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Evil gets an Upgrade!



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I was instructed by Dirk to say something:

TERRY FARRELL will not be able to join us for FEDCON XI but will be able to join us for FEDCON XII.

As with any actor at any convention, it is BEYOND OUR CONTROL if an actor has to cancel an appearance.

In adddition, the British convention E-1 has had to cancel due to financial difficulties and poor management (we assume). Terry was scheduled for both events and her fee and airfare was to be shared by both FEDCON and E-1. Because of the untimely cancellation of E-1, Terry felt her contract was broken by E-1 thus making it "difficult" for her to attend FEDCON for this year. She WILL be at FEDCON XII and so will her understanding fans(we hope).

In the past weeks, the staff of FEDCON have been doing things behind the scenes many of you would never believe. This is a difficult industry, a complicated effort and a nightmarish routine we go through every year to secure the best possible celebrities our loyal fans would like to see and the best possible production only FEDCON can do. As with everything in life, nothing is written until the goods are "finally" delivered.

With Connor's cancellation, the war, my bad back and Florida being too damn hot, most of us are tired.

We at FEDCON apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused any of you and hope that you will still support us in the years to come. We never do anything "intentionally" to harm our friends.

On a brighter note, we are currently in negotiations to find a replacement for Terry and if things go well, you will be very happy at who "MAY" be taking Terry's place.

Stay tuned.....................  

P.S. I hope someone translates this to be re-posted. Thank you in advance.

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I am not quite sure to join FedCon because of the cancellation of Connor Trineer, but I accept it in these times. I think it is always a hard time for the people who are doing the best for the fans to organize such an event like the FedCon so many thanks to you and hope your back is feeling better now.

Best regards


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