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Archer in Season 3 er wird wohl tougher!!!


Polly in Rot


Polly in Blau



Optimismus Capatin Opt...


Travis . . .


. . . ist auch noich da!




mit anderen Makeup, seht euch die Augen an!


Charles "Trip" "wo ist meine Schwester" Tucker


der III ohne angekündigte neue Frisur?


Die Gang


Das ist bekannt ABER

Keine Fotos von dem "UBER BRITE" dem 007 der Minenentschärfung, dem Don Juan von San Francisco , und der Enterpfote!?!?

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Ja *zitter* es wird auch Zeit! *kanngarnichtdieausdehnungerwarten*

Braga spricht über Season 3

By Caillan

September 2, 2003 - 10:02 AM

See Also: 'The Xindi' Episode Guide

Enterprise's new Military Assualt Command Operations (MACO) team will not only beef up the ship's security forces but also provide the storytelling possibilities next season, executive producer Brannon Braga said recently.

"We want some new cool stuff on the ship," Braga said in the latest issue of Dreamwatch magazine (via Sci-Fi Pulse). "I've always thought our security forces on Star Trek looked a little lame ? these guys running around in Starfleet uniforms with little pistols. I always thought it was kind of goofy."

Apart from being bigger and badder than the regular security forces, the MACOs are newcomers to the crew and will likely butt heads with Enterprise's lead characters. "I think there's something interesting about having these soldiers on board. We can use them to highlight regular characters, because there's some inherent conflict to be had in it. Having them around will allow us to do some cool stuff on an action level, which will be evidenced in the first episode."

The MACOs will be played by a team of rotating guest actors, including Steven Culp (Major Hayes), Daniel Dae Kim (Corporal Chang) and Nathan Anderson (Sergeant Kemper). "These are not people we will see week after week and have to develop and highlight," Braga said. "That's not to say that one or two of them might not catch on, but they're here to service our regulars, not to supplant them."

Actor Daniel Dae Kim, who starred in Crusade and featured in Voyager's "Blink of an Eye", told Dreamwatch's Abbie Bernstein he's had a ball appearing on Enterprise this season. "There was an immediate bond on the set, so much so that one of the crew guys asked whether we'd all worked together before, and we'd just met that day. We already had nicknames for each other by the end of the first day and it's just a great bunch of guys."

The full interviews are available in issue 109 of Dreamwatch magazine, out now. Alternatively, excerpts can be found here and here at Sci-Fi Pulse.

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Die ENT-Security sieht blöd aus? Hab noch niemanden gehört der das jemals gesagt hat! (Gab allerdings ein paar andere Dinge die man ändern kann!)

Ein paar Worte von Corporal Chang?

Daniel Dae Kim: Talks About His Role As A MACO

Source Sci Fi Pulse

1 September 2003

By Ian M. Cullen

Among the many changes that have been put in place for the third season Story arc involving 'The Expanse' is the introduction of the MACO 'Military Assault And Command Operations' Commandos. To date Steven Culp and Daniel Dae Kim are the two most prominent actors to be cast. In the new issue of Dreamwatch Abbie Bernstein caught up with Daniel Dae Kim and asked him a few questions about his role in Enterprise.

Kim who is well known to genre fans for his roles in the failed Babylon 5 Spin off series Crusade and the role of Wolfram & Hart Lawyer Gavin Park is no stranger to the Star Trek franchise. In fact many fans may well remember his role as Gotana Retz in the episode 'Blink of an eye', his most recent guest appearance though was in an episode of 24. But it was his performance in Voyager that got him the role of MACO's Corporal Chang. As to what his character is like, the actors claims that he does not know much, but he has sure been busy getting to know the crew of the NX - 01. It is also been recently revealed that Corporal Chang will be one of the handful of recurring MACO characters throughout the new season.

"They haven't told me a lot yet about what's going on." Kim Said. "He's a Marine type who is sent to protect the Enterprise and its crew. I play part of a team called MACO - Military Assault Command Operations. So we're not part of the crew Par se, but we are on the ship and we're there to help out.

"So far, I've interacted with a lot with Hoshi, Linda Park's character, and Trip, Connor Trinneer's character, and Scott Bakula [Captain Archer], of course. We have a scene with [Dominic Keating's] Reed in the episode we're shooting now. I think we'll be interacting with everybody."

In regards to chemistry between the actors who have been chosen to portray the MACO solders Kim said that they all hit it off from the start.

"There was an immediate bond on the set, so much so that one of the crew guys asked whether we'd all worked together before, and we'd just met that day. We already had nicknames for each other by the end of the first day and it's just a great bunch of guys. I'd actually worked before with Steven Culp [who plays Major Hayes] - we did a TV movie of 'Murder She wrote' that was written by [Crusade creator] Joe Straczynski."

