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mhhh das mit dem ftp server stimmt nicht *heul*

Der is gar net offen ! Dicht wie ein Besoffener Kiffer!

Ich schätze mal, das bezieht sich auf folgende Aussage:

Zufälligerweise ist dann der treknews-ftp "free 4 all" und wir können endlich wieder Enterprise gucken.

Kleiner Tipp an den kleinen Trip:

Erstens: TN wird keine Folgen zum Download anbieten, denn das wäre zu 99% illegal!

Zweitens: Du solltest vieleicht etwas genauer lesen . :dumdiedum:

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@OD wie sieht es aus? Wann können wir mit einer Antwort aus deinen interdimensionalen, raumgekrümmten, zeitverschobenen, dunklen Quellen rechnen?

Sobald die Vaaudwaar beseitigt sind, der irregeleitete Komet umgelenkt, der Neutronensturm in eine xte-Dimension verschoben und alle Xenotriptiten eingefangen sind..... :D

im Ernst, ich hoffe Ende August...... :)

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Da es ja nur noch 22 Folgen sind, frage ich mich ob die Serie trotz der reduzierung, auch wieder so zerstückelt ausgestrahlt wird=( Oder ob sie diesmal schlauer sind und nur eine Winterpause einlegen=\

Leuzt. Das war bisher IMMER bei JEDER Serie so (und wenn ich jede Serie sage, meine ic hdamit nicht nur Star Trek-Serien, sondern wirklich JEDE Serie), die auf nem Network lief/läuft. Ein Fernsehjahr geht nunmal von September/Oktober (wenn man Akte X heißt auch mal November) bis Mai. Wenn die nur eine Winterpause einlegen würden, wäre die mal eben drei Monate lang (wie bei Stargate). Wäre das besser? Oder sind hin und wieder ein paar kleinere Pausen nicht vielleicht doch ein wenig klüger und "humaner"?

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He put in his time with the 'Crypt Keeper' and surveyed THE OUTER LIMITS. Along the way he found HOSTILE INTENT and created a STAR KID. His ODYSSEY 5 took him next to the STAR TREK offices at Paramount studios, where this new kid on the block has quickly become his own star.

Manny Coto joined STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE last season as a co-executive producer and contributed the controversial script "Similitude," dealt with religious fanaticism in "Chosen Realm," wrote the action-packed "Azati Prime" and suspensful "The Council." He balanced dangerous blows and romance in the ranks with delicate strokes in "Harbinger." Coto's arrival was a harbinger of a different kind.

When ENTERPRISE was narrowly renewed by UPN (and moved to Fridays) in May, Coto did what none had done in five years: take over the writing room. Excluding DEEP SPACE NINE, Brannon Braga has run the writing staff on STAR TREK since Michael Piller and Jeri Taylor departed VOYAGER in the late nineties. Although Ken Biller steered the final season of VOYAGER, Braga put his stamp on most of that series as well as ENTERPRISE. Since his days as an intern, he has been with the franchise for nearly fifteen years.

But with Braga developing new projects with Rick Berman, a changing of the guard has taken place at ENTERPRISE. TrekWeb chatted yesterday with the newest captain of STAR TREK's future, Manny Coto, about his course for the flagship franchise.

TW: Can you briefly summarize what your role is and your working relationship with Rick and Brannon?

MC: I’m running the writing room, which is generating the stories. Rick and Brannon are functioning as Rick did in the first three years of the show, which is approving and not approving, giving notes and in a more supervisory role. I’m more generating the stories and coming up with the thrust of the season.

TW: Are they generating stories at all?

MC: Not so much generating, but talking about them and helping develop them, absolutely.

TW: Now that you're essentially in charge creatively, what's your vision for the show?

