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Somalia, Philippinen, Iraq?


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Welchen "Massenmord" von Sharon meinst du eigentlich ?

So was wie in Dschenin ? Als die UNO von einem „Massaker“ sprach und jetzt doch eingestehen musste das es „doch kein Massaker“, sondern eine „normale“ Militäraktion war ?

(oops, man kann sich ja mal irren).  

Also wenn man sich nur etwas mit dem Thema befasst, sieht man , dass die Israelis immer gezielt gegen Terroristen vorgehen und versuchen die Verluste unter der Zivilbevölkerung niedrig zu halten (nicht so wie z.B. die Amerikaner). Die Selbstmordattentate der Palästinenser gehen aber ganz gezielt gegen die israelische Zivilbevölkerung.

Zudem ist Sharon ein gewählter Führer eines Landes, das sich gerade versucht selbst zu verteidigen. Ob einem die  Methoden gefallen ist Ansichtssache. Müssten die Amerikaner sich in diesem Maße selbstverteidigten würden die sicherlich zu anderen Mitteln greifen...

Arafat mit Sharon zu vergleichen halte ich für völlig unangebracht. Ich jedenfalls halte Sharons vorgehen für berechtigt und völlig angemessen.

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Ich mische mich mal auch in die bunte Diskussion ein:

So was wie in Dschenin ? Als die UNO von einem „Massaker“ sprach und jetzt doch eingestehen musste das es „doch kein Massaker“, sondern eine „normale“ Militäraktion war ?

Haben sie es je eingestanden? Eine Untersuchung hat erst stattgefunden, nachdem die israelische Regierung die Stadt unter Quarantäne gestellt und "aufgeräumt" hat.

dass die Israelis immer gezielt gegen Terroristen vorgehen und versuchen die Verluste unter der Zivilbevölkerung niedrig zu halten (nicht so wie z.B. die Amerikaner

Sie greifen meistens nicht direkt Zivilisten an, ich stimme da total zu, aber sie riskieren auch wissentlich ( wie eben beim Einmarsch in Djenin ) den Tod ebensolcher. Wir können dann nicht sagen, daß die eine Seite besser wäre, weil sie nur zufällige Kollaterralschäden verursacht.

Die israelische Regierung...versuchen die Verluste unter der Zivilbevölkerung niedrig zu halten...
Ich muß gerade daran denken, wie mein Vater 1967 miterlebt hat, wie Napalm-Bomben von der israelischen Luftwaffe in sein Wohngebiet abgeworfen worden sind. Soviel zur Vermeidung von Zivilschäden...

Die Selbstmordattentate der Palästinenser gehen aber ganz gezielt gegen die israelische Zivilbevölkerung.

Du hast recht, das ist absolut zu verurteilen.

Zudem ist Sharon ein gewählter Führer eines Landes...
Das ist keine Argumentationsbasis. Arafat ist auch irgendwann einmal gewählt worden, also ist macht das ihn zu einem Demokraten?

Welchen "Massenmord" von Sharon meinst du eigentlich?

Gut, nehmen wir einfach mal an, daß er in Dschenin kein Massaker verübt hat. Bleiben immer noch die beiden im libanesischen Bürgerkrieg, wo mindestens 2000 Menschen starben? Muss die Staatengemeinschaft ein solches Vergehen nicht ächten?

Die Frage, die sich stellt ist doch, ob man sich in einem anderen Land verteidigen kann? Darf Deutschland mit der Bundeswehr in Polen einfallen, um dort Polizeiaktionen durchzuführen? Natürlich darf sie es nicht, aber in dem dortigen Fall soll es nun etwas anderes sein?

Der Punkt, auf den ich hinauswill ist, daß ich die Argumentationsbais, Israel sei der einzige demokratische Staat in der Region, für unzulässig halte.


- ein demokratischer Staat hat fest definierte Grenzen, die sich nicht verändern. Genau wie bei China ( wo Taiwan auf deren Karten nicht existiert ) existiert keine offiziele israelische Grenze. Die Grenzen, die die Politk anstrebt und in deren Büchern angestrebt wird, ist eine andere, wie sie 1947 von der UNO festgelet worden war und wie sie heute sogar noch ist.

-Artikel  26 §1 unseres Grundgesetzes sagt:

"Handlungen, die geeignet sind und in der Absicht vorgenommen werden, das friedliche Zusammenleben der Völker zu stören, insbesondere die Führung eines Angriffskrieges vorzubereiten, sind verfassungswidrig. Sie sind unter Strafe zu stellen."

1967 griff Israel an und besetzte die Golanhöhen, obwohl ein demokratischer Staat nicht das Staatsgebiet einer anderen souveränen Nation besetzen darf.

Der erste Abschnitt macht auch deutlich, daß die Bauungen israelischer Siedlungen in palästinensichem Gebiet widerrechtlich sind.

- in einem demokratischen Staat darf jeder gewählt werden. Die Palästinenser, die aber unter israelischer Autorität leben sollen, dürfen nicht wählen und keine Abgeordneten aufstellen.

-unserer Grundgesetz verbietet auch, daß man nicht für etwas bestraft werden darf, was man nicht getan hat.

Durch die Deportation Angehöriger von Selbstmordattentätern verstößt der Staat Israel auch gegen diesen Punkt.

- die israelische Armee zensiert Berichte von Journalisten oder verwehrt ihnen sogar den Zutritt in bestimmte Gebiete.

Doch ein demokratischer Staat muß auch Pressefreiheit besitzen.

- ein demokratischer Staat besitzt auch keine Internierungslager.

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-zu Dschenin

Einer der UNO-Beobachter war ein Holländer, der seit 2 Jahren Propaganda gegen Israel macht. Den hätte ich auch nicht reingelassen.  

-zur Sache mit deinem Vater  

Und sie hatten den Luftangriff nicht voher angekündigt ? Trotzdem tut es mir leid.

- zu Sharon

Damit wollte ich nur betonen, dass er kein Diktator ist (weil er hier schon mit Hitler verglichen wurde).

- Polen

Polen gehört nicht zu Deutschland. Die palästinensischen Autonomiegebiete nicht, die sind israelisches Gebiet.  Der Vergleich passt also nicht.

- zu 1967

Als Ägypten im Mai 1967 erneut mit massivem Truppenaufmarsch im Sinai begann, die seit 1957 dort stationierten UN-Friedenstruppen zum Abzug aufforderte, die Straße von Tiran wieder sperrte und ein Militärbündnis mit Jordanien schloss und damit die Vereinbarungen, die nach dem Sinai-Feldzug von 1956 geschlossen worden waren, verletzt hatte, führte Israel am 5. Juni 1967 einen Präventivschlag gegen Ägypten im Süden aus.

Wer hat also diesen Konflikt wirklich begonnen ?

-zu den Grenzen Israels

Wieso soll Israel keine Grenzen habe. Die wurden doch 1947 von der UNO festgelegt (nicht von den Israelis ! ).

Also wenn man einen UNO-Beschluss nicht akzeptier, dann kann man gar nichts akzeptieren.

P.S. Du solltest moderne Geschichte oder Politik studieren, das scheint dir zu liegen :)

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Wieso soll Israel keine Grenzen habe. Die wurden doch 1947 von der UNO festgelegt (nicht von den Israelis ! ).

Also wenn man einen UNO-Beschluss nicht akzeptier, dann kann man gar nichts akzeptieren.

P.S. Du solltest moderne Geschichte oder Politik studieren, das scheint dir zu liegen  

Ich habe letzte ein Interview mit Shimon Peres gesehen, daß im Aussenministerium durchgeführt wurde und im Hintergrund war "quasi" eine Karte Israels, also die Umrisse zu sehen und dort gab es überhaupt keine palästinensischen Gebiete, sondern die gehörten alle zu Israel.

PS: habe ich auch vor! wenn alles glatt geht, würde ich gerne Politikwissenschaften studieren.

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Ich halte Schröders Haltung für richtig. Nur weil die USA unbedingt einen Krieg wollen (und sie wollen wirklich einen), muss da nicht jeder mitziehen.

Da der gute George sonst außenpolitisch nicht so die Leuchte ist und sich auch wirtschaftlich nicht gerade mit Ruhm bekleckert hat, muss er das tun, was er gut kann. Krieg. Die meisten Amis finden’s ganz toll. Der wird sicher wiedergewählt.

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Geht so. Im letzten Jahr ist die Unterstützung für Bush von 81 auf 67 Prozent gesunken, wegen seiner wirtschaftlichen Unfähigkeit und ich denke, die Zahl wird noch weiter sinken.

Laut USA Today ist die Unterstuetzung auf 62 % gesunken. Ob er wiedergewaehlt wird, von mir sicher nicht und ich habe auch meine Zweifel....

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Wenn es übrigens interessiert:

in den letzten zehn Jahren des wirtschaftlichen Boykotts sollen mehr als 120.000 irakische Bürger gestorben sein, da drigend benötigte Medikamente und medizinische Geräte, die auf dem Index stehen ( angeblich soll man aus dem PC-Chips Waffensysteme bauen können), nicht ins Land gekommen sind.

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Also wenn man sich nur etwas mit dem Thema befasst, sieht man , dass die Israelis immer gezielt gegen Terroristen vorgehen und versuchen die Verluste unter der Zivilbevölkerung niedrig zu halten (nicht so wie z.B. die Amerikaner

# Name Age Status Date Place Wound Who by Remarks

1 Bilal Afanih 26 Civilian 29/09/00 At Al Aqsa Gunshot Israeli army From Abu Dis / Jerusalem

2 Haitham Iskafi 45 Civilian 29/09/00 At Al Aqsa Gunshot Israeli army From Al Thuri / Jerusalem

3 Nizar Shwaiki 18 Civilian 29/09/00 At Al Aqsa Gunshot Israeli army From Silwan / Jerusalem

4 Usama Jada 23 Civilian 29/09/00 At Al Aqsa Gunshot Israeli army From Old City / Jerusalem

5 Yihya Faraj 17 Civilian 29/09/00 At Al Aqsa Gunshot Israeli army From Sharafat / Bethlehem

6 Mahmoud Anbara 20 Civilian 30/09/00 Nablus Gunshot Israeli army Jordanian nationality

7 Nizar Aida 16 Civilian 30/09/00 Dir Amar / Ramallah Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

8 Zakariya El Kilani 22 Civilian 30/09/00 Siris Gunshot Israeli army

9 Amjad Daragmi 22 Military paramedic 30/09/00 Nablus Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

10 Mahir Abeed 22 Civilian 30/09/00 Gaza Dum-dum bullet Israeli army Navy paramedic

11 Mohammad El Utla 25 security forces 30/09/00 Martyrs' Junction / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army National Security Forces

12 Mohammad El Dura 12 Civilian 30/09/00 Martyrs' Junction / Gaza Gunshot Israeli army Muhammed's death was filmed and he became an international symbol of the Palestinian cause. The IDF now claims that he was killed by Palestinians. It is important to remember that the IDF originally admitted its involvement.

13 Basam El Balbisi 45 Paramedic 30/09/00 Al Shujaiya / Gaza Gunshot Israeli army Died on duty

14 Mohammad Qalaq 23 security forces 30/09/00 Tulkarem refugee camp Gunshot Israeli army Navy paramedic

15 Khalid Bazian 14 Civilian 30/09/00 Nablus Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army

16 Iyad Khashashi 18 Civilian 30/09/00 Nablus Gunshot (bled to death) Israeli army Found dead on top of building near NSF checkpoint

17 Mohammad Jabareen 24 Civilian 01/10/00 Um Al Fahem Killed in a protest Israeli army

18 Mohammad Dawood 14 Civilian 01/10/00 Al Bireh Gunshot Israeli army

19 Salah El Faqih 25 security forces 01/10/00 Qatanah / Ramallah Gunshot Israeli army

20 Sami El Taramsi 20 Civilian 01/10/00 Radwan / Gaza Gunshot (liver) Israeli army

21 Imad El Anati 29 security forces 01/10/00 Al Amari refugee camp Gunshot Israeli army

22 Husam Bakheet 18 Civilian 01/10/00 Balata refugee camp Gunshot (head) Israeli army

23 Samer Tabanja 12 Civilian 01/10/00 Near Joseph's Tomb Helicopter machinegun bullet Israeli army From Nablus

24 Jihad El Aloul 22 Civilian 01/10/00 Nablus Gunshot Israeli army

25 Mustafa Ramadan 26 security forces 01/10/00 Nablus Machine gun (chest) Israeli army

26 Sara Hasan 1½ Civilian 01/10/00 Talfit / Nablus Gunshot (head) Settler(s) Shot at in father's car

27 Ahmad Jabareen 18 Civilian 02/10/00 Muawya Gunshot Israeli army

28 Rami Ghara 22 Civilian 02/10/00 Jeth Al Muthalah Gunshot Israeli army

29 Hatim El Najar 27 security forces 02/10/00 Jericho Dum-dum bullet in the lung Israeli army From Khan Younis

30 Mahmoud El Nabeeh 20 Civilian 02/10/00 Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

31 Salah Abu Qainas 20 security forces 02/10/00 Al Braij / Gaza Gunshot (heart) Israeli army General Intelligence Services

32 Ibraheem Barahmi 27 Civilian 02/10/00 Jericho Gunshot (head) Israeli army Jordanian

33 Wael Qatawi 14 Civilian 02/10/00 Near Joseph's Tomb Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Balata refugee camp

34 Ahmad Fayad (Mohammad El Masri) 25 security forces 02/10/00 Ramallah Gunshot Israeli army From Gaza

35 Imad Ghanayim 25 Civilian 02/10/00 Sakhneen Gunshot (head) Israeli army Clashes with Israeli police

36 Waleed Abu Salih 21 Civilian 02/10/00 Sakhneen Gunshot (heart) Israeli army Clashes with Israeli police

37 Ala Nasar 18 Civilian 02/10/00 Araba Al batuf Gunshot (left eye) Israeli army Clashes with Israeli police

38 Aseel Atli 26 Civilian 02/10/00 Araba Al Batuf Gunshot (neck) Israeli army Clashes with Israeli police

39 Iyad Lawabni 20 Civilian 02/10/00 Nazareth Gunshot (heart) Israeli army Clashes with Israeli police

40 Muhammad El Sajdi 17 Civilian 02/10/00 Aqbit Jabir / Jericho Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army

41 Muslih Abu Jarad 17 Civilian 02/10/00 Deir Al Balah Gunshot (head) Israeli army

42 Fahmi Abu Amuni 28 Civilian 03/10/00 Al Nseerat / Gaza LOA missile (head) Israeli army

43 Khadra Abu Salami 57 Civilian 03/10/00 Faqah / Jenin Tear gas suffocation Israeli army

44 Omar Abed 20 Civilian 03/10/00 Jabalya / Gaza Machine gun (head) Israeli army

45 Mohammad El Jama'ra 21 Civilian 03/10/00 Halhol / Hebron Gunshot (head) Israeli army

46 Ramiz Bushnaq 25 Civilian 03/10/00 Kufur Manda Israeli army

47 Ahmad El Nabrisi 21 Civilian 03/10/00 Askar Gunshot (head) Israeli army

48 Husam El Hamshari 16 Civilian 03/10/00 Tulkarem Gunshot (head) Special forces

49 Amar El Rifa'e 17 Civilian 03/10/00 Al Maghazi refugee camp Gunshot (head) Israeli army

50 Shareef Ashour 22 Civilian 03/10/00 Al Zaitoon / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army

51 Mohammad El Sarkhi 22 Civilian 04/10/00 Beitunya / Ramallah Gunshot Israeli army

52 Mahmoud El Imwasi 23 security forces 04/10/00 Beitunya / Ramallah Gunshot Israeli army

53 Ismail Shamlakh 27 Civilian 04/10/00 Al Rimal / Gaza Gunshot Israeli army

54 Ala El Barghouthi 24 Civilian 04/10/00 Al Bireh / Ramallah Gunshot (chest) Israeli army  

55 Muhanad Faris 24 Civilian 04/10/00 Deir Al Ghoson / Tulkarem Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

56 Mahmoud Masad 24 security forces 04/10/00 Tulkarem Machine gun (head) Israeli army From Burqeen / Jenin

57 Mohammed Abu Asi 9 Civilian 04/10/00 Martyrs' Junction / Gaza Gunshot (back) Israeli army From Khan Younis

58 Ayman El Luh 21 Civilian 04/10/00 Martyrs' Junction / Gaza Gunshot (back) Israeli army

59 Mohammad Khamaysa 18 Civilian 04/10/00 Kufur Kana Gunshot (back) Israeli army Died of wounds sustained previous day

60 Arafat Al Atrash 18 Civilian 04/10/00 Hebron Gunshot (head) Israeli army

61 Salami Ziadat 20 Civilian 05/10/00 Jericho Gunshot (right kidney) Israeli army Brain dead since 2/10/00

62 Mahmoud Isabaiti 26 Civilian 05/10/00 Martyrs' Junction / Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Hai Al Turkman

63 Mustafa Farrarja 22 security forces 05/10/00 Al Doha / Bethlehem Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

64 Marwan Shamlakh 23 Civilian 06/10/00 Martyrs' Junction / Gaza Gunshot (heart) Israeli army

65 Luay Al Maqeed 20 Civilian 06/10/00 Martyrs' Junction / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Jabalya refugee camp

66 Wajid Abu Awwad 21 Civilian 06/10/00 Martyrs' Junction / Gaza Gunshot (chest & abdomen) Israeli army From Khan Younis

67 Rashad Al Najar 22 Civilian 06/10/00 Martyrs' Junction / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Maghazi refugee camp

68 Salih Al Riyati 18 Civilian 06/10/00 Rafah Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 2/10/00

69 Majdi Al Mislmany 15 Civilian 06/10/00 Al Aqsa Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Beit Hanina

70 Mohammed Tamam 17 Civilian 06/10/00 Tulkarem Gunshot (heart) Israeli army

71 Dia'a Issa 19 Civilian 06/10/00 Road to Alun Moore settlement Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Salem / Nablus

72 Iyad Ishtaya 23 security forces 06/10/00 Near Joseph's Tomb Gunshot (back) Israeli army From Salem / Nablus

73 Zuhair Darabyi 24 Civilian 06/10/00 Jabalya / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army

74 Muhammad Awad 23 Civilian 07/10/00 Road to Alun Moore settlement Gunshot (waist) Israeli army From Nablus, wounded 6/10/00

