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wie läuft das dann etwa so: "und nächste Folge erleben Sie: Kadett Brown schläft mit Kadett Black, wie verhält sich der NEbenbuhler Kadett Red...Admiral Yellow erwischt Kadett Green beim Kiffen und verpaßen sie nicht den Showdown zwischen Kadett Purple and Seargeant White und dem nausikaanischen Kadetten Murkgrumpfbrumpf" klingt ja sehr aufregend...


Ich sagte ja, "STAR TREK 90210" lässt grüssen!!! :0  :0  :0

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Naja, immerhin hat sich William Shatner auf einer Convention in den USA positiv über die Zukunft von "Enterprise" geäussert.

Er erwähnte ein Gespräch mit Leuten vom Set. Er und diese Leute sind zu 99% sicher, dass ENT eine 4.Staffel bekommen wird.

Ich hoffe ja mal, dass er damit recht haben wird.


"Star Trek - Sex in the Universe"

*grööööhl* Also näääääää!!! Und die Zuschauer sollen dann dazu wohl komische Schokosticks mampfen, wa???

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Mir gruselt es schon beim bloßen Gedanken an eine Wesley-zentrierte Geschichte........So eine Art "2064: Space and Beyond" im Star Trek-Gewand. Allerdings wenn die "neue" Serie das selbe Niveau hätte, würde mir selbst die Wesley-Zentrierung nicht viel ausmachen.

"Tod des Franchise" trifft das schon sehr gut. Aber im Ernst: Ich denke die Fans haben sich noch nicht wirklich mit der Frage auseinandergesetzt, was sein wird, wenn Star Trek die definitiv letzte Folge hinter sich hat...

Ich glaub da werden einige heutige "Fans" verzweifelt ihre Mülltonnen nach Enterprise-Memorabilia durchforsten... (War ja schließlich die letzte Star Trek-Serie...)

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"Star Trek - Sex in the Universe"
Die gibt es schon das ist nämlich TOS, und ENT als sein "Vorgänger"  . . . Tucker hatte wie Kirk, nun wirklich ein abwechslungreiches Sexleben.

Ich glaub da werden einige heutige "Fans" verzweifelt ihre Mülltonnen nach Enterprise-Memorabilia durchforsten...

Ja, die Basher werden plötzlich umdenken, Enterprise war doch nicht soo schlecht, tut uns leid, bringt B&B zurück . . .

Immerhin bring ENT dann eine würdigen Abgang, besser als VOYs Endgame!

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tar Trek: Enterprise' To Get 12-Ep Renewal

Author: Michael Hinman

Date: 03-30-2004

Source: SyFy Portal

UPN is not pulling the plug on "Star Trek: Enterprise" yet.

Two sources have told SyFy Portal that UPN has decided to give the Star Trek spinoff series an initial 12-episode commitment for a fourth season, which could be renewed to a full 24 episodes. The network cited steady ratings against healthy competition for the decision.

Star Trek has been a mainstay for UPN during its near 10-year existence, beginning with "Star Trek: Voyager" in 1995 through the current third season of "Enterprise." The fifth series, however, has struggled in the ratings over the last few years, but did see some minor improvement with the new Xindi arc that began this year.

Two things that have hurt "Enterprise" this season has been the continued strong success of "American Idol" on Fox as well as the moving of "Smallville" to the same timeslot on main competitor The WB. While "Enterprise" may not receive its full season order as in previous seasons, the move does show that the people at Paramount and UPN are confident they can still continue with "Enterprise."

It's unclear whether or not executive producers and co-creators Brannon Braga and Rick Berman will continue to helm the series, however. An announcement to the fate of "Enterprise" is expected within the next two weeks.

Please note that none of this has been confirmed by Paramount Television or UPN, so treat it as any other rumor would be treated.

Neues Gerücht vom SyFy Portal, 12 Episoden Order für die 4. Staffel aus der 24 werden können . . .

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Ich bin erschüttert was hier alles für Serien geschaut werden=)
Hoho, du weißt nicht welche Serien ich so gucke....da würden sich die Zehennägel bei dir umdrehen  :D

Vielleicht sollte man nicht so sehr die Teenies ansprechen, sondern mehr die anspruchsvollen weiblichen Zuschauer? Vielleicht eine neue Serie unter dem Titel: "Star Trek - Sex in the Universe"

Hm, ja warum nicht, wäre doch mal interessant mehr über das Sexleben aller bekannten Rassen im Universum zu hören....vor allem wie machen es die Cardassianer.....oder das hier

"und bei unserer nächsten Folge von Sex and the Federation: "Erleben sie die einmalige Verbindung zwischen einem Gorn und einem Mitglied der Föderation, einer wird es GEWISS nicht überleben"

Naja, immerhin hat sich William Shatner auf einer Convention in den USA positiv über die Zukunft von "Enterprise" geäussert.