MC: My vision is to try to fulfill what I think is ENTERPRISE’s promise, which is to create a truly prequel series. And that is beginning to tie ENTERPRISE into the overall STAR TREK canon and to really use the opportunity that we have to create stories that give us a glimpse into the formation of the STAR TREK universe. That’s in a nutshell my vision for this season, in any event. And on a simply fun level to do stories that STAR TREK fans would really love to see.

TW: You've already hired three new writers in Alan Brennert and Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens. Tell me how they became involved and what your impetus was for bringing them onboard.

MC: I have known Alan for a long time, I worked with him on OUTER LIMITS; when I was co-executive producer on OUTER LIMITS he wrote two of the best episodes of the season. I brought him on to ODYSEY 5 and he wrote really terrific episodes. I’ve known him very well, he is a huge STAR TREK fan and we’ve always talked about STAR TREK and when I came on to STAR TREK, he was one of the first names of someone that I’d like to bring onboard. Someone that was a novelist, that has a great love of STAR TREK and a great knowledge of the science fiction genre and just a terrifc writer. This year when I became executive producer one of the first things I wanted to do was bring Alan on.

Judy and Gar, I had loved [their novel]FEDERATION. I thought that they were really, as far as the STAR TREK novels, I thought theirs were stand outs, and because of what I wanted to do with season four, which is really tie ENTERPRISE with the STAR TREK universe I thought these two would be perfect to help flesh out the sense of scope that I wanted for the various story arcs. We’re operating in three-episode arcs and Judy and Gar with their novelist sense of sweep and their intense knowledge of the STAR TREK universe I thought would be perfect for what I wanted to do this year.

TW: Which scripts have these three written or will be writing?

MC: Judy and Gar haven’t written any yet, they probably will be writing one of the scripts on the Vulcan arc. Not probably, I’d say definitely going to write one of the scripts on the Vulcan arc, which we’re working on now. Alan has written episode two of the Soong arc “CS-12.”

TW: Will the Reeves-Stevenes write the possible William Shatner story?

MC: If the Shatner episode comes to fruition, which I’m hoping, yes they will write the Shatner episode[(s)].

By the way I should say that the Reeves-Stevens and the Shatner connection was actually completely coincidental. I wanted to bring on the Reeves-Stevens before we even knew Shatner was going to do the season. It was a strange thing, when I brought them in to meet with them they told me that Bill had this idea for the series and I said “oh really,” and I called Rick Berman and said “have you heard about this? Let’s move!” It was a strange coincidence but oddly enough worked out that way.

TW: What exactly is their position and role so far?

MC: They are executive story editors. They’re in the room, we’re all in the room tossing out ideas, and they have already submitted some great ideas for story arcs that I want to do later in the year.

TW: And what is the status of the Shatner situation? Are they actively working with him?

MC: They’re actively talking with him. They’re going back and forth with numbers, I know it’s a tough negotiation. I couldn’t tell you whether it’s going to work out or not, I’m hoping that it will. I know that there is interest from UPN and Paramount, they really want to try and make it work, but it’s a tough negotiation. It [would be] later in the year.

TW: So let's talk about another guest star, Brent Spiner, who I guess is shooting right now?

MC: I just left the stage! He’s over there, wearing his handcuffs!

TW: Was this a story that was sitting around and when you found out that he was interested you tailored it to him?

MC: Essentially, yeah. I’ll tell you, this story arc was originally going to feature 'Colonel Green'.

Colonel Green? Think, think...

MC: When we found out that Brent was interested we tried to tailor it to him, and having seen the dailies he’s terrific in this part. For a little while I even toyed with the idea of him playing Colonel Green, but I think he’s more interesting playing this character.

Damn, I have to just ask...

TW: Colonel Green, that's a STAR TREK connection right? I run the web site but I can't think of it!