75 Hisham Mukbil 43 Civilian 07/10/00 Martyrs' Junction / Gaza Machine gun Israeli army From Al Tufuh / Gaza

76 Fahid Abu Bakir 23 Civilian 08/10/00 Bedia / Salfit Gunshot (head & neck) Israeli army Died near his village

77 Abdul Hamid Ziq 18 Civilian 08/10/00 Al Mizra'a Al Sharkiya Gunshot (head) Israeli army Shot 4/10/00

78 Yusif Khalaf 17 Civilian 08/10/00 Al Braj / Gaza Gunshot Shot 2/10/00

79 Omar Ikawi 42 Civilian 08/10/00 Nazareth Gunshot (neck) Israeli police

80 Wisam Yazbik 26 Civilian 08/10/00 Nazareth Israeli army

81 Ali Swaidan 25 Civilian 09/10/00 Azoon / Qalqilya Gunshot (back of head) Israeli army Found dead in a field

82 Isam Hamed 39 Civilian 09/10/00 Near Pisgot settlement Under investigation Under investigation From Um Safa; arrested by Israeli security forcess then found dead; under investigation

83 Sami Swairki 17 Civilian 11/10/00 Tulkarem refugee camp Gunshot (waist & heart) Israeli army

84 Muhammed Buziyi 39 Civilian 11/10/00 Salfit Junction Run over Settler(s) From Kuful Haris

85 Karam Kanan 19 Civilian 11/10/00 Khan Younis west Gunshot (heart) Israeli army

86 Mahir Anis 22 Civilian 11/10/00 Jama'een entrance Gunshot (abdomen & thigh) Israeli army

87 Sami Abu Jazer 13 Civilian 11/10/00 Rafah / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Clinically dead since 11/10/00

88 Khaleel Bader 25 security forces 11/10/00 Ain Areek Junction Gunshot Israeli army crossfire

89 Mansour Ahmad 24 Civilian 13/10/00 Hebron Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army

90 Shadi El Wadi 21 Civilian 13/10/00 Al Fawar refugee camp Gunshot (head & chest) Israeli army Left to bleed to death

91 Ra'ed Hamouda 30 Civilian 15/10/00 Al Birah Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 10/10/00

92 Masbah Abu Atik 29 Civilian 16/10/00 Rafah Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Beit Lahia / Gaza

93 Mu'ayad Jarawish 13 Civilian 16/10/00 Near Bilal Ben Rabah mosque Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Aida refugee camp

94 Farid Nasasra 28 Civilian 17/10/00 Beit Fureek Gunshot (abdomen) Settler(s) While picking olives

95 Mohammed Dakhil 26 Civilian 17/10/00 Nablus Gunshot (neck) Israeli army

96 Nabil Abdul Khatir 42 Civilian 17/10/00 Erez crossing / Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

97 Ibrahim Al Ulami 25 Civilian 18/10/00 Beit Umar / Hebron Gunshot (head) Settler(s) Wounded 12/10/00

98 Musa Eid 54 security forces 18/10/00 Jabalya / Gaza Tear gas inhalation Israeli army Tear gas accentuated heart condition

99 Zahi Al Arda 35 Civilian 19/10/00 Askar refugee camp / Nablus Gunshot (chest) Settler(s)

100 Ala Bani Nimra 15 Civilian 20/10/00 Salfit - north checkpoint Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

Palestinians killed 20 October - 15 November 2000


# Name Age Status Date Place Wound Who by Remarks

101 Mohammed Adel 16 Civilian 20/10/00 South west Tulkarem Gunshot (chest & neck) Israeli army

102 Samer Al Awaisi 16 Civilian 20/10/00 Qalqilya southern entrance Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

103 Thaer Ma'ala 20 Civilian 20/10/00 North Al Bireh Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Amari refugee camp / Ramallah

104 Adnan Asa'ad 21 Civilian 20/10/00 Near Kufur Qaleel checkpoint Fragmenting bullet (head) Israeli army From Balat refugee camp

105 Nidal Al Ashkar 22 Civilian 20/10/00 Al Jalamih Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Jenin

106 Firas Zaid 26 Civilian 20/10/00 Near Kufur Qaleel checkpoint Machine gun (chest) Israeli army From Tubas

107 Amjad Abu Issa 32 Civilian 20/10/00 Near Kufur Qaleel checkpoint Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

108 Issa Fa'our 32 Civilian 20/10/00 Near Kufur Qaleel checkpoint Gunshot (heart) Israeli army From Balata refugee camp

109 Omar Al Bahisi 16 Civilian 21/10/00 Near Kfar Daroom Gunshot (heart) Israeli army From Deir Al Balah / Gaza

110 Fayez Al Kaimari 30 Civilian 21/10/00 Hebron Gunshot (head) Israeli army Shot while standing on sideline

111 Majid Hawamra 15 Civilian 21/10/00 North Al Bireh Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Samo'o / Hebron

112 Tariq Al Hantoli 22 Civilian 21/10/00 Silit Al Thaher / Jenin Gunshot (back) Israeli army

113 Wa'el Al Nasheet 13 Civilian 22/10/00 Erez crossing / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Jabalya refugee camp

114 Na'el Al Zama'ara 25 Civilian 22/10/00 Halhoul Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

115 Imad Al Hawamda 23 Civilian 22/10/00 Al Samo'o Gunshot (heart) Israeli army After funeral of Majid Hawamdi

116 Salah Najim 14 Civilian 22/10/00 Near Kfar Daroom Gunshot (heart) Israeli army From Al Maghazi

117 Ashraf Habayib 15 Civilian 23/10/00 Askar Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 16/10/00

118 Sa'ed Al Tanbour 17 Civilian 23/10/00 Nablus Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 20/10/00

119 Nada Sruji 53 Civilian 23/10/00 Al Taybeh checkpoint, west Tulkarem Heart attack Israeli army Chased by Israeli police

120 Abdul Aziz Abu Snaineh 55 Civilian 23/10/00 Hebron House hit by tank shells Israeli army Four children wounded in attack

121 Iyad Sha'th 13 Civilian 24/10/00 Khan Younis / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 21/10/00

122 Nidal Idbaiki 16 Civilian 24/10/00 Erez crossing / Gaza Fragmenting bullet (abdomen) Israeli army From Har Al Daraj / Gaza

123 Nimir Mar'ee 22 Civilian 24/10/00 Al Jalamih Fragmenting bullet (chest) Israeli army From Kfur Dan / Jenin

124 Ala Jawabra 14 Civilian 25/10/00 Al Aroub Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 6/10/00

125 Ahmad Qasim 25 Civilian 27/10/00 Tulkarem Machine gun (chest) Israeli army

126 Basher Shalwi 15 Civilian 27/10/00 Qalqilya Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army Deaf

127 Ghassan Awaysa 26 Civilian 27/10/00 Al Bireh / Ramallah Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

128 Jabber Al Mishal 23 Civilian 27/10/00 Erez crossing / Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Al Shati' refugee camp

129 Husni Al Najar 16 Civilian 29/10/00 Rafah Gunshot (head) Israeli army

130 Bilal Salahat 22 Civilian 29/10/00 Yabad / Jenin Gunshot (head) Israeli army

131 Hilal Salahat 18 Civilian 29/10/00 Yabad / Jenin Gunshot (head) Israeli army

132 Fadi Al Dabaia 22 Civilian 29/10/00 Jenin refugee camp Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 26/10/00

133 Shadi Al Shuli 22 Civilian 29/10/00 Nablus - Jerusalem road Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Aseera Al Shamaliya

134 Samer Aleewa 31 Civilian 29/10/00 Al Mintar crossing / Gaza Gunshot (chest & abdomen) Israeli army

135 Ismat Al Sabir 34 Civilian 29/10/00 Nablus - Jerusalem road Gunshot (heart) Israeli army

136 Shadi Auda 16 Civilian 31/10/00 Al Mintar crossing / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Zeitun / Gaza

137 Hazim Abu Daf 22 Civilian 31/10/00 Al Mintar crossing / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Zeitun / Gaza

138 Mohammed Halas 23 Civilian 31/10/00 Al Mintar crossing / Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Al Shaje'eia / Gaza

139 Tha'er Al Zaid 17 Civilian 31/10/00 Al Bireh / Ramallah Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army From Al Jalazone refugee camp

140 Mahmoud Abu Al Khair 20 Civilian 31/10/00 Al Mintar crossing / Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Al Shaje'eia / Gaza

141 Ahmad Abu Tayih 14 Civilian 01/11/00 Al Mintar crossing / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Shati'e / Gaza

142 Mohammed Al Hajaj 15 Civilian 01/11/00 Al Mintar crossing / Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Shaje'eia / Gaza

143 Mohammed Al Hroub 27 security forces 01/11/00 Deir Samit / Dura Gunshot (chest) Israeli army National Security Forces barrier

144 Wael Shu'aeb Ghneim 27 Civilian 01/11/00 Al Khader Large calibre helicopter bullet (chest) Israeli army

145 Ibrahim Riziq Umar 15 Civilian 01/11/00 Al Mintar crossing / Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Shati refugee camp

147 Marwan Assaf 21 Civilian 01/11/00 Al Kahder / Bethlehem Gunshot Israeli army From Wadi village

147 Adli Abeid 21 Civilian 02/11/00 Al Mintar crossing Gunshot Israeli army From Al Shati' refugee camp / Gaza. Wounded 31/10/00

148 Khaled Rezaq 17 Civilian 02/11/00 Hizma / Ramallah Gunshot (chest & stomach) Israeli army

149 Yazan Muhammed Issa Halika 15 Civilian 03/11/00 Al Khader Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Khader village

150 Mahmoud Isa'eed 19 Civilian 03/11/00 Hizma Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Gaza, lived in Tulkarem refugee camp. Bullet entered left side of body & exited right side

151 Rami Mtawi'e 15 Civilian 03/11/00 Hizma Gunshot (waist) Israeli army At Hizma

152 Nahid Al Luh 21 Civilian 03/11/00 Tulkarem Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Dir Al Balah

153 Mahir Al Sa'edi 16 Civilian 05/11/00 Al Braij Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Braij

154 Marwan Al Ghamri 27 Civilian 05/11/00 Al Mintar crossing Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Shajai'ya

155 Mohammad Al Jazar 17 Civilian 06/11/00 Rafah Gunshot (head) Israeli army Died in Morocco of wounds sustained 28/10/00.

156 Wajdi Hatab 15 Civilian 06/11/00 Khadouri area Gunshot (heart) Israeli army From Tulkarem

157 Mohammad Al Ta'ban 17 Civilian 06/11/00 Kfar Daroam crossing Gunshot (back) Israeli army From Deir el Balah

158 Abdullah Amarni 24 Civilian 07/11/00 Al Doha, Bethlehem Gunshot (heart) Israeli army From Bethlehem

159 Ahmad Al Khafsh 7 Civilian 07/11/00 Salfit Run over Settlers On road leading to settlement

160 Said Abu Fitla 24 Civilian 07/11/00 Rafah Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army Wounded on 3/11/00

161 Ibrahim Al Qasas 16 Civilian 08/11/00 Al Doha, Bethlehem Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded on 3/11/00

162 Faris Auda 14 Civilian 08/11/00 Al Mintar crossing Gunshot (waist) Israeli army From Al Zeitunya, Gaza

163 Muhammed Mahani 24 Civilian 08/11/00 Gaza Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army From Al Shajai'ya, Gaza; wounded on 7/11/00

164 Muhammed Abu Ghali 16 Civilian 08/11/00 Al Tufah checkpoint, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Khan Younis, Gaza

165 Ra'ed Dawood 14 Civilian 08/11/00 Haris village Gunshot (waist) Israeli army From Haris, Salfit

166 Khalil Abu Said 18 Civilian 08/11/00 Al Mintar crossing Gunshot (heart) Israeli army From Jabalya, Gaza

167 Hussein Ibyat 37 Civilian 09/11/00 Beit Sahour, Bethlehem Gunshot (heart) Israeli army Assassinated in targeted helicopter missile attack

168 Aziza Mahmoud Danoun Jubran 58 Civilian 09/11/00 Beit Sahour, Bethlehem Caught in explosion Israeli army Housewife, died in assassination of Hussein Ibyat (167)

169 Rahma Rasheed Shaheen Hindi 54 Civilian 09/11/00 Beit Sahour, Bethlehem Caught in explosion Israeli army Housewife, died in assassination of Hussein Ibyat (167)

170 Muhammed Sharab 18 Civilian 09/11/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (heart) Israeli army At the funeral of Abu Ghali (164)

171 Usama Azouqa 15 Civilian 10/11/00 Jenin Gunshot (head & chest) Israeli army At Al Jalamih checkpoint

172 Iyad Fahamawi 25 Civilian 10/11/00 Jenin Fragmenting bullet (head) Israeli army At Al Jalamih checkpoint

173 Ali Mohammed Hamed 23 Civilian 10/11/00 Beit Hanoun crossing, Gaza Gunshot (face) Israeli army From Jabalya refugee camp

174 Usama Al Jirjawi 17 Civilian 10/11/00 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

175 Raed Al Muhtasab 22 Civilian 10/11/00 Hebron Machine gun (back) Israeli army Sitting in a car in Area A during shelling of Hebron

176 Hani Marzouk 37 Civilian 11/11/00 Jenin Gunshot (neck) Israeli army Clinically dead since 10/11. His wife is the sister of twins killed Oct 29.

177 Musa Al Dibis 14 Civilian 11/11/00 Beit Hanoun crossing, Gaza Gunshot (heart) Israeli army From Jabalya refugee camp. Killed in a car by Israeli security forcess.

178 Munzer Yassin 25 Civilian 11/11/00 Near Gush Katif settlement, Gaza Explosives Israeli army From Shati refugee camp. Explosives fired at car by Israeli security forcess.

179 Muhammed Al Madhun 25 Civilian 11/11/00 Near Gush Katif settlement, Gaza Explosives Israeli army From Shati refugee camp. Explosives fired at car by Israeli security forcess.

180 Munib Abu Munshar 18 Civilian 11/11/00 Hebron Gunshot (chest) Israeli army While unloading a van.

181 Ayman Wadi 19 Civilian 11/11/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 9/11/00.

182 Usama Al Bawab 28 Civilian 11/11/00 Al Bireh, Ramallah Artillery explosives, head. Israeli army During night-time shelling of residential area in Al Bireh.

183 Majid Radwan 32 Civilian 12/11/00 Al Bireh, Ramallah Artillery explosives, head. Israeli army During night-time shelling of residential area in Al Bireh.

184 Mahmoud Naji Abu Naji 15 Civilian 12/11/00 Beit Hanoun crossing, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Sheikh Radwan, Gaza.

185 Ahmad Hassan Dahlan 18 Civilian 13/11/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Strip Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 11/11/00.

186 Muhammad Nasser Al Tawil 18 Civilian 13/11/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Killed by sniper fire from 150m distance.

187 Yahya Nayef Abu Shamalah 17 Civilian 13/11/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (heart) Israeli army Killed by sniper fire from 150m distance.

188 Tawfiq Al Ja'idi 32 security forces 13/11/00 Qalqilya Gunshot (3 bullets in the face) Israeli army

189 Sabir Ibrash 15 Civilian 14/11/00 Northern Al Bireh Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Al Am'ari refugee camp.

190 Muhammed Al Ijla 13 Civilian 14/11/00 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army

191 Ra'ed Shaqfa 23 Civilian 14/11/00 Al Tufah crossing, Gaza Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army From Khan Younis, Gaza.

192 Mustafa Alyan 50 Civilian 14/11/00 Nablus Stoned to death. Settlers From Askar reugee camp.

193 Ahmad Basal 17 Civilian 15/11/00 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (back) Israeli army

194 Fathi Salem 18 Civilian 15/11/00 West Tulkarem Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

195 Samir Khader 29 security forces 15/11/00 West Tulkarem Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Kufr Ruman, Tulkarem.

196 Jadou'a Abu Al Kibash 16 Civilian 15/11/00 Al Samou'a, Hebron Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army

197 Abdul Hafeth Ghrouf 20 Civilian 15/11/00 South Jericho Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Aqbat Jabir, Jericho.

198 Ahmad Sha'ban 20 Civilian 15/11/00 Al jalami checkpoint Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army

199 Nasir Al Sharafi 18 Civilian 15/11/00 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army

200 Ibrahim Al Je'aidi 15 Civilian 15/11/00 South Qalqilya Fragmenting bullets in lung and kidney Israeli army

* Dr Harry Fisher 55 Civilian 15/11/00 South Jericho Hit by artillery shell Israeli army German doctor killed providing emergency medical help during Israeli shelling of Beit Jala.

* Not only Palestinians fall victim to the bombing; this German man died while helping people in need of medical attention due to the Israeli army's worryingly frequent refusal to allow abulances through checkpoints. Married to a Palestinian woman, he had lived in Beit Jala for many years. He was a loved and much respected member of the community.

201 Jihad Abu Shahmi 13 Civilian 15/11/00 Al Tufah checkpoint, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Khan Younis, Gaza.

202 Samir Al Khadur 18 Civilian 16/11/00 Al Fawar refugee camp Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Al Fawar

203 Yusuf Abu Awad 24 Civilian 16/11/00 Beit Umar Gunshot (head) Israeli army Shot while driving car

204 Khalid Salami 35 Security forces 17/11/00 Jericho Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Shot while on patrol

205 Haseed Qarawan 45 Security forces 17/11/00 Jericho Gunshot (repeated) Israeli army Shot while on patrol

206 Mahmoud Samour 38 Civilian 17/11/00 Qalqilya Gunshot (heart) Israeli army Jordanian

207 Muhammed Abu Rayan 16 Civilian 17/11/00 Bypass road #60 Gunshot (face) Israeli army From Halhoul

208 Rami Yassin 18 Civilian 17/11/00 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (heart) Israeli army

209 Hamza Abu Shkaidem 28 Civilian 17/11/00 Hebron Gunshot (liver) Israeli army

210 Baha'a Said 30 Security forces 18/11/00 Near Kufr Daroum settlement Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Maghazi refugee camp, Gaza.

211 Abdul Rahman Al Dahshan 14 Civilian 19/11/00 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Al Zeitoon, Gaza.

212 Rafat Judi 22 Civilian 19/11/00 Zawata, Nablus Gunshot (neck & back) Israeli army From Zawata

213 Jabir Al Kitati 59 Civilian 20/11/00 Rafah, Gaza Teargas inhalation Israeli army

214 Ibrahim Othman 17 Civilian 20/11/00 Tel Al Sultan crossing, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Rafah, Gaza.