Er erwähnte ein Gespräch mit Leuten vom Set. Er und diese Leute sind zu 99% sicher, dass ENT eine 4.Staffel bekommen wird.

Ich hoffe ja mal, dass er damit recht haben wird.

ja, hatte deshalb auch schon einige heißt Diskussionen mit Freunden aus Canada und den US of A....es scheint viel dran zu sein.....

Tod des Franchise" trifft das schon sehr gut. Aber im Ernst: Ich denke die Fans haben sich noch nicht wirklich mit der Frage auseinandergesetzt, was sein wird, wenn Star Trek die definitiv letzte Folge hinter sich hat...

hm, soweit würde ich nicht gehen....schließlich lebt das Franchise noch anderen Dingen, welche unter der Aufsicht von Paramount stehen....also wenn einige Zeit Ruhe einkehren würde, ok....aber Tod, dass glaube ich nicht.....ich denke das Leben wird auch ohne Star Trek weitergehen, doch es wird immer einen TEil meines Lebens umfassen....und nochmals, irgendwie wird Star Trek auch wieder andere Höhen erreichen, man sollte dem Franchise auch die Gelegenheit geben, sich neu zu definieren....ich fand es nie gut, das TNG und DS9 zu einer gewissen Zeit immer fast gleichzeitig liefen oder noch krasser DS9 und dann Voyager....da hat man sich übernommen...

Ja, die Basher werden plötzlich umdenken, Enterprise war doch nicht soo schlecht, tut uns leid, bringt B&B zurück . . .

Immerhin bring ENT dann eine würdigen Abgang, besser als VOYs Endgame!

ist es denn nicht immer so? Was gab es Nörgler bei Voyager, auch von diesen hört man in letzter Zeit immer weniger, selbst diese geben langsam und leise zu, die DVD, die es zu kaufen gibt, sind doch gut und die Folgen doch im Großen und GAnzen nicht so schlecht....war bei DS9 auch nicht anders, man hört ja nur noch von wirklichen ST Hassern Töne...ansonstens hat sich die Lage was DS9 betrifft auf STatus "Kult" eingependelt....wie alles bei Star Trek

Neues Gerücht vom SyFy Portal, 12 Episoden Order für die 4. Staffel aus der 24 werden können . . .

ja damit bin ich gestern abend auch vollgedröhnt worden...was soll ich davon halten....gut besser als gar nichts....aber irgendwie unlogisch, aber auch eines der besseren Gerüchte.......

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eported at TGL by Chris Howell

TGL has obtained details of the exciting story-arc which is currently being planned for Season 4 of Enterprise. Our Paramount source, who does not wish to be named, informs us that "the producers have been very pleased with the general response of the fans to this season?s Xindi storyline ? more importantly, UPN are also very pleased, and somewhat surprised ? that their audience is willing to accept an extended story-arc of this nature."

"While no guarantees have been given about the future of the show, the writing staff are working under the assumption that Season 4 is a go ? to that end, they?ve already mapped out the arc for next season, which hopefully will have the fans in more 'spasms of ecstasy'. As you can see from the details I've emailed to you, Season 4 contains some really exciting stuff and some relatively shocking surprises. This arc will be resolved almost entirely, and I underline the word almost."

Below are the episodes for Season 4 of Enterprise ? please note that episode descriptions and titles may be changed before the episodes are broadcast:

4.1 Grounded

Three months after their emotional return from the Delphic Expanse, Archer and his crew are puzzled by Starfleet?s orders to remain on Earth. With Starfleet activity confined to the Sol Sector and the launch of the Yorktown (NX-02) delayed, the Captain uncovers a shocking conspiracy to halt humanity?s exploration of the Final Frontier. Meanwhile, Phlox?s new aftershave has a surprising effect on the visiting Xindi peace delegation.

4.2 Play it Safe

Archer uncovers the truth about The Berman Directive, created by the Earth Senate, which orders all Starfleet vessels to remain in the Sol System for the foreseeable future to prevent further pre-emptive strikes from players in the Temporal Cold War. When the Captain is visited by Daniels and shown the future, horrific results of the Directive (a scorched Earth), Archer and his crew must risk their lives and careers to protect the timeline, and Trip must prepare for a date with a fellow Chief Engineer. Elsewhere, Phlox struggles to reverse the effects of his aftershave, which has made the visiting Xindi-Sloths intent on mating with him!