MC: [Laughs]. In [“The Savage Curtain”, from ST:TOS] the classic episode with Lincoln... there were four figures from Earth’s good side, and four from the bad side. And one of the evil figures is this Colonel Green, who is mentioned as somebody who in Earth’s history led a genocidal war--that’s all that’s said about him. The Reeves-Stevens actually layered Colonel Green’s movement into FEDERATION, so I always thought that he was an interesting character to bring to life and flesh out. But the implication was that he had something to do with the Eugenics Wars as well. With Brent’s interest we decided to tailor it to Brent.

TW: How did his guest appearance come about?

MC: Brent and Rick had been talking about it and Rick casually mentioned it and -- I think that’s how it went, I could be wrong -- and Brent said “I’d love to do something” and so Rick mentioned it to me and I said let’s figure it out.

TW: And that will be a three-episode arc [beginning with "Borderland", Oct. 22, in production this week]. You mentioned this format earlier; will the entire season be like that?

MC: There’ll be a couple of standalones and some of them may turn out to be two-episode arcs, it depends on how the stories flesh out. That’s the idea.

TW: One of those you talked about at the press tour was the Vulcan plot dealing with a civil war. You discussed that the storyline is going to sort of explain various behaviors of Vulcans in the first three seasons that may be seen as inconsistent. How do you tell Rick and Brannon that what they did should be "explained"?

MC: I didn’t present it in the sense of "let’s explain it." It exists, "this is what you guys did; let’s use it as a fascinating springboard to tell a terrific story arc that kind of shows the evolution of Vulcan from, kind of, where you guys started to how the Vulcans were in the original series." So it wasn’t much to say “I’ve gotta explain what you guys did,” but let’s use it. "This is what you did, it’s not going to go away, so let’s use it."

We’re actually developing that story now and it’s turning into this great, really fascinating LAWRENCE OF ARABIA tale with T’Pol and Archer in the desert to go and find these Vulcans who are traitors.

TW: And this will take place on Vulcan?

MC: Oh yeah, the whole thing!

TW: You mentioned that Romulans will be involved. Of course the first thing the hardcores will remind us that no one knew what the Romulans looked like until the original series.

MC: No one will know what the Romulans look like. No one will know.

TW: The audience already knows so there’s no point in hiding it from us?

MC: Right, the audience will know. Although I don’t have the whole story worked out yet because we’re still fleshing it out, but there may be a possibility of someone finding out and that person can die. There are ways to do it so that we can preserve canon, but no, no one will find out that they were Romulans.

TW: Jolene Blalock has said publicly that she is looking forward to taking T'Pol in a new direction this season. What's in store for her character?

MC: By the end of this Vulcan arc she will become hopefully she will find her center as a Vulcan, and will become a Vulcan in the grand tradition of Spock and other Vulcans that we have known, and will accept the true Vulcan calling.

TW: Will she get the Kohlinar?

MC: I don’t know if she’ll get as far as Kohlinar, but I -- maybe she will, that’s a great idea. I should write that down.

TW: The pitch session has begun! [Laughs].

MC: [Laughs].

Check back tomorrow for the conclusion of our interview with Manny Coto, in which he talks about the cliffhanger in "Zero Hour" and his resolution in "Storm Front," the first three years of ENTERPRISE, and the future of STAR TREK. Is there life beyond 2005? Plus, Manny drops another hint about a story he'd like to do involving a classic episode of TOS.

Trekweb.com hat ein Interview mit Manny Coto...

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The latest issue of Stuff Magazine, just out in the US, features an exclusive interview with ENTERPRISE actress Jolene Blalock (T'Pol). Here are a few excerpts.

STUFF: Is this the season T’Pol finally gets a man?

JOLENE: Yeah, I think so. And I think that man’s going to be Connor Trinneer’s character, Trip. The writers have turned me onto - oh, for Christ’s sake, what the fuck is it called? - Trillium-D. T’Pol is addicted to Trillium-D. Since my character is a drug addict, she’s no longer in control of her emotions. So because of the Trillium-D, she might begin a relationship.

STUFF:Will this also be the year your character gets it on regularly?