215 Abdullah Al Farah 23 Civilian 20/11/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army

216 Hamad Al Samiri 27 Civilian 21/11/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army

217 Muhammad Masad 25 Civilian 21/11/00 Al Jalami checkpoint, Jenin Gunshot (heart) Israeli army His brother was killed on 4/10/00

218 Yasir Nabtiti 16 Civilian 21/11/00 Tulkarem Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Resident Saudi Arabia, died while visiting relatives

219 Mohammed Abu Samra 32 Civilian 21/11/00 Dair Al Balah Gunshot (head) Israeli army

220 Hussein Barad'iyi 39 Civilian 21/11/00 Sureef, Hebron Gunshot (face) Israeli army

221 Jamal Abdul Raziq 30 Fatah party leader 22/11/00 Rafah, Gaza Shell fired at his car from a tank Israeli army Targeted assassination See LAW Press release

222 Awni Ith'hair 37 Civilian 22/11/00 Rafah, Gaza Shell fired at his car from a tank Israeli army In the car behind that of Raziq (see 221) See related article by Amira Hass

223 Khalil Al Sha'ir 35 Civilian 22/11/00 Rafah, Gaza Shell fired at his car from a tank Israeli army In the car behind that of Raziq (see 221)

224 Na'el Al Lidawi 25 Civilian 22/11/00 Rafah, Gaza Shell fired at his car from a tank Israeli army In the car behind that of Raziq (see 221)

225 Najib Qishta 47 Civilian 22/11/00 Rafah, Gaza Tank shelling Israeli army Tanks shell hit his head as he stood beside his house

226 Ibrahim Elmkanen 16 Civilian 22/11/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounds incurred 20/11/00

227 Maram Hasuna 3 Civilian 23/11/00 Ramallah Teargas inhalation Israeli army Little girl died of teargas inhalation

228 Ibrahim Bani Odeh 34 Civilian 23/11/00 Nablus town centre Helicopter missile attack Israeli army Targeted assassination. Bani Odeh had been released from political imprisonment in Juneid prison on 22/11/00

229 Firas Abu Hitab 25 Civilian 23/11/00 Jenin Gunshot (abdomen) Settlers Shot in front of his house.

230 Ghassan Maged Qaran 20 Civilian 24/11/00 Checkpoint south of Qalqilya Gunshot (heart) Israeli army

231 Aysar Hammoudeh Hassis 15 Civilian 24/11/00 Jenin Gunshot (left eye) Israeli army Bullet exploded in his head; died in ambulance on the way to Nablus.

232 Nahid Amer 26 Civilian 24/11/00 Kufr Qaleel Bombing Israeli army Helicopter bomb attack

233 Sami Amer 32 Civilian 24/11/00 Kufr Qaleel Bombing Israeli army Brother of Nahid Amer (232)

234 Majdi Abed 15 Civilian 24/11/00 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Shuja'iya in Gaza. Wounded 17/11/00.

235 Ziyad Abu Jazar 22 Civilian 24/11/00 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (chest, arms, leg) Israeli army Shot from distance of 150m.

236 Fuad Dweikat 25 Civilian 25/11/00 Kufr Qaleel Gunshot (back) Israeli army From Balata refugee camp.

237 Amjad Abadi 21 Civilian 25/11/00 Jenin Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army Shot at close range.

238 Abdul Munim Iz Al Deen 17 Civilian 25/11/00 Araba, Jenin Gunshot (head) Israeli army

239 Tayseer Abu Al Araj 18 Civilian 25/11/00 Khan Younis Hit by a tank shell Israeli army Killed while at work.

240 Asad Al Shaghnubi 22 Civilian 26/11/00 Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded on 21/11/00.

241 Zakaria Al Khur 18 Civilian 26/11/00 Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded on 21/11/00.

242 Qusei Zahran 22 Civilian 26/11/00 Southeast Qalqilya 6 bullet wounds Israeli army see LAW press release

243 Mohammed Al Adil 28 Civilian 26/11/00 Southeast Qalqilya 7 bullet wounds Israeli army (see 242)

244 Mahdi Jaber 17 Civilian 26/11/00 Southeast Qalqilya 6 bullet wounds Israeli army (see 242)

245 Ziyad Silmi 19 Civilian 26/11/00 Southeast Qalqilya 11 bullet wounds Israeli army (see 242)

246 Muhammed Idwan 20 Civilian 26/11/00 Southeast Qalqilya 4 bullet wounds Israeli army (see 242)

247 Waleed Al Ja'afri 32 Civilian 27/11/00 Hebron Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Wounded on 2/10/00.

248 Inrahim Kahla 24 Civilian 28/11/00 Ramon, Ramallah teargas inhalation Israeli army During an attack on his village.

249 Karam Al Kurd 14 Civilian 28/11/00 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded on 23/11/00.

250 Imad Al Dayi 19 Civilian 28/11/00 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army

251 Ashraf Al Bsus 19 Civilian 29/11/00 Gaza Gunshot (chest & neck) Israeli army Wounded 19/11/00

252 Mohammed Al Mash'harawi 14 Civilian 29/11/00 Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 26/11/00. Left a letter for his mother before he died

253 Shadi Iz'oul 14 Civilian 30/11/00 Route 60, Bethlehem Run over by settler Settler(s) From Husan, Bethlehem.

254 Waleed Al Badan 17 Civilian 30/11/00 Takoa, Bethlehem Gunshot (heart) Israeli army While at school close to a settlement.

255 Ismail Abu Al Russ 20 Civilian 30/11/00 Al Braij refugee camp Gunshot (head) Israeli army

256 Mohammed Al Arja 12 Civilian 01/12/00 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (neck) Israeli army Shot by a sniper while playing in front of his house.

257 Hamza Al Hasis 27 Civilian 01/12/00 Al Samoa, Hebron Explosive bullets in chest Israeli army Clashes at southern entrance to Al Samoa.

258 Yaseen Shihada 23 Civilian 01/12/00 Qalandya refugee camp Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army Clashes in Qalandya.

259 Shihada Al Jafari 27 Civilian 02/12/00 Beitunya, Ramallah Gunshot (neck) Israeli army Killed by sniper while working on a building site.

260 Abdul Kadir Abu Katan 22 Civilian 05/12/00 Western Al Khadir Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army From Dhaisha, Bethlehem.

261 Ramzi Bayatni 15 Civilian 05/12/00 Near the City Inn Hotel Gunshot (right eye) Israeli army From Abu Kash, Ramallah.

262 Zuhair Al Hatab 18 Civilian 07/12/00 Gaza Shell schrapnel wounds Israeli army Wounded on 20/11/00.

263 Mohammed Abu Asi 27 Civilian 07/12/00 Gaza Israeli army Died while trying to stab an Israeli

264 Mohanned Abu Shaduf 31 NSF 08/12/00 Jenin Shell schrapnel wounds Israeli army Surprise IDF bombing of NSF outpost (press release)

265 Ziad Sbaih 34 NSF 08/12/00 Jenin Shell schrapnel wounds Israeli army Surprise IDF bombing of NSF outpost (press release)

266 Ala Abu Jabir 17 NSF 08/12/00 Jenin Shell schrapnel wounds Israeli army Surprise IDF bombing of NSF outpost (press release)

267 Mahmoud Yihya 17 NSF 08/12/00 Jenin Shell schrapnel wounds Israeli army Surprise IDF bombing of NSF outpost (press release)

268 Mahmoud Talib 21 Civilian 08/12/00 Jenin Shell schrapnel wounds Israeli army Surprise IDF bombing of NSF outpost; Mahnmoud was a student who happened to be walking past (press release)

269 Amar Al Mashni 16 Civilian 08/12/00 Jerusalem Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Beit Aur Al Tihta

270 Mu'taz Tailakh 16 Civilian 08/12/00 Near Rachel's Tomb Gunshot (head) Israeli army From Al Dheisheh refugee camp

271 Mohammed Al Hamaydi 12 Civilian 09/12/00 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 5/12/00

272 Muhammed Al Mughrebi 24 Civilian 10/12/00 Bethlehem Gunshot (head) Special forces Targeted assassination (see press release)

273 Hikmat Hanani 20 Civilian 10/12/00 Beit Furik Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Died in clashes

274 Ahmad Al Qawasmi 15 Civilian 11/12/00 Hebron Gunshot (head) Israeli army Shot in the head at point-blank range (see press release)

275 Anwar Al Hamran 28 Civilian 11/12/00 Mount Gerzim, Jenin Multiple gunshot wounds (19 times) Israeli army Used to be Islamic Jihad activist; targeted assassination

276 Yusif Abu Sway 28 Civilian 12/12/00 El Khader Multiple machinegun wounds Israeli army Targeted assassination; killed while standing in front of his house

277 Mahdi Akila 27 NSF 13/12/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (stomach) Israeli army Israeli army illegally entered Khan Younis (Area A)

278 Muhammed Abu Al Illa 26 NSF 13/12/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Israeli army illegally entered Khan Younis (Area A)

279 Ahmad Imtair 30 NSF 13/12/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (back of the head) Israeli army Israeli army illegally entered Khan Younis (Area A)

280 Jabir Al Sabi'a 25 NSF 13/12/00 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Israeli army illegally entered Khan Younis (Area A)

281 Abas Al Awiwi 26 Civilian 13/12/00 Hebron Gunshot (3 times in the head) Israeli army Targeted assassination

282 Hani Abu Bukra 32 Civilian 14/12/00 Rafah Gunshot (head) Israeli army Targeted assassination

283 Abdul Muain Ibrahim 24 Civilian 14/12/00 Nablus Gunshot (head, back and chest) Israeli army

284 Muhammed Nuri 24 Civilian 14/12/00 Nablus Gunshot (head, back and chest) Israeli army

285 Said Al Kharouf 24 Civilian 14/12/00 Nablus Gunshot (legs and arms) Israeli army

286 Nihad Hantash 24 NSF 15/12/00 Baqit Al Hatab Israeli army

287 Nur Abu Madi 22 Civilian 15/12/00 Gaza Israeli army

288 Mohammed Dahood 20 Civilian 15/12/00 Haris Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

289 Mohammed Ma'ali 67 Civilian 16/12/00 Jenin Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Wounded 15-12-00 (see LAW press release)

290 Iyad Dahood 27 Civilian 17/12/00 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

291 Ahmad Al Kasas 38 Civilian 17/12/00 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (stomach) Israeli army

292 Muhammed Shalash 18 Civilian 17/12/00 Ramallah Gunshot (head) Settler(s)

293 Abdul Mu'ti el Sabawi 57 NSF 18/12/00 Gaza Explosion Israeli army Died while trying to diffuse an Israeli bomb

294 Salman Zu'rub 29 Civilian 19/12/00 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

295 Rifat Abu Marzuk 22 Civilian 20/12/00 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

296 Hani Al Sufi 14 Civilian 20/12/00 Rafah, Gaza Hit by shrapnel (head & chest) Israeli army

297 Rasheed Burham 26 Civilian 21/12/00 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (stomach) Israeli army

298 Ahmad Awad 48 Civilian 21/12/00 Jabara, Tulkarem Gunshot (head) Israeli army Shot at his home

299 Arafat Al Jabareen 17 Civilian 22/12/00 Sa'eer, Hebron Gunshot (head) Israeli army Killed during clashes in Sa'eer

300 Najeeb Abido 19 Civilian 22/12/00 Hebron Gunshot Israeli army

Palestinians killed 23 December 2000 - 25 April 2001

# Name Age Status Date Place Wound Who by Remarks

301 Abdullah Kanan 40 Civilian 23/12/00 Khan Yunis, Gaza Gunshot (neck & stomach) Israeli army Wounded 14/12/00 during assassination of Hani Abu Bukra (see 282)

302 Husein Abu Awn 30 Civilian 23/12/00 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 20/12/00 when soldiers opened fire at Palestinian firefighter vehicle

303 Mahmoud Naseer 22 Security forces 29/12/00 Gaza Hit by artillery shell Israeli army

304 Thabet Thabet 49 Civilian 31/12/00 Tulkarem Gunshot (repeated) Israeli army Targeted assassination, Fatah Secretary General in Tulkarem

305 Mu'taz Siruji 37 Security forces 31/12/00 Tulkarem Gunshot (repeated) Israeli army From Halhoul

306 Tarik Al Katu 31 Security forces 31/12/00 Tulkarem Gunshot (repeated) Israeli army

307 Muath Abu Hadwan 12 Civilian 31/12/00 Hebron Shrapnel wounds (head) Israeli army Wounded 30/12/00

308 Tahrir Rizik 20 Civilian 31/12/00 Hizma, Jerusalem Gunshot (head) Settlers

309 Sabri Khader 50 Civilian 02/01/01 Jabalia, Gaza Gunshot (neck) Israeli army Killed while working in his field.

310 Mahmoud Abu Haseera 37 Civilian 05/01/01 Gaza Gunshot (repeated) Israeli army Near a fence on the Green Line. He was mentally handicapped.

311 Areej Al Jabali 18 Civilian 05/01/01 Hebron Gunshot (back) Israeli army Killed while hanging out her washing.

312 Abdul Hameed Al Kharti 38 Civilian 07/01/01 Natzarim crossing, Gaza Gunshot (repeated) Israeli army Mentally handicapped.

313 Fatma Abu Jeesh 21 Civilian 07/01/01 Nablus Gunshot (twice) Israeli army

314 Mohammad Abu Suf 27 Civilian 08/01/01 Salfeet Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

315 Abdul Hameed Khanfar 27 Civilian 09/01/01 Silat Al Thahir Gunshot (head) Settlers

316 Ibraheem Abu M'ghasib 70 Civilian 09/01/01 Dair Al Balah Gunshot (stomach) Israeli army Killed while working in a field

317 Mohammad Ghanim 75 Civilian 11/01/01 Silat Al Thahir Teargas inhalation Israeli army

318 Shaker Hasuni 23 Civilian 12/01/01 Hebron Gunshot (mouth & chest) Israeli army From Jerusalem

321 Omar Khalid 11 Civilian 14/01/01 El Bireh Gunshot (head) Israeli army Clinically dead since 7 January 2001

320 Madi Shihada 24 Civilian 15/01/01 Salem, Nablus Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Died in an Israeli attempt to invade Salem

321 Mohammad Al Shareef 16 Civilian 21/01/01 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Died in clashes

322 Khaleel Al Safadi 22 Civilian 24/01/01 Near Talawi settlement, Gaza Gunshot (repeated) Israeli army From Rafah, shot more than 20 times

323 Safwat Kishta 17 Civilian 24/01/01 Near Talawi settlement, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Rafah

324 Mohammad Abu Musa 24 Civilian 24/01/01 200 meters from the DCO offices, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Khan Yunis

325 Ismail Al Tilbani 50 Civilian 31/01/01 Natzareem junction, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

326 Sabir Abu Thahir 38 Civilian 31/01/01 Natzareem junction, Gaza Gunshot (repeated) Israeli army From Hajar Al Deek, shot more than 10 times

327 Ahmad Shihada 20 Civilian 01/02/01 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Jabalia, click here for photo

328 Abdullah Abu Karsh 21 Civilian 03/02/01 Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded 29/01/01

329 Shadi Al Kahlut 23 Civilian 04/02/01 Near Kisofeem junction, Gaza Gunshot (10 times) Israeli army

330 Ziyad Abu Sawi 22 Civilian 12/02/01 Near Al Khader junction Gunshot (heart) Israeli army From Bethlehem

331 Atif Al Nabulsi 35 Civilian 12/02/01 Rafat junction, west Ramallah Gunshot (repeated) Israeli army From Ramallah

332 Bilal Awad Ramadan 14 Civilian 13/02/01 Netsarim junction, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

333 Mas'oud Ayyad 50 Security forces 13/02/01 Gaza Car bombed from Israeli helicopter Israeli army Targeted assassination in Area A

334 Ayid Abu Harb 24 Security forces 14/02/01 Checkpoint at entrance to Rameen village, Nablus Gunshot (chest & back) Israeli army From Nur Shamis refugee camp, Nablus

335 Anwar Mar'ee 35 Security forces 16/02/01 8 people broke into his house Stabbed to death Collaborators Assassination. From Karawat Bani Hasan, Salfeet

336 Isam Al Taweel 29 Civilian 16/02/01 Hebron Gunshot (chest) Israeli Army Killed during Israeli bombing of Hebron

337 Shaker Al Manasra 23 Civilian 16/02/01 Bani Na'eem, Hebron Gunshot (chest) Israeli Army Killed when Israeli forces bombed the cow farm where he worked

338 Ahmad Faraj Allah 35 Civilian 18/02/01 Bani Na'eem, Hebron Gunshot (chest) Israeli Army Died of wonds incurred 16/2 when Israelis bombed a cow farm

339 Mohammad Al Madani 25 Civilian 19/02/01 Balata refugee camp Gunshot (chest) Israeli Army Assassinated

340 Usama Masalma 18 Civilian 20/02/01 Beit Sahour The roof of his house fell on him due to shelling Israeli Army Killed during Israeli shelling of Beit Sahour

341 Ra'ed Musa 21 Civilian 23/02/01 El Khader / Bethlehem Gunshot (chest) Israeli Army Killed during peaceful demonstration

342 Mahmoud Jalad 44 Civilian 25/02/01 Tulkarem Gunshot (head) Israeli Army Shot in the head during Israeli shelling of Tulkarem

343 Husam Al Disi 15 Civilian 26/02/01 Qalandya refugee camp Gunshot (chest & abdomen) Israeli Army Shot by sniper with silencer






349 Ayida Fathiya 43 Civilian 03/03/01 El Bireh Gunshot (chest) Israeli Army The bullet entered the chest from the right, destroyed the kidney and intestines and lodged in the thigh

350 Bahir Auda 20 Civilian 03/03/01 Hiwara/Nablus Gunshot (back, side and foot) Israeli Army Died in confrontations

351 Ahmad Alan 25 Civilian 03/03/01 Karyut Gunshot (head) Settlers Shilo settlers shot him while driving home

352 Usama Eed 22 Civilian 04/03/01 El Jalami, Jenin Gunshot (head) Israeli army

353 Ahmad Abu Holly 15 Civilian 09/03/01 Deir el Balah, Gaza Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army Shot in el Hikir region, Deir el Balah

354 Ziyad Ayad 22 Civilian 10/03/01 Mintar (Karney) crossing, Gaza Nail bomb Israeli army From El Zaytoon, Gaza

355 Abdul Kader Hamdan 29 Civilian 12/03/01 Surda Gunshot (chest) Israeli army A returnee from Jordan

356 Ahmad Nabir 18 Civilian 14/03/01 Natsrim junction, Gaza Gunshot (chest, abdomen) Israeli army Shot during clashes

357 Murtaja Amer 17 Civilian 14/03/01 Qalqilia Gunshot (head) Israeli army Died in clashes south of the city

358 Mohammad Abu Aun 21 Civilian 16/03/01 Al Mintar Crossing Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Al Sheikh Radwan, Gaza

