people in attendence and we were able to raise over $15,000 for the charity.

It was a catered affair with great food, alcohol, music and "star gazing".

It was great to catch up with my good friend Wil Wheaton and to finally meet Cirroc Lofton who is a few inches taller than me!

Vaughn Armstrong is a great person and loves to play the ukelei which he played at his table during the signings.

After the first night of the event, 50 guests including a few TREK actors went to see STAR TREK:NEMESIS. The theater welcomed our group and held a small auction, raffle, and introductions before the movie. Theater employees were dressed as Starfleet personell and Klingons.

The event was a huge success and if you would like to attend next year's event, go to Lightspeeds homepage at http://www.lightspeedfineart.com/Openhouse.html

If you would like to see additional fotos, go to my web site at www.marcblee.com and go to the photo archive. Look for the CELEBRITY CHARITY AUCTION section and have fun!

Marc B. Lee  

My Webpage

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