JOLENE: You mean pon far. That’s where Spock would go into heat once every seven years on the original STAR TREK - this manic, uncontrollable, burning passion of the loins. It’s never been established for females, but in the third season, we established it for T’Pol.

STUFF: In one episode, you appeared with half of your backside showing. But people claim that you’re nude in the European version of the show. Does such a fabulously sexy episode really exist?

JOLENE: That is true. That was part of the massage scene, right before Trip and T’Pol do it. And I dropped my robe. The full shot aired on the East Coast, but when the network found out that crack was shown on ENTERPRISE - this was after the whole Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction - they freaked out. They cropped it for airing on the West Coast.

STUFF: Are you comfortable with nude scenes?

JOLENE: Probably more than most actors. But I have the same reservations as the next guy. Or girl.

STUFF: I have no reservations.

JOLENE: Really?

STUFF: About you getting naked? None.

JOLENE: [Laughs]Thank you.

STUFF: There are rumors that William Shatner might guest-star on the show this season. Would you be cool with him coming aboard?

JOLENE: Bring him on. Bring all of ’em on, I don’t care. Let’s just meld all the shows together. This is our last year, most likely. What the hell.

STUFF: Who would win in a fight: Shatner or ENTERPRISE captain Scott Bakula?

JOLENE: You know Scott would win. Kirk is old. C’mon. [Laughs]

Jolene Blalock gibt ein Interview im "Stuffmagazin" .

STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE's new executive producer Manny Coto set the tone early in his tenure by openly discussing his plans for story arcs while at UPN's fall press tour this summer. It was a departure for a franchise that has traditionally played it close to the vest, begrudging the amount of information that the Internet and its network of obsessive scoop-hunters makes possible.

In the second part of our interview with Coto, we asked the former ODYSSEY 5 producer about ENTERPRISE's past, and future.

TW: There was a lot of pressure obviously just to get renewed and it sounds like you’re going to be taking the show in a vastly different direction from the first three years. But what do you view as the strengths of the show going in?

MC: One of the things that I found charming in the first two years was this idea that “we’re the first out here exploring, and every place we go is brand new.” Now we can’t go back there, that’s gone. But I do kind of miss that sense of wonder that was present in a lot of the episodes.

I also think that the show in the first three seasons did some very powerful episodes. I found “Cogenitor” to be just wonderful; I loved “Stigma” and I think that some of the show’s strengths are that the cast and production could handle really strong, dramatic episodes. They were there from time to time.

TW: What do you think the contribution or the legacy of the big arc last year is going to be moving forward?

MC: Going forward what it really does, the biggest legacy is that it’s changed Archer from the individual from the first two seasons who was kind of -- I wouldn’t say happy-go-lucky --

TW: The 'Sam Beckett' captain?

MC: Exactly. He’s become a more seasoned commander and he’s not as dark this season. I don’t want to do any kind of Joe Angst. But he’s become more seasoned and more confident because of what he’s been through.

TW: I don’t know how involved you were with the decision to throw in the monkey wrench at the end of “Zero Hour,” but it seems like a really big thing to pick up as a new executive producer. It was sort of as if Brannon was like “I did this crazy thing and, well, here you go!” Would you have done the same thing if you were executive producer when that show was written?

MC: [Laughs]. I probably wouldn’t have done that. I probably would’ve had them arrived on Earth and started directly with the Vulcan arc. [Laughs].

But that’s my taste, and I’ve got to tell you, though, I wasn’t completely sure about the Nazi thing but I am really proud of the first two episodes, they’ve come out really fun. Part of the fun was being able to turn it into an alternate history where New Jersey and the Eastern coast has been conquered by the Nazis. I’ve always been a fan of alternate histories and that was a lot of fun and the first two episodes are really turning out well.

TW: The original series seemed to do several alternate history type episodes.

