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St-Voy: komplettes Script zu 'Natural Law'

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<p><a href="http://www.dailytrek.de">www.dailytrek.de</a> hat dank ihrer Quelle Tara_TP das komplette Script zur kommenden Voyager-Folge 'Natural Law' erhalten. Am besten Lesen sie selbst.</p><center><h1>Natural Law</h1></center><hr><br>TEASER<br><br>FADE IN:<br><br>EXT. AERIAL POV ABOVE JUNGLE (OPTICAL)<br><br>We’re flying high above a lush, beautiful landscape.<br><br>INT. SHUTTLE (OPTICAL)<br><br>SEVEN OF NINE and CHAKOTAY are at the controls as Chakotay peers through the windows at the scenery below.<br>CHAKOTAY<br>Beautiful, isn’t it?<br>Seven, indifferent, comments drily.<br>SEVEN<br>A sensor analysis would have provided the necessary information.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Just admiring the view.<br><br>SEVEN<br>(impatient)<br>The conference begins in less than an hour.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>There’s always time for Warp Field Dynamics.... (indicating scenery) But you don’t see natural beauty like this every day....<br><br>Suddenly there’s a mild JOLT to the ship. It goes to RED ALERT.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>What was that?<br><br>A little concerned, they begin working consoles.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Some kind of energy barrier directly below us.... (working) ...it spans thousands of square kilometers....<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>(concerned) Why didn’t sensors detect it?<br><br>SEVEN<br>I’m not certain. It has an unusual tetrion signature ... (beat, working) Species Three One Two used a similar technology...<br><br>But now the ship JOLTS HARD.<br><br>EXT. SHUTTLE -- ABOVE THE JUNGLE (OPTICAL)<br><br>As it scrapes and skitters along a crackling energy barrier. At every contact, an energy feedback surges from the barrier to the shuttle.<br><br>INT. SHUTTLE<br><br>Consoles begin to smoke as Chakotay and Seven work, speaking rapidly. (NOTE: AVOID THE WINDOWS)<br><br>SEVEN<br>There’s a power surge coming from the barrier...<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Shields at full.<br><br>The ship shakes much worse. Consoles spark.<br><br>SEVEN<br>They’re creating some kind of feedback... (beat) ... We’ve lost impulse engines.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Go to warp.<br><br>SEVEN<br>(beat, frustrated)<br>The warp core is off-line.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Warp engines don’t just shut down then you scrape an energy barrier.<br><br>SEVEN<br>(off console)<br>It’s affecting all our systems...<br><br>COMPUTER VOICE<br>Warning: structural failure in thirty seconds.<br><br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>We’ll have to beam to the surface.<br><br>SEVEN<br>We can’t transport through the barrier.<br><br>Seven has an idea.<br>SEVEN<br>Transfer auxiliary power to the weapons array.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>(as he works) What are you trying to do?<br><br>SEVEN<br>(working) If I can realign our phasers to the correct frequency, I may be able to open a rift.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Big enough to get a shuttle through, I hope.<br><br>Tension as Seven continues to work.<br><br>COMPUTER VOICE<br>Warning: structural failure in ten seconds...nine...eight...<br><br>Seven hits the final control.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Phasers reconfigured...<br><br>EXT. AERIAL POV ABOVE JUNGLE -- SHUTTLE (OPTICAL)<br><br>Firing phasers at the barrier. A fritzing fissure opens. The shuttle flies through the fissure, bumping and scraping. A wing of the shuttle is torn off. Just as the rest of the shuttle clears the fissure, the vessel explodes!<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE -- DAY (OPTICAL)<br><br>A dazed Chakotay and Seven materialize.<br>Chakotay is holding an Engineering kit. His pants-leg is torn -- we’ll come to learn his leg is injured. As they look around their surroundings, they find themselves in a verdant jungle, with lush flowers, climbing vines, twittering birds. Off the moment....<br><br>FADE OUT.<br><br>END OF TEASER<br><br>ACT ONE<br><br>FADE IN:<br>(NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes.)<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE --- MOMENTS LATER<br><br>Chakotay and Seven look around, getting their bearings. As Seven takes out her tricorder, Chakotay hits his combadge - it chirps ineffectively. Seven gets a reading from her tricorder, reacts with frustration.<br><br>SEVEN<br>The barrier’s closed again.<br><br>He reacts, scans their surroundings with his tricorder, takes a step - but his leg gives a little, and he winces in pain.