359 Muhammad Nassar 10 Civilian 17/03/01 From Dahiat Al Barid, Jerusalem Head, chest and back smashed by stones Settlers Missing since 16/3, found in the woods of Neve Ya'akov settlement

360 Kamel Al Jamal 29 NSF 21/03/01 Al Mintar Crossing Missile in the abdomen and shrapnel in parts of the body Israeli army From Al Shate' Refugee camp, Gaza. Israeli shelling military outpost

361 Khaled Al Badawi 21 Civilian 24/03/01 Al Aroub Refugee camp, Ramallah 5 M16 bullets (chest & back) Israeli army Away from clash points

362 Mahmoud Draweesh 11 Civilian 27/03/01 Al Fuwar camp - Dura, Hebron Gunshot (heart) Israeli army On the roof of his home, away from clashes

363 Khayriyeh Fashafshah 70 Civilian 27/03/01 Jaba', Jenin Tear gas inhalation Israeli army Away from clash points

364 Akram Ahmad Al Hindi 25 NSF 28/03/01 From Gaza Burns from shelling Israeli army Missile at Force 17 outpost in Ramallah

365 Su'ad Khalil 45 Civilian 28/03/01 Bitunia, Ramallah Heavy gunshot (head) Israeli army While driving her car near Bitunia cemetery

366 Yihia Al Sheikh Eed 12 Civilian 28/03/01 From Rafah, Gaza Abdomen laceration Israeli Army explosion of mine left by Israeli army near Al Nour mosque

367 Husam Al Karnaz 23 NSF 28/03/01 Al Breij Refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Near Al Shuhada' intersection

368 Mahmoud Abu Shhadeh 16 Civilian 29/03/01 From Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli Army During clashes in Erez

369 Muhammad Abu Shamla 18 Civilian 29/03/01 Erez- Jabalia, Gaza Gunshot (back) Israeli army

370 Muhammad Al Wawi 21 Civilian 30/03/01 Al Bireh northern entrance - City Inn Hotel Gunshot (head) Israeli army

371 Ayesh Zamel 19 Civilian 30/03/01 Deir Al Hatab, Nablus Exploding bullet (head) Israeli army

372 Ahmad Maraheel 16 Civilian 30/03/01 Balata refugee camp, Nablus Exploding bullet (neck) Israeli army Student at Thafer al Masri school, died at Women's Union Hospital

373 Sha'ban Saloum 31 Civilian 30/03/01 Balata refugee camp, Nablus Exploding bullet (neck) Israeli army His head was torn off his body

374 Murad Sharay'ah 20 Civilian 30/03/01 Balata refugee camp, Nablus Exploding bullet (head) Israeli army Parts of his body were severed

375 Khaled Nahleh 28 Civilian 30/03/01 Al Quds street, Huwara, Nablus Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army

376 Waheed Al Deek 54 Civilian 31/03/01 Ramallah (from Kufur Al Deek) Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army Fell from high place during shelling of Ramallah on 28/03/01

377 Lu'ay Al Tamimi 12 Civilian 01/04/01 Deir Nitham, Ramallah Gunshot (penetrated brain) Israeli Army Wounded on 14 March 2001

378 Muhammad Abd Il A'al 26 Civilian 02/04/01 Al Salam, Rafah, Gaza Three missiles shot at his car Israeli army Targeted assassination

379 Iyad Hardan 24 Civilian 05/04/01 Araba, Jenin Explosion in a public phone Israeli army Targeted assassination

380 Ahmad Al Asar 16 Civilian 05/04/01 El Nsirat refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (heart) Israeli army

381 Tayseer Al Amuri 45 Civilian 08/04/01 Betunia, Ramallah Gunshot (head) Israeli army During Israeli shelling

382 Wa'el Khwaiter 28 NSF 10/04/01 El Zaytun, Gaza Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army During Israeli shelling of navy offices in Gaza

383 Mu'taz Subuh 19 Civilian 11/04/01 Barqeen, Jenin Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded on 05/04/01

384 Hani Abu Rizeq 25 Civilian 11/04/01 Al Gharbeh refugee camp, Khan Younis, Gaza Shrapnel (various) Israeli army During shelling of Khan Younis

385 Elias Eid 50 NSF 11/04/01 Al Gharbeh refugee camp, Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Lebanese background; killed during shelling of Khan Younis

386 Mahmoud Barakat 16 Civilian 11/04/01 From Al Shate' refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Injured at Al Mintar crossing, 6/4/01

387 Hafeth Rushdi Khalil Subuh 35 Civilian 12/04/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (abdomen & right leg) Israeli army Away from flashpoints

388 Muhammad Ramadan Al Masri 23 NSF 12/04/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Shrapnel Israeli army During shelling of NSF HQ in Beit Hanoun following Israeli trespass into PA areas

389 Basel Zahran 19 Civilian 16/04/01 Near western Baqa checkpoint Gunshot Israeli army From Amman, Jordan

390 Shawkat Al Alami 16 Civilian 12/04/01 Beit Ummar, Hebron Gunshot (neck) Israeli Army A 10th grader

391 Rami Ighrayeb 16 Civilian 17/04/01 Al Khader, Bethlehem Gunshot (500mm) chest Israeli Army During shelling of Al Khader

392 Bara' Al Sha'er 10 Civilian 17/04/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli Army Killed during clashes at Al Mintar crossing

393 Hamzeh I'beid 14 Civilian 17/04/01 From Al Shaja'iyeh quarter, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli Army Killed during clashes at Al Mintar crossing

394 Madi Khalil Madi 25 NSF 22/04/01 Khan Younis Shrapnel (various parts of body) Israeli army Wounded during shelling of Khan Younis on 16/04/01

395 Muhannad Muhareb 11 Civilian 23/04/01 Khan Younis Gunshot (left eye, penetrated skull Israeli army During shelling of Khan Younis

396 Iyad Harash 28 Civilian 24/04/01 Qalqilya Gunshot (heart) Israeli army While standing at the roof of a well in an agricultural land

397 Yousif Abu Hamda 38 Civilian 24/04/01 Al Shate' refugee Camp, Gaza Gunshot (abdomen & chest) Israeli army Away from confrontations; mentally handicapped

398 Ibrahim Abu 'Iweili 21 Civilian 25/04/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Shot in front of his house

399 Ramadan Azzam 33 Civilian 25/04/01 Rafah, Gaza Shrapnel (various parts of body) Israeli army

Palestinians killed 25 April - 17 July 2001

# Name Age Status Date Place Wound Who by Remarks

401 Sa'di Al Dabbas 24 Civilian 25/04/01 Rafah, Gaza Various shrapnel wounds Israeli army

402 Yaser Al Dabbas 18 Civilian 25/04/01 Rafah, Gaza Various shrapnel wounds Israeli army

403 Atef Wahdan 45 Civilian 26/04/01 Al Tufah quarter, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Father of 7, harvesting oranges on his land

404 Imad Qaraqe' 33 Civilian 28/04/01 Near Aida refugee camp, Bethlehem Gunshot (face), shrapnel (chest) Israeli army In a car with family. His 5-year-old son and his cousin were injured

405 Adnan Odeh 38 Civilian 30/04/01 Ra's Atiye intersection, Heela, Qalqilia Gunshot Israeli army Chased and then killed at Ra's Atiye intersection

406 Muhammad Abu Khaled 17 Civilian 30/04/01 Gaza Shrapnel (various parts of body) Israeli army Explosion in residential building; no doubt Israeli forces behind it.

407 Hamdi Salim Al Madhoun 18 Civilian 30/04/01 Gaza Shrapnel (various parts of body) Israeli army Explosion in residential building; no doubt Israeli forces behind it.

408 Hasan Muhammad Hasan Al Qadi 27 Civilian 30/04/01 Ramallah Explosion Israeli army Explosion in residential building; no doubt Israeli forces behind it.

409 Malak Jamal Barakat 4 Civilian 30/04/01 Ramallah Shrapnel (various parts of body) Israeli army Explosion in residential building; no doubt Israeli forces behind it.

410 Shahid Jamal Barakat 7 Civilian 30/04/01 Ramallah Shrapnel (various parts of body) Israeli army Explosion in residential building; no doubt Israeli forces behind it.

411 Ahmad Abu Jazar 57 Civilian 01/05/01 Rafah, Gaza Artillery missile Israeli army

412 Mahmoud Aqel 19 Civilian 02/05/01 Rafah, Gaza Heavy machinegun fire (chest) Israeli army During shelling of Rafah

413 Ahmad Khalil Ismail 38 Civilian 05/05/01 Irtas, Bethlehem 15 bullets of various sizes Israeli army Targeted assassination. His 6 year-old niece Ala suffered shrapnel wounds in the legs.

414 I'beid Abu I'riban 50 NSF 05/05/01 Al Maghazi refugee camp, Gaza Shrapnel (face & back) Israeli army Wounded 27/04/01

415 Muhammad Ibrahim I'bayyat 47 Civilian 06/05/01 Al-Ta'amreh, Bethlehem House collapesed on him during shelling Israeli army During shelling of Rafah

416 Hussein Abu Tamam 55 Civilian 07/05/01 Tulkarem Artillery shrapnel (head, chest & abdomen) Israeli army During shelling of Tulkarem 06/05

417 Murad Al Hroush 22 NSF 07/05/01 Yatta, Hebron 3 gunshots (chest & heart) Israeli army Killed resisting Israeli attempt to break through Al Sumu' checkpoint into Area A

418 Iman Muhammad Hajju 4 months Civilian 07/05/01 Deir Al Balah, Gaza Artillery shrapnel (back & head) Israeli army Attack severed various parts of her body. Her mother was seriously wounded.

419 Hashem Al Mamlouk 18 Civilian 08/05/01 Al Shaja'yeh. Gaza Gunshots (head) Israeli army Died of injuries incurred on 4 May 2001

420 Husam Tafesh 16 Civilian 11/05/01 Al Zaytoon Quarter, Gaza Gunshot (left waist) Israeli army During clashes at Al Mintar Crossing.

421 Mu'tasem Al Sabbagh 26 Civilian 12/05/01 Jenin Refugee Camp Shrapnel (body) Israeli army Helicopter rocket attack on civilian car

422 Allam Al Jaloudi 26 Civilian 12/05/01 Jenin Refugee Camp Shrapnel (head) Israeli army Helicopter rocket attack on civilian car

423 Sliman Al I'rouqi 26 Civilian 12/05/01 Al Maghazi refugee camp, Gaza Shrapnel (head) Israeli army During Israeli shelling of refugee camp

424 Ahmad Zaqout 26 NSF 14/05/01 Beitunya checkpoint, Ramallah M16 bullets in upper part of the body Israeli army Unprovoked intensive firing on NSF post. Victim from Al Nsirat refugee camp, Gaza.

425 Salah Abu Amra 31 NSF 14/05/01 Beitunya checkpoint, Ramallah M16 bullets in upper part of the body Israeli army Unprovoked intensive firing on NSF post. Victim from Rafah, Gaza.

426 Muhammad Dahoud 21 NSF 14/05/01 Beitunya checkpoint, Ramallah M16 bullets in upper part of the body Israeli army Unprovoked intensive firing on NSF post. Victim from Al Breij refugee camp, Gaza.

427 Ahmad Abu Mustafa 22 NSF 14/05/01 Beitunya checkpoint, Ramallah M16 bullets in upper part of the body Israeli army Unprovoked intensive firing on NSF post. Victim from Khan Younis, Gaza.

428 Muhammad Al Khaldi 18 NSF 14/05/01 Beitunya checkpoint, Ramallah M16 bullets in upper part of the body Israeli army Unprovoked intensive firing on NSF post. Victim from Al Breij refugee camp, Gaza.

429 Muhammad Al Qassas 26 Civilian 14/05/01 Al Matahen Junction, near Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (all over body) Israeli army Away from any clashes.

430 Arafat Abu Kweik 26 Civilian 14/05/01 Al Shate' refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot Israeli army Varied gunshots at Al Matahen junction.

431 Abdil Jawad Shihadeh 18 Civilian 15/05/01 Shot north of Al Bireh Fragmenting gunshot (head) Israeli army Al Sheikh Radwan, Gaza.

432 Burhan Al Shakhsheer 22 Civilian 15/05/01 Shot north of Al Bireh Gunshot (neck and head) Israeli army From Al Ram, Jerusalem.

433 Abdil Hakeem Al Mana'meh 35 Civilian 15/05/01 Shot at the border. Artillery shrapnel Israeli army

434 Muhammad Abu Jaser 17 Civilian 15/05/01 Erez crossing, Gaza Gunshot (heart) Israeli army From Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza.

435 Muhammad Isleem 14 Civilian 16/05/01 Al Shuhada' junction, Gaza Gunshot (back) Israeli army From Al Breij refugee camp, Gaza.

436 Khaled Isbeih 21 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Tayaseer, Tubas.

437 Ayman Ma'rouf 25 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Al Naqura, Nablus.

438 Rif'at Rabay'ah 34 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Maythaloun, Jenin.

439 Nasri Ya'qoub 22 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Deir Al Hatab, Nablus.

440 Mu'taz Al Khateeb 23 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Burin, Nablus.

441 Fadi Hamed 23 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Beit Dajan, Nablus.

442 Ahmad Khader 23 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Beit Ibyia, Nablus.

443 Wa'el Abu Khader 29 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Al Jadeedah, Nablus.

444 Fahed Bani Odeh 19 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Tamoun, Jenin.

445 Rami Yassin 21 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Northern Aseerah.

446 Nabil Isma'el 19 NSF 18/05/01 NSF station, Nablus. F-16 bombardment of police station Israeli army From Tulkarem.

447 Isma'el Abu Rafee' 24 NSF 18/05/01 Force 17 station, Ramallah. F-16 bombardment of Force 17 station Israeli army From Gaza.

448 Hammam Abdil Haq 20 Civilian 19/05/01 Kufur Qalil checkpoint. Gunshot (eye) Israeli army During clashes. From Nablus.

449 Tayseer Al Ar'eer 30 Civilian 19/05/01 On his land away from clashes. Gunshot (neck & chest) Israeli army During clashes. From Al Shuja'yeh, Gaza.

450 Fawwaz Al Damaj 37 NSF 19/05/01 Israeli shooting at NSF checkpoint in Selit Al Harthiyeh. 13 gunshots (chest) Israeli army From Jenin refugee camp.

451 Ahmad Abu Ajami 29 NSF 21/05/01 During armed confrontations. Gunshot Israeli army From Al Breij Refugee camp, Gaza.

452 Hamad Abu Khosa 45 Civilian 21/05/01 During armed confrontations. Gunshot Israeli army From Al Breij Refugee camp, Gaza.

453 Khaled Al Astal 21 NSF 22/05/01 During F-16 attack on NSF post in Beitunya. Shrapnel Israeli army Clinically dead since F-16 attack on Beitunya, 18/05/01

454 Shadi Ahmad Siam 18 Civilian 24/05/01 Rafah, Gaza. Gunshot (back). Israeli army Shadi was deaf and dumb

455 Ala' Adel Al Bouji 15 Civilian 24/05/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (heart) Israeli army

456 Ahmad Haleela 20 Civilian 29/05/01 Aqbat Jaber, Jericho. Gunshot (back). Israeli army Away from flashpoints

457 Abdil Mu'ti Al Assar 19 Civilian 29/05/01 Al Tufah checkpoint, Gaza. Gunshot (various). Israeli army From Khan Younis, Gaza

458 Ahmad Al Khatib 17 Civilian 31/05/01 Hizma, Jerusalem Gunshot (right eye) Israeli army University student killed on the road between Neve Ya'cov and Pizgat Za'ev settlements, no clashes taking place

459 Ayed Mahmoud Abu Ida 37 Civilian 03/06/01 Deir Dibwan, Ramallah. Gunshot caused driver to lose control of car. Settlers His brother was also killed after settlers shot at their car

460 Ziyad Abu Ida 34 Civilian 03/06/01 Deir Dibwan, Ramallah. Gunshot caused driver to lose control of car. Settlers His brother was also killed after settlers shot at their car

461 Mazen Muhammad Al Julani 34 Civilian 03/06/01 Shu'fat refugee camp, Jerusalem Exploding bullet (neck). Settlers Beit Hanina, Jerusalem. Sitting with friends in café when they heard gunshots. He was clinically dead for 3 days

462 Khalil Afana 10 Civilian 31/05/01 Gaza Explosion destroyed his house. Israeli army In his home which was exploded on 30/06/01

463 Ashraf Bardaweel 27 Civilian 07/06/01 Nour Shams refugee camp, Tulkarem Car explosion. Settlers Car exploded on 5/6/01

464 Jameel Al Turk 47 Civilian 07/06/01 Tamra farm inside Israel Physical assault. Settlers From Kufur Al Deek, Salfit; attacked while at work.

465 Nasra Al Malalha 65 Civilian 09/06/01 Netsarim surrounding, Gaza Shrapnel in various parts of the body Israeli army Army shelling of their camp in Netsarim. See LAW's press release

466 Silmiyeh Al Malalha 37 Civilian 09/06/01 Netsarim surrounding, Gaza Shrapnel in various parts of the body Israeli army Army shelling of their camp in Netsarim. See LAW's press release

467 Hikmat Al Malalha 17 Civilian 09/06/01 Netsarim surrounding, Gaza Shrapnel in various parts of the body Israeli army Army shelling of their camp in Netsarim. See LAW's press release

468 Muhammad Al Kurdi 18 Civilian 10/06/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (shoulder) Israeli army Wounded on 4/6/2000

469 Naseem Agha 19 Civilian 11/06/01 Gaza Circular metal bullet penetrated head Israeli army Wounded on 4/6/2001

470 Awni Al Haddad 42 Civilian 13/06/01 Hebron Gunshot (various parts of body) Settlers Shot at Antot outpost on way to Hebron with 3 youngsters; passengers injured

471 Hasan Abu Sh'eereh 23 Civilian 14/06/01 Al Azza refugee camp, Bethlehem Gunshot Colonel's companion Abu Sh'eereh killed Israeli intelligence officer colonel Idri Moudi and was killed in return by colonal's companion.