4.3 Renegades

Trip ? thanks to his seduction of Yorktown?s Chief Engineer, Commander Susan Moansalot - manages to sabotage the Yorktown?s new warp-drive, enabling Enterprise to escape from space dock un-pursued ? but NX-01?s journey to the co-ordinates supplied by Daniels doesn?t go to plan. Meanwhile, Trip attempts to mend his relationship with a furious T?Pol, and Reed breaks ship protocol by making a deal with a mysterious stranger in order to have a crate of fresh pineapples delivered onboard.

4.4 A Hole in the Ship, Part I: Sleeping Beauty

The crew is alarmed when T?Pol falls into a coma shortly after inspecting a mysterious crate full of Pineapples in Cargo Bay 2. With Phlox unable to create a cure for the dying Vulcan, Archer and Trip vow to find the ?Son of a Bitch? who allowed the pineapples to be brought onboard. Meanwhile, Mayweather?s frustration with his lack of lines and screen time grows.

4.5 A Hole in the Ship, Part II: Dude, Where?s my First Officer?

Enterprise returns T?Pol to the only people who can save her ? but upon entering orbit at Vulcan, the First Officer is beamed off the ship! A determined Archer goes to the surface to meet an old friend who claims to have information on the whereabouts of the missing Vulcan Vixen. Meanwhile, Trip asks Reed for help in tracking down the person responsible for bringing onboard the Trellium-X infected pineapples responsible for T?Pol?s condition.

4.6 Logical Verdict

Thanks to information supplied by Soval, Enterprise heads towards Andoria, and a confrontation with Commander Shran ? believed responsible for the adduction of T?Pol. But Archer?s bid to recover his missing officer is interrupted by an old friend. Meanwhile, T?Pol is interrogated by mysterious aliens, and is found guilty of her ?crimes?.

4.7 Blue Bruises

After a fierce battle with the Yorktown (now under the command of Admiral Forrest), Enterprise limps into Andorian space for repairs and an urgent meeting with Commander Shran, only to find the blue-skin?s ship disabled and the Commander and his crew close to death. Meanwhile, a mutant flesh-eating Zombie Tribble infiltrates Enterprise and attacks Hoshi while she?s in the shower, and Trip discovers the identity of the person responsible for the Trellium -X pineapple delivery, which led to T?Pol?s infection.

4.8 Talk to Me

Despite Trip?s use of the Airlock in his interrogation, Mayweather refuses to talk, leading the furious Engineer to conclude that the silent Helmsman wasn?t responsible for the delivery of the Trellium -X infected pineapples. A guilt-ridden Reed, unable to confess his crime to Trip, turns to drink to drown his sins. Meanwhile, Shran reveals the identity of his attackers to a disbelieving Archer, and Hoshi, recovering from the Mutant-Tribble attack, discovers a bomb in her quarters.

4.9 Pedal to the Metal

Enterprise heads to Vulcan at high warp, hoping to learn if the Vulcan attack on Shran?s ship is the opening volley in a new, Vulcan-Andorian conflict ? but when Enterprise finds a deserted ship with a surprising passenger, Archer ends up with more questions then answers. Meanwhile, Hoshi, whose top was destroyed during her escape from her exploding quarters, reports the attempts on her life to a drunken Reed ? without much success.

4.10 Liquid Lunch

A drunken Reed vomits all over Porthos; Questions the sexual orientation of his Captain, and wonders about the sanity of Enterprise?s Communication Officer - leaving Archer with no choice but to suspend the Brit from active duty. Meanwhile, the crew?s joy in the return of T?Pol evaporates after her visit to Sickbay, and Mayweather requests a favour from a player in the Temporal Cold War.

4.11 Broken Vulcan

The crew is stunned to learn that T?Pol?s mysterious captors have transformed her into a human! With the former Vulcan lost in the emotional turmoil, Trip volunteers to aid T?Pol?s attempts to assimilate herself into humanity. Meanwhile, Hoshi receives an encoded message about the numerous attempts on her life, and Reed hits the bottle again after learning the identity of Enterprise?s new security officer.

