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Aktuelle Infos zum FedCon X Kabarett:

Wir freuen uns, heute einen ganz besonderen Programmpunkt ankündigen zu können: Während des FedCon X Kabaretts (vermutlich am Samstag Abend) werden die Stargäste Robert Duncan McNeill, Garrett Wang und Walter Koenig ganz spezielle Stücke aufführen.

Wie Robert sagte, so wird er zusammen mit Garrett eine (nicht ganz jugendfreie) Performance aufführen, die auf keinen Fall versäumt werden darf. Zusammen mit den anderen Teilnehmern des Kabaretts wird dies sicherlich eine unvergessliche Show.

Da die Schauspieler dies natürlich nicht ganz umsonst machen, wird der Eintrittspreis für das Kabarett 10.- €uro betragen.

Wer am Kabarett teilnehmen möchte und sich noch nicht angemeldet hat, kann dies noch bis spätestens 15. April tun. Benutzt dazu einfach den untenstehenden Link, oder mailt direkt an Marc B. Lee: fedconusa@msn.com.


Hi, Here is an update for the FEDCON X CABARET to be held on Saturday night. The time for this show may change and will be determined later.  We are very happy to announce that ROBERT DUNCAN McNEIL, GARRETT WANG and WALTER KEONIG will be performing very special acts during the Cabaret.

ROBERT has said that this will be a very adult-oriented performance and not to be missed.  Along with TAKE THIS, THE DATA FAMILY and other FEDCON attendees performing, this will surely be an exciting evening.

We will be charging 10 euros to help pay for the many convention expenses this year.

If you plan to perform, the last day to register will be April 15th.  I can be emailed at FEDCONUSA@msn.com

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Due to the numerous request from the fans about the FEDCON X CABARET, we will split the performances into 2 shows.  The first will be performed by Robert Duncan McNeill, Garrett Wang and Walter Keonig.  This will be a ticketed performance and cost 10 euro.  The second show will be free to the public and will have fan performances as well as movie trailers.  Thanks to the fans for voicing their opinions and knocking some common sense into my head.

If you are still interested in performing, please fill out the registration sheet in the FEDCON CABARET section of www.fedcon.de.

Marc B. Lee

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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I have been told today via telephone that during ROBBIE and GARRETT'S CABARET SHOW, you will see some "skin".  This is all I have been allowed to tell the German public.  Because of this and for other professional reasons, NO VIDEO OR STILL CAMERAS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE BALLROOM DURING THESE PERFORMANCES!!!!  

You will be allowed to film me naked after 10 beers later during the weekend if you wish! :0  :0

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OH..I forgot to mention that we will be premiering a wonderful new 35th Anniversary music video prepared by Marcus Erbar of CONVENTION CENTRAL. This was suppose to have been shown at the LAS VEGAS 35th Anniversary show but was not!

This will probably be shown between both shows to allow the fans coming in for the free show to get to their seats.  There will be sufficient lighting for the fans to see their way in.

Also I am happy to announce that we have located TAKE THIS and THE DATA FAMILY and they will DEFINITELY be performing during the fan portion of the Cabaret.  Christian of TAKE THIS has told me that they will be performing a brand new song this year.

FEDCON will be VERY BUSY this year!  Enjoy it because after the bar, I won't remember who any of you are!!!!! :0  :0

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FEDCON will be VERY BUSY this year!  Enjoy it because after the bar, I won't remember who any of you are!!!!! :0  :0

@ Marc

Hi Marc,

I think everybody will enjoy this years FedCon.

And the Bar visiting thing...

Same procedure as last year... :D

Same procedure as all the years... :D  :P  :0

LLAP wishing yours

Lord Schweizer

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It wouldn´t be fair not to allow still kameras during the first performance. The result would be, that people, who have paid for the first part of the performance are not allowed to have kameras - whereas people who come in later can bring their kameras with them.

So the people already in the main bridge have to leave the room in order to get the kameras, therefore misssing part of the show.

This can´t be right!


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  • 3 Wochen später...

Registration for the CABARET is now offically closed.  If you would still like to perform, you may register at the con, but only if we have room for you.

Surprises are in store for the Cabaret and I'm sure attendees will not be disappointed.

:D  :D  :D  :0  :D  :D  :D  :0  :D  :D  :D  :0

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