472 Ali Abu Shaweesh 11 Civilian 17/06/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Sniper with silenced rifle (heart) Israeli army During clashes in Khan Younis, west Al Amal Quarter

473 Adel Al Maqnan 16 Civilian 18/06/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (abdomen, penetrated aorta) Israeli army Wounded on 17/06/2001. His brother was killed 20/11/2000

474 Ahmad Ali 65 Civilian 18/06/01 Hibla junction, Qalqilia Run over by settlers Settler(s)

475 Fatmeh Abu Fardeh 71 Civilian 19/06/01 Qalqilia Run over by settlers Settler(s) Died in Belinson Hospital

476 Jamal Nafe' 30 Civilian 20/06/01 Na'leen checkpoint Gunshot (heart & shoulder) Israeli army Killed at military checkpoint at Na'leen entrance

477 Usama Jaawabreh 29 Civilian 22/06/01 Nablus Telephone explosion Israeli army Targeted assassination

478 Muhammad Hamdan 18 Civilian 23/06/01 Khan Younis refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army Wounded on 8 June 2001

479 Muhammad Sweedan 21 Civilian 23/06/01 Nseerat refugee camp, Gaza 20 gunshots (head & chest) Israeli army Armed confrontation

480 Muhammad Imteir 17 Civilian 27/06/01 Qalandia, Jerusalem Gunshot (left eye, penetrated brain) Israeli army Wounded on 22/06/2001.

481 Mahmoud Khalil 34 Civilian 01/07/01 Jenin Refugee camp Israeli army

482 Jamal Thalji 35 Civilian 01/07/01 Jenin Refugee camp Israeli army

483 Ahmad Yassin 15 Civilian 01/07/01 Al Zaytoun, Gaza Israeli army Wounded on 29/06/2001.

484 Sameh Abu Haneesh 22 Civilian 01/07/01 Al Jarba, near Nablus 8 missiles fired from helicopter at car Israeli army From Beit Dajan, Nablus. Targeted assassination

485 Muhammad Bsharat 28 Civilian 01/07/01 Al Jarba, near Nablus 8 missiles fired from helicopter at car Israeli army From Beit Dajan, Nablus. Targeted assassination

486 Waleed Bsharat 20 Civilian 01/07/01 Al Jarba, near Nablus 8 missiles fired from helicopter at car Israeli army From Beit Dajan, Nablus. Targeted assassination

487 Radwan Ishtayyeh 37 Civilian 02/07/01 Beit Fureek Checkpoint Gunshot (neck, chest & legs) Israeli army From Salem, Nablus

488 Murad Al Masri 14 Civilian 04/07/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Wounded on 28/12/2000.

489 Khalil Ibrahim Al Mughrabi 11 Civilian 07/07/01 Rafah, Gaza Heavy machinegun (head) Israeli army 3 others were severely injured

490 Naser Abed 39 Civilian 05/07/01 Nablus Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Killed on his way to Hashemite high school playground

491 Rasmiyeh Jbarin 38 Civilian 11/07/01 Al Thahriyeh, Hebron Gunshot (head) Israeli army Armny shot at car carrying female workers to Bir Al Sabe'

492 Muhammad Abu Fayyad 21 NSF 12/07/01 Gaza Strip Artillery Israeli army Direct hit led to body fragmentation

493 Fawwaz Badran 28 Civilian 13/07/01 Deir Ghsoun, Tulkarem Shrapnel and burns Israeli army From Hamas cadres. His car exploded.

494 Atef Tafesh 24 Civilian 13/07/01 Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza Many gunshots in the head and abdomen Israeli army Israel claims he was preparing a bomb

495 Salem Al Bir'awi 22 Civilian 16/07/01 Jerusalem Gunshot Israeli army From Al Shawadreh, Bethlehem; armed confrontation in Jerusalem

496 Ibrahim Al Wahadneh 20 Civilian 16/07/01 Jerusalem Gunshot Israeli army From Al Dheisheh, Bethlehem; armed confrontation in Jerusalem

497 Omar Ahmad Sa'adeh 45 Civilian 17/07/01 Bethlehem Direct hit led to body fragmentation Israeli army Targeted assassination (helicopter missile)

498 Taha Al 'Irouj 37 Civilian 17/07/01 Bethlehem Direct hit led to body fragmentation Israeli army Killed in targeted assassination (helicopter missile) of Omar Sa'adeh

499 Muhammad Sa'adeh 29 Civilian 17/07/01 Bethlehem Direct hit led to body fragmentation Israeli army Killed in targeted assassination (helicopter missile) of Omar Sa'adeh

500 Ishaq Sa'adeh 51 Civilian 17/07/01 Bethlehem Direct hit led to body fragmentation Israeli army Killed in targeted assassination (helicopter missile) of Omar Sa'adeh


Palestinians killed 17 July - 18 September 2001


# Name Age Status Date Place Wound Who by Remarks

501 Tareq Abu 'Idab'at 17 Civilian 17/07/01 Hebron Heart attack during shelling Israeli army Cardiac arrest during Israeli shelling of Hebron on 15 July.

502 Muhammad Hilmi Muslem Tmeizi 23 Civilian 19/07/01 Ithna, Hebron Gunshot in various parts of the body Settlers Shooting of Al Tmeizi family. The killers were permitted by the Israeli army to escape.

503 Muhammad Musa Muslem Tmeizi 22 Civilian 19/07/01 Ithna, Hebron Gunshot in various parts of the body Settlers Shooting of Al Tmeizi family. The killers were permitted by the Israeli army to escape. Mohammed had been married for just over a week.

504 Diya' Muslem Tmeizi 3 months Civilian 19/07/01 Ithna, Hebron Gunshot in various parts of the body Settlers Shooting of Al Tmeizi family. The killers were permitted by the Israeli army to escape.

505 Raja'i Al Tamimi 35 Civilian 20/07/01 Ein Sara, Hebron Shrapnel (head and chest) Israeli army Explosion near Al Mu'assasat office, injured 8.

506 Yihia Al Rabeh 47 Civilian 21/07/01 Gaza Gunshot (waist) Israeli army During spontaneous shooting at houses

507 Mustafa Yassin 26 Civilian 23/07/01 Anneen, Jenin Gunshot (chest & heart) Israeli army Killed by masked Special Forces in front of his wife and child.

508 Rif'at Al Nahhal 15 Civilian 23/07/01 Rafah, Gaza Medium machinegun fire (back) Israeli army Died 2½ hours after being shot

509 Salah Khalil Drouzi 36 Civilian 25/07/01 Nablus 6 missiles completely fragmented his body Israeli army Targeted assassination

510 Hikmat Abu Al Habal 28 Civilian 30/07/01 Al Far'ah refugee camp, Tallouza Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Father of 3 children under three, 'wanted' by Israel

511 Maher Jawabreh 25 NSF 30/07/01 Al Far'ah refugee camp, Tallouza Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Military Intelligence First lieutenant, 'wanted' by Israel

512 Abdil Rahman Mubarak 25 Civilian 30/07/01 Al Far'ah refugee camp, Tallouza Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Construction worker, 'wanted' by Israel

513 Ameen Balatyeh 25 Civilian 30/07/01 Al Far'ah refugee camp, Tallouza Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Killed in same explosion as 3 'wanted' men above

514 Muhammad Balatyeh 19 Civilian 30/07/01 Al Far'ah refugee camp, Tallouza Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Killed in same explosion as 3 'wanted' men above

515 Muneer Balatyeh 24 Civilian 30/07/01 Al Far'ah refugee camp, Tallouza Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Killed in same explosion as 3 'wanted' men above

516 Hamoudeh Al Madhoun 23 Civilian 30/07/01 Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Beit Lahia, Gaza; armed confrontation in Gaza

517 Jamal Mansour 41 Civilian 31/07/01 Nablus Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Targeted assassination exploded building he was in. 6 others were killed and one other assassinated.

518 Jamal Al Damouni 42 Civilian 31/07/01 Nablus Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Targeted assassination exploded building he was in. 6 others were killed and one other assassinated.

519 Omar Mansour 28 Civilian 31/07/01 Nablus Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Killed during targeted assassination of Jamal Mansour and Jamal Al Damouni

520 F

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520 Faheem Dawabsheh 32 Civilian 31/07/01 Nablus Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Killed during targeted assassination of Jamal Mansour and Jamal Al Damouni

521 Muhammad Al Bishawi 26 Civilian 31/07/01 Nablus Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Killed during targeted assassination of Jamal Mansour and Jamal Al Damouni

522 Uthman Qatnani 25 Civilian 31/07/01 Nablus Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Killed during targeted assassination of Jamal Mansour and Jamal Al Damouni

523 Ashraf Khalil 8 Civilian 31/07/01 Nablus Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Killed with big brother Bilal during targeted assassination of Jamal Mansour and Jamal Al Damouni

524 Bilal Khalil 10 Civilian 31/07/01 Nablus Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Killed with younger brother Ashraf during targeted assassination of Jamal Mansour and Jamal Al Damouni

525 Muhammad Al Sharabati 33 Civilian 01/08/01 Hebron Heavy machinegun fire penetrated back and reached chest Israeli army During shelling in Hebron. Father of 2 whose wife is pregnant.

526 Firas Abdil Haq 23 Civilian 02/08/01 Nablus Gunshot (heart) Israeli army His brother, Hamam, died 19/5/2001.

527 Mahdi Mizyed 26 NSF 05/08/01 Anabta, Tulkarem Gunshot (chest & leg) & suspected torture Israeli army Military intelligence member. There are signs that he was subjected to torture, which caused his death, after he had been shot.

528 Amer Khdeiri 22 Civilian 05/08/01 Tulkarem Severe burns Israeli army 2 missiles fired at his car as he drove.

529 Ali Al Julani 30 Civilian 05/08/01 Tulkarem Gunshot Israeli army From Qalandia, Jerusalem. Armed confrontation in front of Tel Aviv Ministry of Defense

530 Maher Afaneh 27 Civilian 10/08/01 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (waist) Israeli army Clashes at Al Mintar

531 Muhammad Al Saqqa 17 Civilian 10/08/01 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Silenced gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army Clashes at Al Mintar

532 Sabreen Abu Sneineh 9 Civilian 10/08/01 Hebron Gunshot (forehead) Israeli army Shot on the roof of her house while trying to call her little brother.

533 Naser Zeidiyeh 22 Civilian 13/08/01 Near Kufur Aqab Musta'ribeen From Qalandia, Jerusalem

534 Imad Abu Sneineh 27 NSF 15/08/01 Hebron Gunshot (head & chest) Israeli army Shot in front of his house

535 Kamal Muslem 55 Civilian 16/08/01 Nablus Car crash due to stone throwing Settlers Settlers

536 Mu'een Abu Lawi 32 Civilian 19/08/01 Kufur Al Deek, Salfit Gunshot (left ear, penetrated neck) Israeli army While driving to Nablus on an agricultural route

537 Muhammad Abu Arar 14 Civilian 19/08/01 Al Salam quarter, Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army

538 Inas Abu Zeid 7 Civilian 19/08/01 Rafah, Gaza Shrapnel (various) Israeli army Her father and brother were also killed in the explosion

539 Suleiman Abu Zeid 5 Civilian 19/08/01 Rafah, Gaza Shrapnel (various) Israeli army His father and sister were also killed in the explosion

540 Abdil Rahman Abu Bakreh 24 Civilian 19/08/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army While confronting Israeli incursion into Palestinian area

541 Saleh Zidan 33 Civilian 19/08/01 Balata refugee camp, Nablus Gunshot (heart) Israeli army During Israeli shelling of Balata refugee camp

542 Ahed Hindiyeh 23 Civilian 21/08/01 Balata refugee camp, Nablus 6 gunshots (face, chest, thigh and legs) Israeli army 3 others killed in the same incident; soldiers hindered ambulances from reaching the scene

543 Zaher Isma'il 30 Civilian 21/08/01 Balata refugee camp, Nablus 2 gunshots (chest & thigh) Israeli army 3 others killed in the same incident; soldiers hindered ambulances from reaching the scene

544 Fadi Sama'neh 25 Civilian 21/08/01 Balata refugee camp, Nablus Gunshot (neck) Israeli army 3 others killed in the same incident; soldiers hindered ambulances from reaching the scene

545 Hakam Qabaleh 22 Civilian 21/08/01 Balata refugee camp, Nablus Gunshot (chest) Israeli army 3 others killed in the same incident; soldiers hindered ambulances from reaching the scene

546 Bilal Al Ghoul 19 Civilian 22/08/01 Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army In the attempted assassination of his father, Adnan Al Ghoul, by helicopter missile

547 Mahmoud Jaser 23 NSF 22/08/01 Gaza 10 gunshots (head & chest) Israeli army During Israeli special forces' ambush on home in Rafah

548 Muhammad Za'rab 20 Civilian 22/08/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshots (chest; heart) Israeli army During clashes

549 Hisham Abu Jamous 24 NSF 25/08/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (right foot); shrapnel (skull) Israeli army Corporal in Palestinian border forces

550 Amin Abu Hatab 26 NSF 25/08/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (head, left leg, right thigh) Israeli army Corporal in Palestinian military intelligence

551 Ala' Abu Bakreh 27 NSF 25/08/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army During Israeli incursion into Rafah

552 Mustafa Al Zibri (Abu Ali) 62 Civilian 27/08/01 Arrabeh, Jenin Missiles fired at his office Israeli army Targeted assassination by helicopter missile

553 Ibrahim Sharaf 18 Civilian 27/08/01 Jabalia, Gaza Missile Israeli army

554 Muhammad Sammour 26 NSF 28/08/01 Bethlehem Gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Gaza, killed during Israeli incursion into Al Iraq quarter

555 Imad Hazahreh 19 NSF 28/08/01 Fir'on, Tulkarem Gunshot (chest) Israeli army

556 Tamer Za'rab 18 NSF 28/08/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Victim was standing 600m from flashpoint

557 Riyad Abu Zeinah 29 Civilian 28/08/01 Hebron Gunshot (back; abdomen) Israeli army

558 Muhammad Al Humran 24 NSF 29/08/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army During Israeli incursion into Rafah

559 Heidar Al Khatib 28 Civilian 29/08/01 Hizma, Jerusalem Gunshot (head) Settler(s) Shot at on Jericho road; his father and brother were injured

560 Aboudeh Dababseh 35 NSF 29/08/01 Tarqumia, Hebron Heavy machinegun fire (head) Israeli army Force 17 Lieutenant

561 Dahoud Fahmawi 32 Civilian 30/08/01 Nour Shams refugee camp, Tulkarem Heavy machinegun fire (chest) Israeli army Fired from helicopter hovering overhead

562 Musa Qdihat 50 Civilian 30/08/01 Kharas, Hebron Heavy machinegun fire (abdomen; chest) Israeli army Killed while following paramedics

563 Sami Baroud 33 NSF 30/08/01 Al Nsirat refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (neck) Israeli army At Force 17 HQ

564 Khaled Awwajah 30 NSF 31/08/01 Gaza borders Gunshot (head) Israeli army Shot while carrying injured Palestinians

565 Ala' Rafa'iyeh 22 Civilian 02/09/01 Al Haraba valley, Hebron 8 gunshots (various) Israeli army It is suspected he was subjected to torture following injury by Israeli troops

566 Fayez Ashour aka Muhammad Idrees 25 Civilian 02/09/01 Al Haraba valley, Hebron 3 gunshots (various) Israeli army During attempted Israeli incursion

567 Amjad Al Jamal 25 Civilian 03/09/01 Hebron Heavy machinegun fire (head) Israeli army Killed while trying to rescue Imad Al Batsh

568 Imad Al Batsh 17 Civilian 03/09/01 Al Zahed quarter, Hebron Heavy machinegun fire (head) Israeli army During shelling of residential areas in Hebron

569 Omar Subuh 22 Civilian 06/09/01 Tulkarem 3 missiles fired at his car Israeli army Killed with Anbas. Also targeted Ra'ed Al Karmi, who was hit by shrapnel

570 Mustafa Anbas 19 Civilian 06/09/01 Tulkarem 3 missiles fired at his car Israeli army Killed with Subuh. Also targeted Ra'ed Al Karmi, who was hit by shrapnel

571 Khaled Al Batsh 2½ Civilian 08/09/01 Hebron Fractured skull Israeli army Fell during teargas offensive at Palestinian homes

572 Muhammad Abu Libdeh 15 Civilian 08/09/01 Rafah refugee camp, Gaza Heavy machinegun fire (abdomen) Israeli army

573 Naseem Abu Asi 24 Civilian 08/09/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Artillery Israeli army Hit by artillery

574 Fa'eq Abu Siam 30 NSF 10/09/01 Tamoun Artillery Israeli army During shelling of PNA security post in Tamoun

575 Ibrahim Fayed 22 Civilian 11/09/01 Jenin refugee camp, Jenin Artillery shrapnel (various) Israeli army During shelling near UNRWA school

576 Iyyad Al Masri 18 Civilian 11/09/01 Jenin refugee camp, Jenin Artillery shrapnel (various) Israeli army During shelling near UNRWA school

577 Muhammad Abu Shaqfeh 23 Civilian 11/09/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army An education student in Gaza, killed during return to Khan Younis

578 As'ad Daqqa 25 Civilian 12/09/01 Atteel, Tulkarem Artillery shrapnel (various) Israeli army Al Quds Open University student killed in shelling

579 Balqees Arda 14 Civilian 12/09/01 Jenin Artillery shrapnel (neck) Israeli army Little girl killed in shelling

580 Tawfeeq Al Mulaqqab 42 NSF 12/09/01 Qalqilia Heavy ammunition Israeli army Missile fired from helicopter at his car

581 Tha'er Mihdawi 28 NSF 12/09/01 Qalqilia Heavy ammunition Israeli army Lieutenant in Preventive Security, Toubas

582 Shaher Bani Odeh 28 NSF 12/09/01 Jenin Heavy ammunition Israeli army Ammunition fired at his car from helicopter

583 Muhannad Abu Al Heeja 25 Civilian 12/09/01 Jenin Artillery shrapnel (various) Israeli army Artillery hit his house

584 Wa'el Assaf 20 Civilian 12/09/01 Jenin Artillery shrapnel (various) Israeli army 'Wanted' Islamic Jihad activist

585 Amer Ziyadeh 23 Civilian 12/09/01 Al Maghazi refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (various) Israeli army 'Wanted' Islamic Jihad activist, hit in a taxi

586 Sufian Ardah 28 Civilian 12/09/01 Jenin Heavy machinegun fire (head & chest) Israeli army His 14-year-old sister Balqees killed the same day in shelling

587 Ra'fat Al Malhi 25 Civilian 13/09/01 Kharabtha village junction Gunshot (back, heart) Israeli army From Shu'fat refugee camp, Jerusalem

588 Khattab Jabareen 33 Civilian 13/09/01 Jenin Heavy machinegun fire Israeli army Resisting Israeli invasion of Jenin

589 Raja' Freehat 24 Civilian 13/09/01 Jenin Heavy machinegun fire Israeli army Died holding her baby, while their home was under shelling