MC: The biggest one was “Bread and Circuses” in which Rome never fell, which was really cool. They never really did Nazi-occupied America. They hinted at it in the Harlan Ellison episode (["The City on the Edge of Forever]), but they didn’t really show it. There was the “Patterns of Force” but that wasn’t America, so this was really a way to sit back and say, “what if the Nazis had managed to conquer North America, and what would the resistance look like and all sorts of things.”

TW: Jack Donner ('Subcommander Tal', "The Enterprise Incident") is another notable guest star this season. How did that come about?

MC: I really wanted to bring people from the old series, I kind of mentioned it to the casting directors, and he came and he was terrific.

TW: Is there anybody else in particular that you have your eye on... other than Shatner?

MC: [Laughs]. I do, but I want to hold on to those names. I don’t want to give those out yet because it might jinx them!

TW: It is sort of disingenuous to say that this season is the last for sure, because we don’t really know that, but let’s talk about Friday nights. How do you feel on the show’s chance to regain an audience enough to go beyond season four?

MC: I’m very confident. I look at this as a terrific show and it is going to be a terrific show this season, and I’m just hoping that enough people like it, first of all, and then that enough people hear about the others liking it that they tune in to watch. I’m confident on Friday, shows have worked on Friday night, there’s no reason that we can’t, and maybe not being up against SMALLVILLE will help. You know what I’m saying? So I’m hoping that people tune in, but if not, that’s the way it goes.

TW: When will you know? By February Sweeps will you know whether it’s time to start writing the swan song for this crew, or are you going to go to the wire and throw a monkey wrench to get that last potential bonus for another year?

MC: [Laughs]. It’s too early to tell what we’re going to do in the very last episode as far as throwing a monkey wrench, but I think we’ll know throughout the season how the landscape looks.

TW: Are you mapping the entire season? Do you have specific things that you want to accomplish by the, fifteenth episode; by the seventeenth episode?

MC: Oh yeah. I don’t have it as mapped out as by saying episode fifteen or sixteen but I know where the season is going and I know what the season is ending with, absolutely.

TW: You’re inheriting the position of Brannon, who was the show runner for the first three years and a good chunk of VOYAGER, and he and Rick have always received a lot of fan heat. You certainly haven’t seemed afraid to come out and engage the fans.

MC: Well frankly I am just making the show that I would want as a fan. I’m really kind of writing to one fan and that’s myself and I assume that we all have the same love of STAR TREK. I can’t see how anyone wouldn’t like the stuff that we’re trying to do because I would love it, this is the kind of stuff that I would want to see. So I’m fairly confident that what we’re doing is going to work terrifically and I’m not afraid to talk to fans. I used to go to STAR TREK conventions, I know the world, and we used to do when I was growing up, we would watch STAR TREK and we didn’t have the Internet but we would get together on the phone and discuss if the transporter beam could actually work and all sorts of things. So if I’m not so nervous about the fans it’s because I am one.

I love all the incarnations, the series. To me it’s like a giant sandbox to be able to play and do tie-ins with the original series�"like the Orions, which look so hot, you know an Orion slave girl -- it’s just pure fun! I’ll give you one spoiler, I don’t know if I’ll ever figure out the story but I want to do one story on the floating city of Stratos [from TOS's "The Cloud Minders"], which is now under construction. It’s a blast!

TW: I’ve often thought of STAR TREK in terms of sports. People will always watch their favorite team regardless of whether they go to the Super Bowl that year. Coaches change, players change, but it goes on into perpetuity. Do you think that that could apply to STAR TREK and that there doesn’t have to be an end per se?

MC: There doesn’t have to be an end at all. I would be developing the next show, right now. I don’t buy the whole [oversaturation thing]. Good product will always bring them. People love STAR TREK. To my mind there should be another show starting up next year so we can have a whole STAR TREK night.

TW: Or a whole STAR TREK network [laughs].

