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Farrell Faces 'Becker'-Free Future

Wed, Jun 12, 2002 01:06 PM PDT

by Jay Bobbin

LOS ANGELES (Zap2it.com) - If you're a co-star of a sitcom, kissing the title character can prove fatal to your series health.

That's the lesson learned by Terry Farrell, fired from her "Becker" role just after the Monday-night CBS comedy's season finale aired last month. Her character, diner owner Reggie, finally kissed cranky doctor Becker (Ted Danson) after he showed interest in a lively neighbor (Nancy Travis). It was left a cliffhanger at the time, but Farrell knows the outcome -- for her, anyway -- since she won't even be returning to wrap up that story line.

The firing came "completely" as a surprise, Farrell says. "I've been trying to adjust to the shock of it, quite honestly. It's hard not to take it a little personally, for someone to say, 'You did a great job, but we don't need you anymore.' Especially with the last three stories (when Reggie's feelings for Becker intensified), you could only think, 'This has to be a really bad joke. After 94 episodes, I don't understand.'"

Farrell adds, "I was originally told that the very last scene of the very last episode of 'Becker' would be Becker and Reggie going on their first date, but that was a long time ago. I learned from doing earlier series that so many things are beyond your control, you shouldn't waste time thinking or worrying about them. All you can do is to do your best job and hope people like it."

The notion of pairing Becker and Reggie romantically went through many fits and starts. "The first time I met with Ted," Farrell recalls, "[the producers']biggest concern was the chemistry. If you watch the pilot, you'll see that they wanted to play a romantic tension between the characters. Then they got concerned that it would be compared to Sam and Diane on 'Cheers,' so they backed way off. Every once in a while, you'd have an episode where you weren't quite sure what something that happened between Becker and Reggie meant."

Farrell claims her dismissal from "Becker" is unrelated to her not showing up -- along with the other supporting players -- when work on the series' fourth season began last summer over a contract dispute. "Thankfully, it had nothing to do with any of that."

Right now, the actress' life does have a couple of silver linings. The former model and "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" veteran has just gotten engaged to actor Brian Baker (currently featured in Sprint PCS commercials), and she stars as a high-school basketball coach in the July 15 Lifetime movie "Crossing the Line."

Farrell considers her time on "Becker" a growth experience that she hopes will pay off in future acting opportunities: "I was fortunate to have a group of writer-producers, including Dave Hackel and Andy Ackerman, who really let you feel you had permission to fail if you tried things. If something didn't work, it was no big deal. It was a team effort, and I got better and better at having confidence. It taught me a lot."

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also obwohl ich in der schönheitsumfrage für T'Pol gestimmt habe , hat es mir sehr leid getan das jadzia so aus DS9 ausgeschieden ist

einmal wegen jadzia selbst, denn sie war zweifellos einer der interessantesten und auch liebenswertesten charaktere in star trek, ich hasse es immer wenn die "guten" in filmen oder serien getötet werden. Ganz besonders wenn die "gute" in jadzias fall auch noch ne hübsche frau ist.

da kann ich nur sagen, das ich gul dukats ironisch/sarkatisch/cardarsianisch/fiese art ind weise eigentlich gemocht habe, bis er jadzia getötet hat, das war ein bischen zuviel des fiesen

zum zweiten tat es mir für worf sehr leid, das war ja schon die zweite frau die ihm irgend ein fiesling ermordet hat, als ob schon die entehrungen, das schicksal von kurn oder alexander, oder auch die ständige zerreisprobe zwischen den meschen und den klingonen zu stehen, nicht schon genug zugesetzt hätte.

ein bischen zuwiel pech für einen den einzgen so gradlinigen, ehrenhaften, vernünftigen und angenehmen klingonen im universum, oder?

und schlieslich tat es mir auch lied für ezri, oder besser für nicole deboer, die arme frau muste die direkte nachfolge und dait auch den vergleich für einen so beliebten charakter wie jadzia antreten, wobei sie wahrscheinlich schon von anfang an keine echte chance hatte, denn wie beverly crusher (in der tng folge  mit der alten lieben von picard und ihrem man dem temporalforscher) so schön sagte "mit einem geist aus der vergangenheit kann man (hier frau:-) ) nicht konkurieren

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