590 Fakhri Freehat 32 Civilian 13/09/01 Jenin Heavy machinegun fire Israeli army Died attempting to rescue his cousin Raja' (see above)

591 Ramzi Hasouneh 16 Civilian 13/09/01 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army From Al Shuja'iyeh quarter. Shot during peaceful demonstration

592 Muhammad Al Dijani 18 Civilian 14/09/01 Al Mintar crossing, Gaza Heavy machinegun fire (head) Israeli army During shelling of Austrian quarter

593 Yihia Sbayhah 21 Civilian 14/09/01 Beit Sahour Artillery shrapnel (abdomen) Israeli army From Gaza, ambulance paramedic killed when their car was shot at

594 Imad Khalaf 19 Civilian 15/09/01 Gaza Heavy machinegun fire (head, chest & shoulder) Israeli army During shelling of Austrian quarter

595 Imad Za'rab 14 Civilian 15/09/01 Gaza Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army During Al Dijani's funeral

596 Ali Yassin 25 Civilian 16/09/01 Ramallah Heavy machinegun fire (abdomen) Israeli army Standing on the roof of his house watching Israeli incursion into Um Al Sharayet

597 Muhammad Al Kafarneh 25 Civilian 17/09/01 Gaza Artillery shrapnel (head) Israeli army Wounded on 14/09

598 Muhammad Al Shilwani 39 NSF 17/09/01 Jericho Heavy machinegun fire (abdomen) Israeli army Wounded on 13/09 during Israeli incursion into Jericho

599 Abdil Salam I'layyan 35 Civilian 17/09/01 Gaza Gunshot (back & thigh) Israeli army From Al Shabura refugee camp

600 Mu'taz Abdil Majeed Daghlus 26 Civilian 18/09/01 Nablus Injury not known as his body has been retained by Israel Israeli army

Palestinians killed 18 September - 27 October 2001

# Name Age Status Date Place Wound Who by Remarks

601 Isma'eel Al Dudeh 30 Civilian 18/9/01 Bab Al Zawyeh, Hebron Gunshot (head & heart) Israeli army Hit from Israeli post 700m away

602 Malek Salem 25 NSF 19/9/01 Nablus Gunshots (chest, waist & feet) Israeli army Died of wounds inflicted on 13/9/01

603 Muneer Abu Musa 34 Civilian 20/9/01 Gaza Gunshot (head and shoulder) Israeli army Killed in armed confrontation

604 Abdil Latif Radwan 60 Civilian 21/9/01 Azoun, Qalqilia Gas inhalation Israeli army Killed at Surra checkpoint, Nablus

605 Imad Awad 25 NSF 22/9/01 Al Shate' refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Died of wounds inflicted on 17/9/2001

606 Nasrallah Jar'oun 20 Civilian 23/9/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army Died of wounds inflicted on 23/8/01

607 Mahmoud Qishta 16 Civilian 26/9/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Killed during shelling of Rafah

608 Khaled Abu Habeeb 25 Civilian 26/9/01 Rafah, Gaza Artillery in the head Israeli army Killed during shelling of Rafah

609 Akram Abu Libdeh 27 Civilian 26/9/01 Rafah, Gaza Artillery shrapnel in the head Israeli army Killed during shelling of Rafah

610 Mahmoud Al Sha'er 24 Civilian 26/9/01 Rafah, Gaza Artillery in the head Israeli army Killed during shelling of Rafah

611 Mu'awiyah Al Nahhal 14 Civilian 26/9/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Killed during shelling of Rafah

612 Ali Abu Baleemeh 30 Civilian 26/9/01 Deir Al Balah, Gaza Gunshot (pelvis) Israeli army Killed while passing Kfar Darom settlement

613 Imam Al Sharif 25 Civilian 28/9/01 Hebron, Heavy gunshot (abdomen) Israeli army

614 Muhammad Al Tarayrah 10 Civilian 28/9/01 Bani Na'im, Hebron Heavy gunshot (pelvis) Israeli army During shelling

615 Mahmoud Sukkar 15 Civilian 28/9/01 Al Dheisheh, Bethlehem Gunshot (chest & abdomen) Israeli army During confrontations at Al Khader entrance

616 Muhsen Arar 17 Civilian 28/9/01 Qarawet Bani Zeid, Ramallah Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Died of wounds inflicted on 21/9/01

617 Ribhi Al Bayed 51 Civilian 29/9/01 Hebron Heavy gunshot (heart) Israeli army During random shelling of residential areas

618 Ahmad Awaja 25 Civilian 29/9/01 Rafah, Gaza Heavy gunshot in the back of the head Israeli army Died of wounds inflicted on 27/9/01

619 Mahmoud Al Sawwaf 12 Civilian 29/9/01 Al Tufah quarter, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli army Near Al Mintar Crossing

620 Khalil Fayyad 18 Civilian 29/9/01 Deir Al Balah, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Kfar Darom settlement surrounding

621 Khalil Al Sarfandi 52 Civilian 30/9/01 Askar refugee camp, Nablus Gunshot (head) Israeli army In a car on its way inside the Green Line

622 Husni Abu Leil 52 Civilian 30/9/01 Balata refugee camp, Nablus Gunshot (left shoulder, chest, thigh & left hand) Israeli army In car on its way inside the Green Line

623 Maher Khdeir 23 Civilian 3/10/01 Beit Lahia, Gaza Artillery missile Israeli army Farm owner killed while missiles shot at his farm

624 Mahmoud Al Shurafah 25 Civilian 3/10/01 Beit Lahia, Gaza Artillery missile Israeli army Worker in farm killed when missiles directed at Maher's farm

625 Nour Al Deen Qweider 25 Civilian 3/10/01 Gaza Shrapnel in upper part of the body Israeli army Artillery missiles hit south Dogeet Settlement

626 Mahmoud Abu Hani 23 Civilian 3/10/01 Al Shate' refugee camp, Gaza Shrapnel in various parts of the body Israeli army Artillery missiles hit south Dogeet Settlement

627 Wa'el Awwad 25 Civilian 3/10/01 Deir Al Balah, Gaza Shrapnel in various parts of the body Israeli army Artillery missiles hit south Dogeet Settlement

628 Sayyed Ziyara 34 NSF 3/10/01 Al Tufah Quarter, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army

629 Abdullah Sha'ban 20 Civilian 3/10/01 Jabalia, Gaza 20 gunshots Israeli army Armed confrontation

630 Ibrahim Rayyan 17 Civilian 3/10/01 Jabalia, Gaza 20 gunshots Israeli army Armed confrontation

631 Muhammad Shirbasi 28 Civilian 4/10/01 Hebron Heavy gunshot (chest) Israeli army From Gaza. Heavy gunshot penetrated the left side of the chest down the heart and left the armpit

632 Natheer Hammad 27 Civilian 4/10/01 Al Arqa, Jenin Gunshot (chest) during armed confrontation Israeli army Disguised in Israeli soldier's uniform, opened fire in all directions at Al Afouleh

633 Iyyad Qafeeshah 28 Civilian 5/10/01 Hebron Two missiles Israeli army Two missiles shot from a helicopter that turned his body into pieces

634 Nidal Qafeeeshah 25 Civilian 5/10/01 Hebron Two missiles Israeli army Two missiles shot from a helicopter that turned his body into pieces

635 Hazem Amru 27 Civilian 5/10/01 Hebron 3 heavy gunshots (head, chest & abdomen) Israeli army From helicopters

636 Qasem Abu Afeefah 48 Civilian 5/10/01 Hebron Heavy gunshot Israeli army From helicopters after leaving daybreak prayer

637 Ra'ed Abu Daoud 23 Civilian 5/10/01 Hebron Many gunshots in various parts of the body Israeli army From helicopters

638 Hamzeh Al Qawasmi 23 Civilian 5/10/01 Hebron Many heavy gunshots in the head Israeli army

639 Amjad Al Qawasmi 24 Civilian 5/10/01 Hebron Heavy gunshot in the head Israeli army A pharmacist killed after reaching hospital

640 Ra'ed Al Sharif 28 Civilian 7/10/01 Hebron, 2 gunshots in the back penetrated the chest Israeli army A taxi driver and father of 3 children

641 Abdil Rahman Abu 'iriban 32 Civilian 8/10/01 Al Breij, Gaza Gunshots in the abdomen and head Israeli army Married, unemployed, suffered from psychological problems since the first Intifada

642 Jum'ah Al Sawarkeh 17 Civilian 10/10/01 Beit Lahia, Gaza Heavy and medium gunshots in the head Israeli army From Amer Housing in Beit Lahia, north Gaza killed by shrapnel

643 Salah Abi Theeb 21 Civilian 10/10/01 Al Breij, Gaza Medium and heavy gunshots in the head Israeli army

644 Ahmad 'itewi 28 Civilian 10/10/01 Al Nseerat refugee camp, Gaza Heavy and medium gunshots in the chest and legs Israeli army

645 Hamadah Abu Al Rous 34 Civilian 10/10/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli army Died of injuries inflicted during first Intifada on 12/12/1987

646 Hani Rawajbeh 24 Civilian 11/10/01 Northern Aseerah, Nablus Shrapnel tore his body to shreds Israeli army Killed early in the morning, Izzideen Al Qassam cadre, during shelling the northern Aseerah

647 Abdil Rahman Hamad 35 Civilian 14/10/01 Qalqilia 3 heavy gunshots in the chest and waist Israeli army Following daybreak prayer while he was at his building's roof, a Hamas cadre, accused of exploding a discotheque in Tel Aviv in June, 2001

648 Ahmad Marshoud 33 Civilian 15/10/01 Balata refugee camp, Nablus Shrapnel and burns in various parts of the body Israeli army A Hamas cadre, killed in an explosion that took place near his car

649 Marwan Khaleefeh 25 NSF 18/10/01 Al Far'ah refugee camp, Jenin 2 gunshots (head) Israeli army A national security lieutenant, killed while shelling

650 Riham Abu Al Ward 10 Civilian 18/10/01 The German quarter, Jenin Heavy gunshot in left side of chest Israeli army Student in Al Ibrahimiyeh Girls' school in German quarter during shelling

651 Muhammad Abu Al Ras 16 NSF 18/10/01 Ramallah Gunshot (chest, left shoulder) Israeli army Hit with Marwan Khalifeh and died later

652 Sa'ed Al Aqra' 22 NSF 18/10/01 Salfit Heavy gunshot Israeli army A general

653 Atef 'Ibayyat 32 NSF 18/10/01 Beit Sahour, Bethlehem Car explosion, with other two Israeli army Al Aqsa Martyrs' leader in Bethlehem, killed in a booby-trapped-jeep

654 Jamal 'Ibayyat 35 NSF 18/10/01 Beit Sahour, Bethlehem Car explosion, with other two Israeli army

655 Issa 'Ibayyat 28 NSF 18/10/01 Beit Sahour, Bethlehem Car explosion, with other two Israeli army

656 Abdil Qader Abu Srour 25 Civilian 19/10/01 Aida refugee camp, Bethlehem Heavy gunshot in the head Israeli army Killed at home

657 Musa Abu Ideh 19 Civilian 19/10/01 Beit Jala, Bethlehem Heavy gunshot in the neck Israeli army Killed at home

658 Mariam Sbeih 38 Civilian 19/10/01 Al Khader, Bethlehem Heavy gunshot in the chest Israeli army A mother of six, killed at home

659 Jawdat Jum'a 21 Civilian 19/10/01 Al Mintar, Gaza Gunshot in the chest Israeli army Following Friday prayer, killed while confrontations at Al Mintar crossing, east Gaza

660 Basel Al Mubasher 13 Civilian 19/10/01 Khan Younis refugee camp A booby-trapped explosion Israeli army Booby-trapped shrapnel in various parts of the body, especially the face and abdomen, that led to leg and hand laceration

661 Mustafa Nofal 34 Civilian 20/10/01 Qalqilia Heavy gunshot in the chest Israeli army Hit at home in the northern quarter of the city

662 Samer Shawahneh 22 NSF 20/10/01 Qlaqilia Heavy gunshot in the hind Israeli army Died of internal bleeding. Traffic police killed while present at the city police station in Sufiyeh quarter

663 Mustafa Zitawi 33 NSF 20/10/01 Tulkarem Artillery shrapnel that directly hit the skull Israeli army Direct shrapnel damaged his skull & intestine at security force post in Irtah, west the city

664 Rania Kharoufeh 24 Civilian 20/10/01 Beit Jala, Bethlehem Gunshot Israeli army Killed while getting out from her car

665 Maher Abu Hasna 33 NSF 20/10/01 Tulkarem Artillery shrapnel that directly hit the skull Israeli army Direct shrapnel that damaged his skull and intestine while present at the security force post in Irtah outskirt, west the city

666 Yousef 'bayyat 15 Civilian 20/10/01 Bethlehem Gunshot (head) Israeli army Hit by sniper over Hindara mount, east Bethlehem, on his way home

667 A'isha Odeh 39 Civilian 20/10/01 Aida refugee camp, Bethlehem Heavy gunshot (chest); shrapnel (various) Israeli army A mother of 8, lived in Jerusalem, killed when her house was shelled

668 Jonnie Thaljiyeh 19 Civilian 20/10/01 Bethlehem 2 gunshots (chest & abdomen) Israeli army Killed while present at the Nativity Church yard by a sniper

669 Ahmad Abu Mandeel 16 Civilian 21/10/01 Al Maghazi refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (back) Israeli army Died after being wounded 29/9/2001 at Kfar Darom settlement, east Deir Al Balah during clashes

670 Muhammad Baarqa'a 26 Civilian 21/10/01 AL Azza refugee camp, Bethlehem Gunshot Israeli army Deaf and blind, a father of 5 children, killed from close range without reason or prior notice

671 Naahed Al Juuju 40 NSF 21/10/01 Bethlehem Heavy gunshots (ammunition) Israeli army A Major works in Bethlehem, from Gaza, killed by gunfire in middle of Bethlehem

672 Fawzi Al Masalmeh 28 NSF 21/10/01 AL Dawha, Bethlehem Artillery shrapnel in the head Israeli army Killed at Beit Jala hospitals' entrance

673 Ghada Ayaseh 20 Civilian 21/10/01 Sanour, Jenin Gunshot in the head Israeli army Killed on her way back home with her family after picking olives

674 Nidal 'Ilayyan 20 NSF 21/10/01 Bethlehem Heavy gunshot in the abdomen Israeli army From Gaza, worked in Bethlehem

675 Ayman Halaweh 26 Civilian 22/10/01 Nablus Car explosion Israeli army His car that carried a yellow plate was exploded, he's a Hamas member

676 Naser Qar'an 14 Civilian 23/10/01 Qalqilia Heavy gunshot (chest & abdomen) Israeli army

677 Tal'at Jaber 19 NSF 23/10/01 Tulkarem Heavy gunshot in the chest and left the back Israeli army A national security forces member, lives in Gaza and works in Tulkarem

678 Bader Al Sha'er 50 Civilian 23/10/01 Tulkarem Heavy gunshot in the chest and settled in the heart Israeli army

679 Muhammad Sama'neh 24 NSF 23/10/01 Ramallah Gunshot in face, left from the back of the head Israeli army Criminal interrogation apparatus member from Beit Iba, died of wounds inflicted 18/10/01 in Ramallah

680 Saleh Al Asi 19 Civilian 23/10/01 Tulkarem Gunshots in various parts of the body Israeli army

681 Mahmoud Al Jallad 19 Civilian 23/10/01 Tulkarem Gunshots in various parts of the body Israeli army

682 Ayman Al Jallad 19 Civilian 23/10/01 Tulkarem Gunshots in various parts of the body Israeli army

683 Harees Hajjeh 29 NSF 24/10/2001 Beit Rima Israeli Army NSF member from Burqa, Nablus

684 Kamel Al Barghouthi 20 NSF 24/10/01 Beit Rima Israeli Army NSF member from Deir Ghassaneh, Ramallah

685 Abdil Mm'ti Zawawi 22 NSF 24/10/01 Beit Rima Israeli Army NSF member from Bani Zeid, Ramallah

686 Qasem Al Mughrabi 26 NSF 24/10/01 Beit Rima Israeli Army NSF member from Gaza

687 Rafeeq Saqer 27 NSF 24/10/01 Beit Rima Israeli Army NSF member from Gaza

688 Issa Al Ali 55 Civilian 24/10/01 Bethlehem Heavy gunshot & shrapnel, various parts of body Israeli Army Killed in his car in Bab al Zaqaq, Bethlehem

689 Marwan Halabiyeh 21 Civilian 24/10/01 Abu Dis, Jerusalem Gunshot (various) Israeli Army Clinically dead since 23/10/01 after being shot at demonstration in front of Al Quds university

690 Wa'el 'Ibayyat 22 NSF 25/10/01 Bethlehem Gunshot Israeli Army Shot by sniper in Al Azza refugee camp at 6.10 am

691 Salameh Al Dibes 39 Civilian 25/10/01 Aida refugee camp, Bethlehem Gunshot Israeli Army Shot by sniper

692 Firas Salahat Civilian 25/10/01 Bethlehem Gunshot Israeli Army Shot by sniper

693 Hasan Abu Sarriyeh NSF 25/10/01 Tulkarem Gunshot Israeli Army Intelligence apparatus member from Noor Shams refugee camp, Tulkarem

694 Zeid Abu Jalaleh 23 NSF 25/10/01 Bethlehem Gunshot Israeli Army From Gaza

695 Eed Abu Sharakh 35 Civilian 25/10/01 Al Shate' refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli Army Wounded on 08/10/01

696 Fu'ad Al Dahshan 17 Civilian 26/10/01 Near Dugeet settlement, Gaza. Gunshot (various) Israeli Army From Al Zaytoun refugee camp, Gaza. Killed in confrontation while trying to enter Dugeet settlement

697 Uthman Al Razayneh 22 Civilian 26/10/01 Near Dugeet settlement, Gaza. Gunshot (various) Israeli Army From Jabalya refugee camp. Killed during confrontation while trying to enter Dugeet settlement

698 Iyyad Al Batsh 21 Civilian 26/10/01 Near Dugeet settlement, Gaza Gunshot (various) Israeli Army From Jabalya refugee camp. Killed during confrontation while trying to enter Dugeet settlement

699 Haitham Samahdaneh 25 Civilian 26/10/01 Nahel Oz crossing, Gaza Gunshot (various) Israeli Army From Beer Sheva. Killed while trying to enter Gaza.