When asked about if he likes the Sci Fi Genre of not, Kim's answer was that he likes the genre but has a problem figuring out how he has ended up doing so many genre roles.

"I enjoy it. I have done a lot of things outside of Science Fiction, but there has been an almost disproportionate amount of that genre in my body of work. I don't know what to make of it. Maybe I'm a freak [Laughs]! I try to do the same level of quality for everything that I'm doing. I would really like to be in a position where I could go back and forth between stage, film and television, and just be involved in quality projects in each genre. I know it's a generic answer, but it's the truth.

"I'm happy to be back in space [laughs]. I got an e - mail from somebody the other day saying, 'Good to see you back in space!' And that phrase just sat with me for awhile."

As to the type of weapons that the MACO team will be utilising Kim was somewhat tight lipped but did leave a few hints.

"I don't think I'm allowed to go into specifics, but lots of rifles and guns - all sorts of neat toys."

You can read the full interview with Daniel Dae Kim where he talks about the difference's between his role on Enterprise and his role in Angel in the issue 109 of Dreamwatch magazine which is out now in all good newsagents.

P=roduktionsbericht zu Exile direkt von Startrek.com


Production Report: Going into "Exile"

Roxann Dawson directs a classic beauty-and-the-beast tale that puts Hoshi Sato in a relationship with a wretched-looking alien amidst a gothic setting.

"Exile" is the sixth episode of the season, written by co-producer Phyllis Strong. In the story, a powerful telepath named Tarquin makes contact with Hoshi and tells her he will help the NX-01 crew track down the Xindi. Enterprise finds Tarquin living alone on a planet ? having been exiled by his people because of his abilities (hence the title) ? and though he makes the humans uneasy, Hoshi urges Captain Archer to trust him. Archer puts his suspicions aside and agrees to Tarquin's assistance, but the price may indeed prove too high.

Tarquin is played by Maury Sterling, who has appeared in such movies as "Hart's War" and "Behind Enemy Lines," and such TV shows as Angel, JAG, CSI and Crossing Jordan. Sterling spent part of his shooting schedule looking like himself, for scenes where Tarquin appears to Hoshi telepathically in human form. The rest of the time, he bore the grotesque face of his character's true appearance in an elaborate prosthetic mask.

As she announced to fans at the Las Vegas Creation convention on August 2 (related story), Dawson returned to the Paramount lot shortly after that event to begin pre-production on this episode. She started shooting on Wednesday, August 20, the same day that "Impulse" finished up principal photography, and wrapped last Friday, in time for a well-deserved three-day Labor Day break for the cast and crew.

Everyone in every department deserves a great deal of credit for responding to the ramped-up production values this season on a truncated schedule ? given an early premiere date of September 10 ? but the construction crew in particular has worked virtually around the clock to create an array of unique and impressive sets. In this episode, they built a gothic yet futuristic abode for Tarquin, referred to in the production notes as "Alien Sanctuary," with stone and metal lattices, large copper-leaf doors and other architectural details, all painted to look fairly aged. The various "Sanctuary" sets included a Corridor, Tarquin's Chamber, Living Quarters and an Arboretum, plus an exterior portion of the "castle" and surrounding grounds. Set decorator Jim Mees filled the spaces with candles, exotic flowers, alien candelabra and other sci-fi/gothic-style artifacts.

Of course, this being a Hoshi episode, Linda Park is in the forefront of the drama and therefore had the most time in front of the camera among the cast.  But the other actors had plenty of scenes dealing with the ongoing travails of being in the Delphic Expanse. Some bizarre things happen in the Armory, on the Bridge, and in the Captain's Quarters, all of which will be enhanced with optical effects and sound effects in post-production. There were other scenes shot in the Command Center and in Shuttlepod One, among other standing sets, for another side of the plot where T'Pol's mathematics bring the crew closer to unveiling some of the secrets about the Expanse. As usual, Dan Curry and his visual effects team will bring a lot of these story points to life in breathtaking manner.

Dawson, of course, is most recognizable as the actress behind Star Trek: Voyager's B'Elanna Torres, but she has spent most of her time lately as a director. This is her sixth Enterprise episode, her last being the controversial "Bounty." That was also the latest credit for writer Strong, another Voyager veteran with many scripts from that show and this to her credit.

"Exile" is tentatively scheduled to air October 15 on UPN.

More information about "Exile" can be found at its preliminary Episode Detail page.

Please note: All production and story information is subject to change.

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Captain Archer wird in einer neuen "Enterprise"-Folge den Schock seines Lebens bekommen. Als er auf einer Enterprise aufwacht, die nicht ganz so ist, wie er sie kennt.