MC: Why not? [Laughs] Well there you might be a little oversaturated. But it’s a great universe and a great series and I don’t see any reason why -- if you can have five CSIs, you can have two STAR TREKs. Please. How many nights can you watch murder investigations? Come on.

TW: Well, having done the web site for eight years, I have to say that this has probably been one of the most exciting summers leading into a new season of STAR TREK that we’ve seen in a good number of years.

MC: Well, I hope we don’t disappoint you! Thanks!

Cotos Interview Teil 2. Quelle: Trekweb.com

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Eine Menge interessante Sachen. Aber der Vergleich mit mit dem Sport ist der Brüller. Bringt mich irgendwie dazu, B&B mit unserer Fussballnationalmannschaft zu vergleichen. *g*

Ich hoffe, dass Coto den Karren in der 4. Season noch aus dem Deck ziehen kann. Und hoffentlich sperrt man B&B irgendwo ein und wirft den Schlüssel weg, damit er endlich mal zeigen kann, wie gut er wirklich ist.

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Save Enterprise  Brings Exclusive Production Information for Season 4!

SaveEnterprise.com sources today revealed exclusive information regarding the latest production status of Star Trek: Enterprise.

Even though Enterprise has seen some budget cuts for the fourth season, it will not affect the look of the show. We were told as you all know that the show this season is being shot in high-definition digital video (The same as used in the Star Wars prequels). But even with the budget cuts, it seems to have improved the photographic look of the show overall.

As of Friday, Enterprise production took place in at an alien marketplace which involved big sets and lots of extras on the shoot. Also, during filming of the alien marketplace, Orion Slave Girls were a featured player which confirms all the talk of using Orion Slave Girls in the latest season of Enterprise to tie Enterprise with the classic series. Executive Producer Manny Coto has repeatedly said he hopes Season 4 will tie Enterprise in with both classic and TNG time periods, also becoming the prequel that the show was meant to be.

Our source also went to confirm several changes we will see in the episodes appearing after “Storm Front” Part 1 & 2:

-         The episode titled “CS-12” has now been renamed to “C-12”. This episode if the fifth episode of Season 4 and second episode into the Eugenics story arc with Brent Spiner guest starring.

-         In the episode “Home”, the NX-01 heads into drydock to undergo repairs of the damages the ship suffered during the last part of Season 3. By the next episode, Enterprise will leave drydock a fully regenerated starship in tip top shape.

-        The NX-01 will look pristine on the outside by Season 4’s fourth episode, but also on the inside. Small changes will be made to the current sets to account for this, including a new Captain’s Chair for Captain Archer!

SaveEnterprise.com will continue to bring you production information regarding the upcoming anticipated Season 4 of Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Enterpris premieres October 8th at 8:00 on UPN!

Neue Detailinfos von SaveEnterprise.com, Enterprise wird im Raumdock wieder vollständig repariert und noch ein wenig mehr augemotzt....

Sind alles unbestätigte Meldungen!

Bearbeitet von logan3333
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Noch mehr Technologie, die nichts in dieser Zeitlinie zu suchen hat???

Ne, nichts speziefisches, geht eher in richtung optische Änderung am Set der NX.

Im offiziellen ST-Magazin stand was von einer mrüstung zum "bewaffneten Aufklärer".
"Bewaffneter Aufklärer" kann man auch die NX-01 bei Broken Bow nennen, schnell, grosse Reichweite, Torpedos und Plasmawaffen...


Willst dich nichtmal als Newsredakteur bei uns bewerben?

Dann müsste ich alles übersetzen, und ich bin auf meine Anonymität bedacht...

Bearbeitet von logan3333
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Also wenn du nur deine Anonymität waren willst... übersetz die News, schick sie mir oder wem aus dem Team. Wir stellen es online und schreiben deinen Nick unter... ;)

Bekommt mein Account dann auch diese riesigen Avatar, dann würde ich ja sagen...


Bearbeitet von logan3333
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