700 Firas Jaber 24 Civilian 27/10/01 Tulkarem Shrapnel (various) Israeli Army Killed during Israeli shelling

Palestinians killed 28 October - 26 December 2001

# Name Age Status Date Place Wound Who by Remarks

701 Yousef Sweetat 22 Civilian 28/10/01 Gunshot (various) Israeli army From Jenin refugee camp. Killed during armed confrontation where 4 female Israelis were killed and 40 injured

702 Tayseer Jabali 23 Civilian 28/10/01 Gunshot (various) Israeli army From Jenin. Killed during armed confrontation where 4 female Israelis were killed and 40 injured

703 Abdullah Jarushi 38 Civilian 31/10/01 Tulkarem Israeli army Hamas cadre, 'wanted' by Israel

704 Jamil Khalifah 25 Civilian 31/10/01 Hebron Direct hit by missile, fragmented his body. Israeli army Hamas cadre accused of killing settlers and 'wanted' by Israel.

705 Ra'ed Al Akhras 25 NSF 31/10/01 Palestinian checkpoint west of Qalqilia Gunshot & shrapnel (various) Israeli Army From Gaza; another was killed and a third injured

706 Muhammad Jamil 40 NSF 31/10/01 Palestinian checkpoint west of Qalqilia Gunshot & shrapnel (various) Israeli Army From Jericho; another was killed and a third injured

707 Muhammad Al As'usi 29 Civilian 31/10/01 Jaba', Jenin 15 gunshots (various) Israeli Army Killed with Rabee' Ghannam in cold blood from close range, on their way home. He works with criminal investigation and his body was given to the liaison office

708 Rabee' Ghanna 22 Civilian 31/10/01 Jaba', Jenin 12 gunshots (various, especially head) Israeli Army Killed with Muhammad Al As'usi in cold blood from close range, on their way home. He works in the military liaison and his body was given to the liaison office

709 Yasser Aseedah 25 Civilian 01/11/01 Tal, Nablus Body burnt by 4 missiles Israeli Army Following the explosion that hit both him and Fahmi, Israeli troops descended shooting from a helicopter and took the driver to unknown location.

710 Fahmi Abu Eisheh 28 Civilian 01/11/01 Askar Al Balad, Nablus Body burnt by 4 missiles Israeli Army Following the explosion that hit both him and Yasser, Israeli troops descended from a helicopter shooting fire and took the driver to unknown area.

711 Salah Al Ghazali 45 NSF 03/11/01 Al Zaytoun quarter, Gaza Gunshots (various) Israeli Army Lieutenant in national security

712 Hatem Al Shweiki 34 Civilian 04/11/01 French Hill, Jerusalem Gunshot (various) Israeli Army From Hebron. Killed during armed clashes at the French Hill

713 Said Abu Shmeis 26 NSF 05/11/01 Ramallah Exploding bullet (abdomen) Israeli Army From Gaza. Wounded on 21/10/01. A NSF at Al Irsal Street in Ramallah

714 Jamal Mlawwah 27 Civilian 06/11/01 Deir Istia, Salfit Gunshot (head, hands and chest Israeli Army Killed with two others, Ali and Iyyad. Israeli soldiers hindered arrival of paramedics

715 Iyyad Al Khatib 28 Civilian 06/11/01 Deir Istia, Salfit Gunshot (mouth, head, hands and chest) Israeli Army Killed with two others, Ali and Jamal. Israeli soldiers hindered arrival of paramedics.

716 Ali Abu Hijleh 22 Civilian 06/11/01 Deir Istia, Salfit Gunshot (eye, hands and chest) Israeli Army Killed with two others, Iyyad and Jamal. Israeli soldiers hindered arrival of paramedics.

717 Majdi Jradat 26 Civilian 06/11/01 Wadi Barqeen, Jenin 2 bombs in the car he was in Israeli Army Fateh cadre, hit with Ikrima Isteiti, severe wounds in the face, chest and limbs, as well as left hand laceration

718 Ikrima Isteiti 35 Civilian 06/11/01 Jenin refugee camp, Jenin 2 bombs in the car he was in Israeli Army A Fateh cadre, hit with Majdi Jradat, severe wounds in the face, chest and limbs, as well as left leg and hand laceration

719 Issa Dababseh 48 Civilian 07/11/01 Yatta, Hebron Gunshot (various) Israeli Army The body was kidnapped following the incursion of PA areas with a civilian car. His son and one of the passersby were hit as well. He was wanted for killing a settler when attempted to possess his land in 1998

720 Musa Abu Ayya 57 Civilian 07/11/01 Rafah, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli Army Hit by silenced rifle at Abu Bakr Al Sideeq Street

721 Muhammad Kaskeen 23 Civilian 07/11/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (back) Israeli Army Killed during shelling. He was driving his car, four others were also injured in the same incident.

722 Samir Abu Haleeb 36 Civilian 9/11/01 Al Qararah, Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshots (right waist, thigh & pelvis) Israeli Army Deaf-mute, hit from 100m, died after reaching hospital

723 Ahmad Abu Mustafa 13 Civilian 12/11/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli Army Killed after being wounded on Nov 9 '01, while playing beside his house adjacent to Neve Dakalim settlement

724 Muhammad Rayhan 25 Civilian 12/11/01 Tal, Nablus Gunshot (various) Israeli Army When Israeli troops attempt to break into his house, he left it shooting at them. He's a Hamas member

725 Wafa' Odeh 34 Civilian 13/11/01 Irtah, Tulkarem Heavy gunshot in the heart Israeli Army Mother of 4, killed at home during shelling

726 Ahed Dahrouj 20 Civilian 15/11/01 Al Nsirat refugee camp, Gaza Israeli Army Killed while harvesting oranges.

727 Taher Al Kilani 16 Civilian 18/11/01 Ya'bad, Jenin Gunshot (head) Israeli Army Died due to injury inflicted on 7/11/01 while leaving Al Mudrah from 70m distance. Three others were injured as well

728 Ibrahim Isaid 50 Civilian 18/11/01 Al Maghazi refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (right waist) Israeli Army Wounded on 16/9/01 and transferred to Egypt for treatment for intestine and liver laceration

729 Midhat Abu Dalal 32 NSF 18/11/01 Al Nsirat refugee camp, Gaza Gunshots (various) Israeli Army Israeli tanks are suspected to have run him over after he was shot. Chest wound as well as emerging intestines and artillery shrapnel in back. Naval police officer

730 Muhammad Hussein 35 NSF 18/11/01 Abraj Al Nada, Gaza Heavy gunshot (various) Israeli Army Naval police officer killed during Israeli incursion into PA-controlled area

731 Maher Daghlas 22 Civilian 19/11/01 Burqa, Nablus Gunshot (head) and 20 gunshots (various) Israeli Army Killed in cold blood. He was hit in the left leg and when the ambulance came to take him it found him killed by 20 gunshots

732 Akram Al Astal 6 Civilian 22/11/01 Khan Younis, Gaza A suspected object exploded while passing Israeli Army An explosion while passing led to the killing of 5 and injuring his cousin as well

733 Muhammad Al Astal 14 Civilian 22/11/01 Khan Younis, Gaza A suspected object exploded while passing Israeli Army An explosion while passing led to the killing of 5 and injuring his cousin as well

734 Omar Al Astal 13 Civilian 22/11/01 Khan Younis, Gaza A suspected object exploded while passing Israeli Army An explosion while passing led to the killing of 5 and injuring his cousin as well

735 Anees Al Astal 11 Civilian 22/11/01 Khan Younis, Gaza A suspected object exploded while passing Israeli Army An explosion while passing led to the killing of 5 and injuring his cousin as well

736 Muhammad Sultan Al Astal 11 Civilian 22/11/01 Khan Younis, Gaza A suspected object exploded while passing Israeli Army An explosion while passing led to the killing of 5 and injuring his cousin as well

737 Ayman Awaysah (Hashaykeh) 37 Civilian 23/11/01 Taluoza, Nablus 5 missiles shred him to pieces Israeli Army 5 missiles hit the car he was in. Two others were killed

738 Ma'moun Awaysah (Hashaykeh) 26 Civilian 23/11/01 Taluoza, Nablus 5 missiles shred him to pieces Israeli Army 5missiles hit the car he was in. Two others were killed

739 Mamoud Shuli (Abu Hannoud) 34 Civilian 23/11/01 Aseerah Al Shamaliyah 5missiles turned him into pieces Israeli Army 5missiles hit the car he was in. two others were killed. He was wanted for years

740 Ahmad Al Hinnawi 25 Civilian 23/11/01 Gaza Gunshot in the head Israeli Army Gunshot were hit at the car he was in. two women in the car were injured as well

741 Wa'el Radwan 15 Civilian 23/11/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot in the head Israeli Army Killed during clashes

742 Kifah 'Ibeid 13 Civilian 25/11/01 Al Dheisheh refugee camp, Bethlehem 2 gunshots (chest & abdomen) Israeli Army Killed in Bethlehem protest at killing of Al Astal

743 Rami Mansour 23 Civilian 28/11/01 Al Shujaiyeh, Gaza Gunshots in the abdomen, waist, thigh and leg Israeli Army Construction worker whose body was handed to the Liaison. His reason for going to the scene - an Israeli outpost - is not known

744 Ibrahim Hanani 80 Civilian 28/11/01 Beit Furik, Nablus A settler ran over him Settlers A settler ran over him while passing the street that links Alon Moreh settlement to Nablus-Jerusalem street

745 Hasan Zbeidi 24 Civilian 29/11/01 Nablus - Balata Camp 8 gunshots (various parts of body) Israeli Army Taxi driver, killed while passing al Hamra checkpoint coming from Jericho

746 Rashad Hija 37 Civilian 29/11/01 Tulkarem - Atil Gunshot (under the eye) Israeli Army He was in the car with Hasan, returning from Jordan through Jericho

747 Mohammad Asaus 19 Civilian 1/12/01 Jenin - al Shohada Camp Missile shrapnel (various parts of body) Israeli Army While walking on Jenin street in Nablus

748 Mohammad Shahla 12 Civilian 1/12/01 Jenin - Jenin Camp Heavy gunshot (head) Israeli Army

749 Mazin al Nabilsi 31 Civilian 2/12/01 Jerusalem - Dahiat al Barid Gunshot (neck) Bank security guard On his way to make a deposit at an Israeli bank, 1:30pm

750 Jihad al Masri 17 Civilian 2/12/01 Gaza - Beit Lahia During clashes Israeli Army Member of Islamic Jihad

751 Maslama al Araj 20 Civilian 2/12/01 Gaza During clashes Israeli Army Member of Islamic Jihad

752 Mohammad Sonjk 19 Civilian 3/12/01 Tolkarem - Ramin During clashes Israeli Army

753 Yihia Abed 30 Civilian 3/12/01 Jenin - Kabatia 2 bullets (back & chest) Israeli Army Mentally handicapped man hit while waking in the street

754 Mohammad Abu Morsa 16 Civilian 3/12/01 Gaza -al Nasir street Israeli Army On his way home from school he encountered shelling

755 Mohammad Siam 23 NSF 3/12/01 Gaza -al Nasir street Israeli Army Died during shelling

756 Amjad al Tobasi 26 Civilian 4/12/01 Nablus Gunshot (head) Israeli Army During Israeli incursion into PNA area

757 Sakr al Dibari 21 Civilian 5/12/01 Gaza - Rafah Gunshot (head) Israeli Army Wounded on 28/11/01

758 Taj Al Deen Al Masri 29 NSF 6/12/01 Beit Lahia, Gaza Gunshot penetrated eye, exited back of the head Israeli Army Naval Force officer, killed during incursion into his area. Gunshot destroyed brain tissue as well as abdomen, back & right arm

759 Lu'ay Mashal 24 Civilian 7/12/01 Deir Ghassaneh, Ramallah Gunshot (head and various) Israeli Special Forces Killed with three others during shooting on road linking Kufur Al Deek to their village, 'wanted' by Israeli army, hit by many bullets

760 Ayed I'layyan 20 Civilian 7/12/01 Deir Ghassaneh Gunshot in the head and various parts of the body Israeli Special Forces Killed with three others during shooting on road linking Kufur Al Deek to their village, Fateh member, armed.

761 Adnan Jum'a 28 NSF 9/12/01 Beit Eed, Tulkarem Gunshots in various parts of the body Israeli Army 1st lieutenant killed in cold blood - he and three companions shot at in car

762 Muneef Hamadah 28 NSF 9/12/01 Beit Eed, Tulkarem Gunshots in the head Israeli Army 1st lieutenant killed in cold blood - he and three companions shot at in car

763 Ahhmad Kou' 23 NSF 9/12/01 Beit Eed, Tulkarem Gunshots in the head Israeli Army 1st lieutenant killed in cold blood - he and three companions shot at in car

764 Sa'eed Dreidi 26 NSF 9/12/01 Beit Eed, Tulkarem Gunshots in the head Israeli Army 1st lieutenant killed in cold blood - he and three companions shot at in car

765 Subhi Abu Munis 36 Civilian 9/12/01 Arraba, Jenin 2 gunshots (heart & neck) Israeli Army Ford (taxi) driver, killed on bypass route in Al Sweitat quarter, no passenger was injured

766 Burhan Al Haymouni 3 Civilian 10/12/01 Hebron Missile hit the car he was in Israeli Army Killed in Muhammad Sider's car during attempt to execute Islamic Jihad member, another child was killed too

767 Shadi Arafeh 13 Civilian 10/12/01 Hebron Missile hit the car he was in Israeli Army Killed with another child in attempt to execute Muhammad Sider, an Islamic Jihad cadre, he was in a car near Sider's

768 Muhammad Maraheel 25 Civilian 11/12/01 Tulkarem Gunshot (penetrated back & exited chest Israeli Army From Gaza Strip, lives and works in Tulkarem, killed with Muhammad Jmi'an after crossing Al Jarushiyeh checkpoint on foot, soldiers hindered ambulance from reaching them

769 Muhammad Jmi'an 22 Civilian 11/12/01 Tulkarem Gunshot (head) Israeli Army From Gaza Strip, lives and works in Tulkarem, killed with Muhammad Maraheel after crossing Al Jarushiyeh checkpoint on foot, soldiers hindered ambulance from reaching them

770 Sa'eed Abu Sitteh 20 Civilian 11/12/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Shrapnel (various parts of body) Israeli Army During Israeli shelling in Khan Younis

771 Yaser Abu Namous 21 Civilian 11/12/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Shrapnel (various parts) Israeli Army From the Austrian quarter, left Khan Younis recently with Fadel I'beidah

772 Fadel I'beidah 24 Civilian 11/12/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Shrapnel (various parts of body) Israeli Army From the Austrian quarter, left Khan Younis recently with Yaser Abu Namous

773 Is'eid Abu Sitteh 24 Civilian 11/12/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Shrapnel (various parts of body) Israeli Army During Israeli shelling in Khan Younis

774 Ahmad Al Dmeisi 26 NSF 13/12/01 AL Bireh, Ramallah Heavy gunshot (head) Israeli Army During Israeli incursion into city. Special Force member

775 Hayat Al Haitham Civilian 13/12/01 Al Naser quarter, Gaza Heart attack Israeli Army Heart attack during explosions and artillery shelling. Mother of eight

776 Rami Za'rab 13 Civilian 13/12/01 Rafah, Gaza Direct gunshot (heart) Israeli Army Killed during shelling of residential areas in Tal Za'rab, Rafah

777 Ahmad Al Masri 15 Civilian 13/12/01 Khan Younis refugee camp, Gaza Gunshot (head) Israeli Army Participating in funeral of two victims, after throwing stones he was injured and killed

778 As'ad Abu Sneineh 21 Civilian 14/12/01 Hebron 2 gunshots (chest & back) Israeli Army With Abdul Baset in Abu Arkeh. Another man was injured

779 Abdul Baset Abu Sneineh 28 Civilian 14/12/01 Hebron 3 gunshots (neck & back) Israeli Army With As'ad in Abu Arkeh. Another man was injured

780 Diya' Ibdah 19 NSF 14/12/01 Salfeet Gunshot (head) Israeli Army Force 17 member

781 Jawad Shahin 20 NSF 14/12/01 Salfeet Gunshot (chest & abdomen) Israeli Army  

782 Rizeq Harzallah 25 NSF 14/12/01 Salfeet 500mm gunshot in the neck -left side Israeli Army General Intelligence member

783 Khaled Abu Ya'qoub 27 NSF 14/12/01 Salfeet, Kuful Hares Gunshot (head) smashed skull Israeli Army Chased by Israeli jeep before being killed

784 Muhammad Ashour 19 NSF 14/12/01 Salfeet, from Gaza Gunshot (chest & right shoulder) Israeli Army Chased by Israeli jeep before being killed

785 As'ad Abu Ataya 22 NSF 14/12/01 Salfeet, from Gaza Gunshot in the chest Israeli Army Military Intelligence member

786 Yousef Al Najjar 11 Civilian 14/12/01 Beit Hanoun, Gaza Heavy gunshot (head) Israeli Army Killed during Israeli incursion into Beit Hanoun

787 Ammar Al Ghaleeth 16 Civilian 14/12/01 Beit Hanoun, Gaza Heavy gunshot in the head Israeli Army Killed during Israeli incursion into Beit Hanoun

788 Mahmoud Ahmad 17 Civilian 14/12/01 Beit Hanoun, Gaza Heavy gunshot in the head Israeli Army Killed during Israeli incursion into Beit Hanoun

789 Ahmad Al Basyouni 27 Civilian 14/12/01 Beit Hanoun, Gaza Heavy gunshot (head) Israeli Army Lieutenant killed during Israeli incursion into Beit Hanoun

790 Mas'ad Daoud 21 Civilian 14/12/01 Rafah, Gaza 5 gunshots (chest); maltreatment Israeli Army Body sent to hospital 15/12/01. Hospital staff stated he was hit on head with axe and burned down body

791 Yaser Al Kasbeh 11 Civilian 16/12/01 Qalandia refugee camp, Jerusalem Rubber-coated metal bullet, entered neck, exited head Israeli Army Wounded on 8/12/01 after falling in a hole before soldier shot him from 1½m distance

792 Muhammad Hneideq 12 Civilian 16/12/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Gunshot (chest) Israeli Army Killed while playing with other children in front of house

793 Ya'qoub Idkeidek 27 Civilian 17/12/01 Hebron 6 gunshots (heart, abdomen, waist & thigh) Israeli Army Hamas cadre. Israeli soldiers besieged his home, ordered him out through loudspeakers. When he exited they shot.