Quellen enthüllten heute gegenüber TrekToday die ersten Inhaltsinformationen zu "Twilight", der achten Episoden der dritten Staffel von "Enterprise". Die Folge spielt den Berichten zufolge sechs Monate in der Zukunft von "Enterprise".

Jonathan Archer schläft gerade als das Schiff plötzlich angegriffen wird. Er wacht auf und versucht die Brücke zu erreichen. Keine Antwort. Als die NX-01 noch einmal getroffen wird, versucht er sein Quartier zu verlassen, doch eine Wache der Sicherheit steht davor und erklärt, dass er sein Quartier nicht verlassen darf. Als Archer fragt wieso, antwortet ihm die Wache, dass er Befehle vom Captain der Enterprise hat.

Archer ist sprachlos doch ein weiterer Treffer an der Hülle des Schiffes bewirkt, dass die Wache den Boden unter den Füßen verliert, so dass der Captain aus seinem Quartier fliehen kann.

Jonathan Archer muss feststellen, dass sich die Enterprise stark verändert hat. Die Brücke ist schwer beschädigt und während Hoshi Sato und Malcolm Reed noch immer Mitglieder der Brückencrew sind, gibt es keine Spur von Mayweather. Und der kommandierende Offizier? Dürfen wir vorstellen - Sternenflotten Captain T'Pol...

Beachtet bitte, dass diese Details noch nicht von Paramount Pictures bestätigt wurden und deshalb als Gerücht anzusehen sind. Die Informationen basieren auf einem frühen Entwurf des Drehbuchs und einige Details könnten sich noch vor der Produktion der Episode ändern.

"Twilight" wird voraussichtlich im Oktober 2003 das erste mal in den USA ausgestrahlt werden.

Stammt von SF-Radio.de...

Und ich muss sagen, dass klingt wirklich spannend! Sternenflotten Captain T'Pol, da bin ich ja mal gespannt welches temporale paradoxum seine finger im spiel hat :D

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Starfleet Captain T'Pol? Nun das muß nicht das Mirror Universum sein, sondern auch einfach nur ein stinknormales Paralleluniversum! Moment, das passiert erst 6 Monate nach dem Archer zu Bett gegangen ist, wenn man Shockwave kennt dann ist das eine Zeitintervention alâ Daniels! Polly hat wohl Archer abgesetzt nach dem er in der Expanse einen Knacks bekommen hat, Leute in die Luftschleuse werden und langsam die Luft raus lassen . . . nein das ist nicht die feine Starfleet Art. Oh Mann Archer muss aufpassen, wenn Polly einmal auf der Brücke das Sagen hat dann bekommt er sein   Schiff nicht mehr zurück, Reed zum Beispiel dient sicher all zu gerne unter T'Pol!  :D   Und die Tatsache das Mayweather nicht mehr da ist läst sich durch die stark beschädigte Brücke erklären Travis wurde wohl in den Weltraum gesogen oder ist einer explodierenden Konsole zum Opfer gefallen!

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WOW seht mal was ich aufgegabelt habe . .  .


OOOHHHH Brother!


Blub Blub ?


Sie haben ja wirklich schlechte Zähne! Da hilf nur Bohren!


Ja wer fingert den da herum?


Beule am Kopf!


Und hier ein vulkanischer Paarungstanz?






Mutanten Archer findet Licht schööööööön!


OOOH Mann der Pod ist voll hoffentlich schaffen wirs . . .


Da bleibt Tucker der Mund offen stehen!

Als Bakula von verrücken Dingen sprach hat er nicht untertrieben!

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Twilight hört sich ja ziemlich spannend an =)

Ich möchte wirklich nicht den Miesepeter spielen=\,aber das was in jedem anderen Forum ausser hier kritisiert wird nämlich

mehr Action + mehr Sex=mehr Quote=weniger trek,scheint noch mehr der Fall zu werden als in Season 2.

Freue mich aber trotzdem auf Donnerstag=)

Und natürlich auf die heutige Deutsche Version von Shockwave=)

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Ich möchte wirklich nicht den Miesepeter spielen=\,aber das was in jedem anderen Forum ausser hier kritisiert wird nämlich

mehr Action + mehr Sex=mehr Quote=weniger trek,scheint noch mehr der Fall zu werden als in Season 2.

Naja du kannst ja Quasi das ganze Blabla um T´ Pols aufwendige Gewänder dazuzählen und davon gibts reichlich, *gg*!

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It's Official: UPN Puts the "STAR TREK" Back in ENTERPRISE





EFFECTIVE 9/10/03-9/15/04





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