4.12 Rich, Young and Beautiful, Part I: Do you take Visa?

Hoshi travels to Orion Prime to meet Raijin (Nikita Ager) ? formerly a resource for the Xindi Council - now working for the Orion Syndicate. Raijin informs Hoshi that thanks to a recent death in the Sato family, she now owns 20% of all funds generated by the Syndicate ? making Hoshi a prime assassination target for the other Syndicate System Lords. Raijin offers to pledge her allegiance to Hoshi ? along with extra security personnel to protect the unprepared Communications Officer ? for a price. Back on Enterprise, MACO General Hayes (Steven Culp) eases into his position as Enterprise?s new Security Chief, and T?Pol, attempting to assimilate knowledge of human music, breaks ship protocol by downloading Starfleet?s entire collection of MP3?s via Earth?s Subspace P2P network.

4.12 Rich, Young and Beautiful, Part II: Bow Before Your Goddess!

After paying a security deposit to Raijin, Hoshi is quickly corrupted by the power and wealth that comes with being a Mafia-Style Princess, and she orders the Enterprise crew to attend her ascension ceremony, where she will be granted the position of Syndicate System Lord. A furious Archer travels to Orion Prime to remind the young Ensign of her responsibilities to Enterprise, but is he too late to stop Hoshi?s descent into the Dark Side? Meanwhile, Admiral Forrest, the Commander of the Yorktown, closes in on the source of the unauthorized P2P downloads, and T?Pol suffers visions of places, names, and people.

4.13 Mayweather Supreme!

Captain Travis Mayweather finishes production work on both Star Wars : Episode III and his new album, ?Don?t Talk, Just Kiss?, before disabling the attacking Yorktown by using the ?Mayweather Manoeuvre?. The Legendary Boomer then helps Reed overcome his addiction to drink, and discovers the location of an ancient sarcophagus which could change T?Pol back into a Vulcan. Meanwhile, Daniels visits Crewman Archer and tells him that someone has altered reality in a bid to get more screen time and lines.

4.14 Scanning for Forgiveness in All the Wrong Places

After locating the sarcophagus, the crew decide to leave the decision to use it up to T?Pol ? but the emotional, vision-infested human isn?t sure that she wants to return to being a Vulcan ? even if it means never learning the truth about her captors and their evil intentions. Elsewhere, after Reed is almost killed in an engineering accident, the injured Brit confesses to Trip that he was responsible for the arrival of the Trellium-X infected pineapples, but the Engineer isn?t ready to forgive his former friend. Meanwhile, Hoshi, consumed by the dark power of Syndicate System Lord status, orders her minions to arrange a meeting with the other System Lords.

4.15 Melds and Mergers

Restored back to her Vulcan self, T?Pol is still unable to process the visions in her mind ? leading Phlox to suggest a mind-meld with the Captain that could result in brain damage for both Archer and T?Pol. Elsewhere, Reed, after being humiliated by the arrival of General Hayes, makes plans to depart Enterprise and return home to Earth, and Hoshi?s summit meeting with the other System Lords goes off with a bang.

4.16 Movements of Fire and Logic

Deep in the mind-meld with his First Officer, Archer discovers the shocking truth about T?Pol?s illness; her trial; her crimes and the faces of her captors. Meanwhile, Raijin confesses to Hoshi that she was responsible for planting the bomb that killed the other System Lords ? the bomb that leaves Ms. Hoshi Sato as the supreme ruler of the Orion Syndicate.

4.17 In Soval's Shadow

Knowing now that Soval was responsible for Reed?s pineapple delivery; T?Pol?s ?return? to Vulcan; her trial and sentence; and the ?test? attack on Shran - Enterprise tracks Soval?s ship to a deserted alien colony ? unaware of the welcoming party that awaits them. Meanwhile, Raijin makes plans to eliminate Lord Hoshi and claim leadership of the Syndicate for herself.

4.18 MACOs in Motion

After losing 20 crewmembers to Soval?s army of Uber-Vulcans, Archer realises that there is no way that Enterprise alone can stop Soval and his army of fierce, passionate, pre-Logic Vulcan Warriors. With Reed AWOL, Archer orders Hayes to dispatch a squadron of Delta MACOs to a suspected Uber-Vulcan stronghold. Elsewhere, Raijin secures additional firepower for the coming conflict with Lord Hoshi when a Klingon Warrior approaches her with an offer of support.

4.19 MACOs at Rest

The Delta MACO squadron is delivered back to Enterprise ? in buckets. With Soval?s army of Uber-Vulcans growing larger each day and the Andorian Imperial Guard preparing to defend its home world from attack, Archer realises that time is running out to prevent a full scale war between Earth?s allies. But the Captain has bigger problems to worry about when Reed informs him that the Earth Senate is preparing to sentence Archer?s sister to prison, unless the Captain surrenders himself to The Yorktown. Meanwhile, Hoshi, seemingly distracted by FHM Magazine photo shoots, fails to notice the new alliance being born between Raijin and Duras.