794 Munjed Salman 19 NSF 17/12/01 Quseen, Nablus Many gunshots (various) Israeli Army Killed on patrol near Al Noor mosque when raided. He was killed and another injured

795 Adel Turkman 16 Civilian 19/12/01 Bardalah, Tubas Mine explosion Israeli Killed when mine exploded as he pastured animals

796 Deeb Al Sarawi 37 Civilian 20/12/01 Nablus Shrapnel in the head and chest Israeli army Merchant, hit in his home while eating. His wife and daughter were injured by shrapnel

797 Muhammad Hawwash 58 Civilian 20/12/01 Nablus Heart attack Israeli army Pharmacy assistant had heart attack and died after witnessing Deeb Al Sarawi's death

798 Wisam Imhareb 24 Civilian 22/12/01 Khan Younis, Gaza Shrapnel (head & various parts of body) Israeli army Died of injuries inflicted on 11 Dec '01

799 Jameel Abu Atwan 23 Civilian 24/12/01 Dura, Hebron Gunshot (abdomen & back) Settlers Al Najah university student & member of Al Aqsa group

800 Waleed Al Sa'di 53 Civilian 26/12/01 The German quarter, Jenin Heavy gunshots (waist, shoulder & hand) Israeli army Killed during incursion into the German quarter in Jenin

Palestinians killed 30 December 2001 - 14 January 2002

# Name Age Status Date Place Wound Who by Remarks

801 Muhammad Labad 17 Civilian 30/12/01 Al Sheikh Radwan quarter, Gaza Israeli army Body handed over on 2/1/02. Killed in cold blood on agricultural land during incursion

802 Muhammad Al Madhoun 15 Civilian 30/12/01 Al Sheikh Radwan quarter, Gaza Israeli army Body handed over on 2/1/02. Killed in cold blood on agricultural land during incursion

803 Ahmed Banat 15 Civilian 30/12/01 Al Sheikh Radwan quarter, Gaza Israeli army Body handed over on 2/1/02. Killed in cold blood on agricultural land during incursion

804 Isma'il Abu Al Qumsan 31 Civilian 30/12/01 Jabalia, Gaza Gunshots (various) Israeli army Killed with two others while trying to enter Israel. His body was handed over the next day

805 Muhammad Salah 19 Civilian 30/12/01 Jabalia, Gaza Gunshots (various) Israeli army Killed with two others while trying to enter Israel. His body was handed over the next day

806 Ali Imhanna 21 Civilian 30/12/01 Jabalia, Gaza Gunshots (various) Israeli army Killed with two others while trying to enter Israel. His body was handed over the next day

807 Na'el Al Seifi 22 NSF 4/1/02 Tel, Nablus 10 gunshots (chest, abdomen & back) Israeli Army Killed after being hit by gunshot in the leg and crawling to be aided, but chased and killed in cold blood by 10 gunshots. Bound by electric wire and dragged on ground. His body was held until noon and then handed to the military liaison.

808 Shadi Muslem 25 NSF 9/1/02 Beit Hanoun, Gaza 2 gunshots (neck & head) Israeli Army Wounded on 15/12/01. Prevented from travelling to Cairo for treatment and hit during incursion.

809 Ra'ed Al Karmi 26 Civilian 14/1/02 Tulkarem Missile Israeli Army Previous execution attempt on 6/9/01 with Omar Subuh and Mustafa Anbas

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Ich denke es ist sinnlos, die Opfer des Krieges hier aufzuzeigen...

Schließlich sterben Menschen auf beiden Seiten!

Was allerdings die Schuldfrage anbetrifft, bin ich dazu geneigt den Israelis die Schuld für diesen Krieg zu geben. (Aus Gründen die ich schon früher in mehrere Threads gepostet habe! Doch falls jemand möchte, zähle ich diese gerne noch einmal auf!)

@ kurn: Ich kann absolut nicht verstehen, warum du so eine starke pro-israelische Einstellung hast!

Das soll jetzt nicht heißen, das ich die Selbstmordattentate der Palästinenser gutheißen will, aber was die Israelis tun, ist ebenfalls großes Unrecht!

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So was kann man wohl nur als Moderator posten, ohne ärger zu bekommen
Es gibt keine Regel, die mir dies verbietet. Ehrlich gesagt, kann ich deinen Unmut nicht nachvollziehen.

Ich versuche, eine Behauptung von dir zu widerlegen. So einfach ist dies. Wenn ein anderer meiner Modkollegen jetzt meint, ich hätte gegen eine Regel verstoßen, dann soll er den Beitrag löschen. Aber ich widersetze mich nun einmal der Meinung, daß Israel ein Staat ist, der sich nur verteidigt und keine Fehler begeht. Genau wie ich die palästinensischen Milizen rüge und verurteile, daß sie Selbstmordattentate machen, verurteile ich den Genozoid eines angeblich demokratischen Landes, sowie die Vertreibung von über 5 Millionen Menschen und werde nicht müde darauf hinzuweisen.

Hat vielleicht was mit meinem Glauben zu tun, aber das ist ein anderes Thema/ein anderer Thread).

Ich zweifel daran, daß der Glauben hiermit was zu tun haben könnte. Nach jahrtausendelanger jüdischer Verfolgung durch die Kirche müsstest du, der Logik nach, ja gegen Israel sein.

Worauf ich hinauswill und wobei ich rein gar nichts unterstellen will: deine Sympathie mit Israel ist meiner Meinung nach nicht mit religiöser Bindung begründbar.

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tach, werewolf hat mich eben auf die äußerung mit dem moderatorteil aufmerksam gemacht:

1. ist der moderatorposten und die eigene meinung klar zu trennen

2. währe es schön solch lange listen als dateinanhang zu posten

3. sehe ich in der liste selbst keinen verstoß irgendeiner art... das hat nix mit moderator zu tun. wer 'beweismittel' einsetzt um seine meinung zu untermauern hat nichts böses getan.



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. Wenn ein anderer meiner Modkollegen jetzt meint, ich hätte gegen eine Regel verstoßen, dann soll er den Beitrag löschen.

Der Meinung bin ich gar nicht, da hast du mich falsch verstanden, ich wollte nur sagen, das es auf beiden Seiten viele Opfer gibt, und das wir das auch alle wissen! (@ kurn: auch wenn das manche aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht warhaben wollen)

Deshalb will ich meinen Standpunkt hier nochmal verdeutlichen:

Ich bin nämlich absolut dazu geneigt Werewolfs Meinung zu teilen!

Deshalb fangen wir also nochmal ganz von vorne an:

Auch wenn die Israelis 1947 ein Uno Mandat zur Besiedlung des Palästinensischen Gebietes erhielten, führten sie doch den sogennanten "7 Tage Krieg", bei dem sie die Palästinenser, die ihnen Siedlungsland freiwillig überlassen hatte, angriffen und sich deren Land unter den Nagel rissen (da könnt ihr mir erzählen, was ihr wollt, aber das sind Tatsachen)! Die Palästinenser hatten der überlegenen israelischen Armee natürlich nichts entgegenzusetzen und so mussten sie hilflos mitansehen, wie ihnen ihr Land und ihr Besitz gewaltsam entrissen wurde. Die Israelis machten sich immer weiter breit, bis heute hat ihre Expansion in die palästinensischen Gebiete nicht aufgehört!

Wie gesagt, ich will die Selbstmordattentate auf keinen Fall schön reden, aber den Massenmord den die israelische Armee dort veranstaltet, kann ich noch weniger gut heißen!!

Die Palästinenser versuchen sich durch die Selbstmordattentate Gehör in der Welt zu verschaffen, damit sie das große Unrecht endlich sieht! :(

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Auch wenn die Israelis 1947 ein Uno Mandat zur Besiedlung des Palästinensischen Gebietes erhielten, führten sie doch den sogennanten "7 Tage Krieg", bei dem sie die Palästinenser, die ihnen Siedlungsland freiwillig überlassen hatte, angriffen und sich deren Land unter den Nagel rissen (da könnt ihr mir erzählen, was ihr wollt, aber das sind Tatsachen)! Die Palästinenser hatten der überlegenen israelischen Armee natürlich nichts entgegenzusetzen und so mussten sie hilflos mitansehen, wie ihnen ihr Land und ihr Besitz gewaltsam entrissen wurde. Die Israelis machten sich immer weiter breit, bis heute hat ihre Expansion in die palästinensischen Gebiete nicht aufgehört!

Im Zuge der Diskussion möchte ich meine eigene Sichtweise präsentieren, die übrigens auch in den Büchern z.B. meines Politikunterrichts bestätigt wird:

1947 wurde durch ein UNO-Mandat der Staat Israel gegründet. Faktisch ist dies jedoch nicht möglich, da kein einziger Paragraph der UN-Charta beeinhaltet, daß die UN einen Staat gründen darf ( wenn es so einfach wäre, dann hätten sie schon längst einen palästinensischen Staat arrangiert ). Seltsamerweise stellten zu dieser Zeit 70% Araber und 30% Juden die Bevölkerung Palästinas, doch seltsamerweise bekamen die Juden 56% des Gebietes zugesprochen, noch dazu das Gebiet, das wirtschaftlich rentabler war. Darauf griffen die arabischen Staaten Israel an. Die weitverbreitete Meinung ist, daß der Staat Israel umzingelt sei und von Feinden eingekreist, die hoffnungslos überlegen seien.,

Dazu möchte ich folgendes sagen: im Buch "Die Gründung Israels - Mythos und Wirklichkeit" geschrieben von einem jüdischen Dozenten aus Jerusalem wird aufgedeckt, daß Israel nicht militärisch unterlegen war.  Er zitiert drei Quellen, eine proisraelische, eine neutrale und eine proarabische und in allen drei hat Israel eine größere Armeestärke. Nun, wie kommt das?

Wie viele Soldaten haben wir in Deutschland? Jeder würde antworten 250.000, aber dies stimmt nicht, weil wir haben im Ernstfall 680.000. Wieso? Bei der ersten Zahl wurden die Reservisten nicht mitgezählt. Genauso verhielt es sich bei der Zählung des israelischen Militärs, das einfach nicht seine Reservisten mitzählte. Zweitens leben wir im 21. Jahrhundert.

Wer hat mehr Soldaten: China oder USA? China natürlich. Wer hat aber die bessere Armee? USA, denn in unserer Zeit ist die Mannstärke kein Indiz mehr für die Überlegenheit der Armee, sondern dere Technologie. Der neugegründete Staat Israel bekam damals Unterstützung britischer und amerikanischer Waffen, sowie die überlegenen Flugzeuge Nazi-Deutschlands.

Oft wird behauptet, die Kampfmoral und die Disziplin der arabsichen Staaten wäre immens gewesen, doch Ben Gurion schrieb selber, daß die arabischen Staaten, geradee rst in die Unabhängigkeit entlassen, miserable Ausrüstung und Strategie gehabt hatten.

In einem Punkt hat Kurn recht, im "6 Tage-Krieg" ist Israel angegriffen worden ( 1956 und 1982 jedoch andersherum ). Der Grund war, kurz gefasst, folgender: die Fatah-Bewegung benutzte die syrischen Golanhähen als Angriffsplattform für Angriffe auf besetztes palästinensisches Gebiet. Israel drohte daraufhin Syrien, sie sollen die Rebellion unterbinden. Syrien ging natürlich nicht darauf ein und die Beziehung verschlechterten sich. Nasser, der ägyptische Staatschef, wurde von seinen Generälen betrogen, die ihn glauben ließen, ihre Streitkräfte seien den israelischen weit überlegen. Daher schmiss er die UN-Truppen, wie es der Vertrag erlaubt, von der ägyptischen Seite des Sinai raus und stationierte dort seine eigenen Soldaten, um Solidarität mit Syrien zu zeigen. Israel konnte natürlich nicht tatenlos zusehen und rüstete sich selbst auf.

Nasser merkte nicht, daß seine eigenen Generäle ihm Falschinformationen geliefert hatten und machte den Fehler, seine Truppen nicht zurückzuziehen, woraufhin Israel schließlich einen Präventivschlag führte. Soweit noch einigermaßen akzeptabel, daß muss ich selbst als halber Araber gestehen. Der Knackpunkt ist jedoch, daß Israel in diesem Krieg eine Fläche eroberte, die zehnmal größer war als das UN-Gebiet, daß ihnen eingeteilt worden war, darunter fielen auch die Golan-Höhen.

1973 starteten die arabischen Staaten einen Rückeroberungskrieg und besiegten in einem Blitzangriff die israelische Luftwaffe, welches die Stütze des Staates war. Dann jedoch kamen die USA: sie machten sich nicht einmal die Mühe, das "US AIR FORCE" von den Bomben wegzupinseln, die sie Israel lieferten, sondenr liessen auch amerikanische Piloten mit Doppelstaatsbürgerschaft bei der israel. Luftwaffe mitfliegen ( wie die Amerikaner und Briten eine Staffel im zweiten Weltkrieg eingerichtet haben, noch bevor die USA in den Krieg eingetreten waren ).

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Ich habe nie behauptet, dass der Staat Israel keine Fehler macht (stimmt auch nicht).

Wieso müsste ich als Christ gegen Israel sein ? Der Gott der Juden ist auch der Gott der Christen. Jesus war selbst ein Jude. Dass man dass in der Geschichte öfters mal vergessen hat, bestreite ich aber nicht...

Meine „Sympathie“ zu Israel ist doch religiös begründbar.

Ich persönlich  glaube, was in der Bibel steht. In der Bibel steht auch, wie Gott dem Volk Israel das Land gegeben hat, worum es gerade beim Nahost-Konflikt geht (und zwar für immer). Somit ist es laut der Bibel „ihr Land“, das sie gerade verteidigen.

Dass nicht jeder diese Meinung teilt (nicht mal alle Juden), oder nicht an die Bibel glaubt, mag sein und ist für mich absolut in Ordnung (hab ich schön öfters gesagt). Aber ich sehe das halt so. (Ich hab übrigens nichts gegen Palästinenser, Moslems oder sonstige arabische Menschen.)

Israel hat die eroberten Gebiete nach dem „Jom-Kippur-Krieg“  1973 (sie wurden ja netterweise während des „Versöhnungstag“, dem höchsten Feiertag des jüdischen Jahres angegriffen) wieder zurückgegeben. Welches Land musste das denn jemals vorher tun ?.


Ich bin mir der Opfer (auf beiden Seiten) durchaus bewusst.

Du solltest mal besser in die Geschichtsbücher schauen.

Der „Sechs-Tage-Krieg“ war 1967.  Was du da (falsch) beschreibt war der Unabhängigkeitskrieg Israels 1948.Also bitte erst richtig informieren und dann mitreden.

„Massenmord“ ? Ich dachte man nennt das Krieg. Dann ist auch jeder andere ein Krieg ein Massenmord.

Die Palästinenser haben schon lange das „Gehör der Welt“, wieso machen sie dann weiter ?

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  • 4 Wochen später...

So frisch ans Werk, die Urlaubsphase ist vorbei ;)

Ich persönlich  glaube, was in der Bibel steht. In der Bibel steht auch, wie Gott dem Volk Israel das Land gegeben hat, worum es gerade beim Nahost-Konflikt geht (und zwar für immer). Somit ist es laut der Bibel „ihr Land“, das sie gerade verteidigen.

Also, wenn Gott gerade den Juden das Land geschenkt hat ( und nicht irgendeinem anderen Volk ), dann heißt das ja daß, wie es auch in der Thora steht, die Juden das Ausserwählte Volk sind.

Das hat vor 60 Jahren aber auch schon Adolf Hitler gesagt, daß die deutsche Rasse außerwählt sei, um die Welt, oder zumindest Europa, zu beherrschen. Wie kann es bei den einen, die sagen sie seien die überlegene Nation gut sein, bei anderen jedoch nicht.

Israel hat die eroberten Gebiete nach dem „Jom-Kippur-Krieg“  1973 (sie wurden ja netterweise während des „Versöhnungstag“, dem höchsten Feiertag des jüdischen Jahres angegriffen) wieder zurückgegeben. Welches Land musste das denn jemals vorher tun ?.

Ich habe das schon mal gesagt, daß der Jom Kippur als Tag des Erstschlags falsch ist, keine Frage.

Aber erstens haben sie das Land nicht wiedergegeben oder zumindest nur nutloses. Ägypten hat Land wiederbekommen, aber es nichts anderes als Wüstengebiet. Dort leben kaum bis gar keine Menschen und es hat überhaupt keinen wirtschaftlichen Nutzen. 1978 wurde das Friedensabkommen unterzeichnet und bis heute hat Ägypten kein einziges Projekt auf diesem Land gestartet, weil es einfach nutzlos ist.

Zudem besetzen sie immer noch Teile von Jordanien, Syrien und Libanon. Von einer Rückgabe kann also leider keine Rede sein.

Es gibt auch hunderte Beispiele von Ländern, die okkupiertes Land zurückgegeben haben:

- die Alliierten verließen Deutschland schließlich

- alle Kolonialmächte entliessen die afrikanischen und asiatischen Staaten in die Unabhängigkeit.

- die Sowjetunion zog sich aus Afghanistan zurück.

Im Gegenteil, es ist eher die Ausnahme, daß Länder niemals abziehen.

„Massenmord“ ? Ich dachte man nennt das Krieg. Dann ist auch jeder andere ein Krieg ein Massenmord.

Das oberste israelische Gericht sieht das ein bischen anders. In den 80ern verurteilten sie Ariel Sharon, dem damaligen Verteidigungsminister, für seine Massaker im Libanon und bezeichneten ihn als "untragbar für diese Position" und musste zurücktreten. Zwanzig Jahre später nimmt er auf einmal das höchste Amt des Staates wahr. Seltsam, aber wahr.

Also, wenn selbst die Israelis Massenmord zugeben, dann muss auch was dran sein...

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Heisst an die Bibel glauben - jede andere Vorstellung von Gut und Böse zu vergessen? ? ?

Kurn, das kann doch nicht dein Ernst sein!!!!

Wenn es einen Gott gibt - wenn er den Juden das Land gegeben hat - ist das dann für alle Ewigkeit so? LOL Erklär das einer den Indianern!! Die hatten ihr Land auch von Gott!!

Warum wird heute immer noch von Juden und dem jüdischen Volk geredet??

Ich find´s zum kotzen!!

Denn dann wären wir keine Deutschen, Türken, Polen, Amerikaner, Russen - sondern ev. Christen, kath. Christen, Moslems,  Orthodoxe, Scientologen... .

Dann müssten ALLE Grenzen ja wohl noch mal neu gezogen werden... . Schwachsinn!!!!

Ich stimme Werewolf bei dem rest zu - auch wenn ich sicherlich deutlichere Worte gewählt hätte!

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