4.20 Reed Between the Lines

Archer leaves Enterprise and travels to a remote planet to accept Reed?s offer of help to break his sister out of Starfleet custody ? realizing too late that its a trap! While Reed is given a reward for his loyalty to Starfleet, Archer is reunited with Admiral Forrest, who interrogates him on his loyalty to the Earth Senate. Meanwhile, Lord Hoshi has a surprise for Raijin.

4.21 Tricked, Duped, Hoodwinked, Part I: Our Miss Tucker

Raijin lives long enough to learn that Duras is working for Lord Hoshi, before the former sex-slave is killed for her treachery. But when Hoshi learns that Captain Archer has been captured ? again - she attempts to do one last favour for the man who took her into space. As the incarcerated Captain recovers from the toxic corned-beef sandwich given to him by Admiral Forrest, his crewmates on Enterprise saves Vega Colony from being obliterated by an Uber-Vulcan strike force. The crew celebrate their victory with the colonists during a party ? but hours after the ship leaves orbit, T?Pol discovers a stowaway onboard [special Guest Star: Keira Knightley], who claims to be the wife of Commander Tucker!

4.22 Tricked, Duped, Hoodwinked, Part II: You?re Welcome, Captain

Archer is amazed when he?s broken out of the Yorktown?s custody by, of all people - Duras ? now working for Lord Hoshi. On his return to Enterprise, T?Pol informs the Captain that Soval?s army of Uber-Vulcans needed Vulcan Blood to be raised from the depths of Hell ? her blood. While Archer makes plans to stop the evil Soval from unleashing the Uber-Vulcans onto an unsuspecting universe, the Captain is surprised at the arrival of an old friend. Elsewhere, Soval prepares his army for the coming conflict, and Admiral Reed ? the new Commander of Earth?s Royal Navy, makes an amazing discovery beneath the waves of the Indian Ocean.

4.23 Tricked, Duped, Hoodwinked, Part III: For our Children

Archer accepts Degra?s offer of help, and the newly arrived Xindi-Insectoid fleet joins forces with Enterprise, the Andorian Imperial Guard, and factions of the Vulcan High Command in order to launch a pre-emptive strike on Soval?s massive army of Uber-Vulcans. Meanwhile, Daniels attempts to make contact with Archer to inform him of a stunning revelation about Soval?s army before its too late, and Admiral Reed discovers an ancient and powerful temporal-weapon among the ruins of the lost Xindi-Aquatic city previously discovered under the waves.

4.24 And All My Federation Dreams, Torn Asunder [season Finale]

Soval is defeated, and the Uber-Vulcan threat has been eliminated ? but the sweet taste of victory quickly turns sour for Enterprise and her allies when Daniels informs Archer that the Uber-Vulcans were actually an Army of Light, created by Soval to fight in the coming ?Great War? against a powerful adversary. Desperate to restore the timeline and ensure the creation of ?The Federation?, Archer establishes an uneasy truce with the Hoshi-led Orion Syndicate to investigate the distant Cheron Expanse, unaware of the cloaked threat that awaits them. Meanwhile, Reed is horrified to learn that the Xindi-Aquatic temporal-weapon has been stolen by a long-forgotten Syndicate System Lord : Kirkubis.

Ahhh, Hah! Plot Details für die vierte Staffel auf TLG!



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Geben sich die Typen dort immer so viel Mühe mit den Gags?

Eigentlich dürfte die Entwicklung etwas anders laufen. ENT kriegt ja schließlich inzwischen richtige Comedy-Einlagen (Käse&Sprengstoff, Xindi&Schildkrötensuppe, ...). Vielleicht will man ja im Season Finale Bakula´s Auftritt in Frauenkleidern damals bei Quantum Leap toppen. *g*

BTW: Hat eigentlich schon mal jemand überlegt, dass der FG zu einer Splittergruppe der Sphere Builder gehören könnte, die gegen den aktuellen Kurs ist???

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BIn ich eigentlich der Einzige, der bei der 12-Folgen-Geschichte an Babylon 5 denken muss? Damals dachte man auch, dass es nicht weitergehen würde, wesbalb man alle wichtigen Handlungsstränge beendete. Als dann die Verlängerung doch zugesagt wurde, saß man plötzlich mit ein paar Resten da und mußte zusehen, dass man das Beste daraus machen konnte.

Falls also doch von 12 auf 24 Folgen aufgestockt würde, würde sich UPN selbst in die Sch..... reiten.

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