<br><br>SEVEN<br>I should examine you.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>I don’t think it’s serious.<br><br>But he lets her help him sit on a fallen tree trunk. She pulls open the tear in his pants, to reveal his leg where we can see a small laceration, with some swelling. She passes her tricorder over it.<br><br>SEVEN<br>You have a hairline fracture.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>We have bigger problems. I’ll be fine.<br><br>Seven notices a tricorder reading, and sweeps it in a wide arc over the landscape.<br><br>SEVEN<br>I’m detecting shuttle debris scattered over several square kilometers.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Some of it might still be functional.<br><br>SEVEN<br>If we can find the right components, we may be able to construct a beacon ... Send a distress signal.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Through the barrier?<br><br>She works her tricorder and takes an uncertain beat.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Maybe.<br><br>Chakotay stands up, with some effort, makes a joke.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>If we hurry we might still make that conference.<br><br>Seven gives him a dubious look as they set off, Chakotay limping slightly, taking in his surroundings.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Well, if we have to be stranded somewhere, you couldn’t ask for a nicer place.<br><br>SEVEN<br>(dry) If you hadn’t insisted on “admiring the view,” we wouldn’t be stranded at all.<br><br>Chakotay takes the point, and they move into the dense undergrowth. Off the natural beauty of the jungle....<br><br>CUT TO:<br><br>EXT. SPACEPORT -- DELTA FLYER (OPTICAL)<br><br>As it zooms through a bustling spaceport -- docking bays, big and small ships, blinking marker buoys -- high above the glittering, urban hi-tech planet Ledos. A large freighter enters the Delta Flyer’s path - the Flyer quickly streaks under it.<br><br>INT. DELTA FLYER -- COCKPIT (OPTICAL)<br><br>Paris, at the helm, resumes course -- but almost immediately his viewscreen monitor begins flashing red, and he’s commed by the Port Authority.<br><br>PORT AUTHORITY VOICE<br>Guest Vessel Seven Four Six Five Six, this is Ledos Port Control. Shut down your engines.<br><br>Paris looks quizzical, hits a couple of controls. The monitor stops flashing red, and the Port Control Officer comes up on the screen.<br><br><br>PARIS<br>This is Lieutenant Tom Paris. Is there a problem?<br><br>PORT AUTHORITY OFFICER<br>You were observed committing piloting violation two five six.<br><br>PARIS<br>Sorry. I’m not familiar with your regulations. It won’t happen again.<br><br>PORT AUTHORITY OFFICER<br>You’ll be informed of the penalty.<br><br>PARIS<br>(reacts) What kind of “penalty?”<br><br>PORT AUTHORITY OFFICER<br>That’s not my decision. (beat, checking) Your Docking Permit says you’re assigned to the Starship Voyager.<br><br>PARIS<br>That’s right.<br><br>PORT AUTHORITY OFFICER<br>Your commanding Officer will be notified of your infraction.<br><br>Off the Officer’s implacable face....<br><br>CUT TO:<br><br>INT. READY ROOM<br><br>CLOSE ON Paris, aghast.<br>PARIS<br>Piloting lessons?<br><br>A somewhat amused Janeway elaborates<br>JANEWAY<br>Apparently, the standard penalty for your infraction is a three day course in flight safety, followed by a test.<br><br>PARIS<br>Did you explain we wouldn’t be here that long?<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Actually, while you were completing your mission, Seven was invited to a four day conference.<br><br>PARIS<br>(deflated) Here, on Ledos?<br><br>JANEWAY<br>(nods) I decided to give the entire crew shore leave - so you’ll have plenty of time to brush up on your piloting skills.<br><br>PARIS<br>I don’t need lessons....<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Apparently, the authorities disagree.<br><br>PARIS<br>But Captain....<br><br>JANEWAY<br>(interrupting) You may not’ve known the Ledosians’rule. But you know outs -- comply with local law. (beat) Understood?<br><br>PARIS<br>(reluctant) Yes, ma’am.<br><br>Off his resignation....<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE -- DAY<br><br>Chakotay and Seven are on the move, Chakotay’s limp slightly worse. Their tricorders are out - Seven follows hers to a clump of bushes, where she retrieves a badly damaged console fragment. She scans it, frustrated.<br><br>SEVEN<br>The relays are fused. It’s useless.<br><br>She tosses it aside - but Chakotay has found a more interesting detail.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Looks like we’re not the only ones here.<br><br>She joins him. He points out an area of stamped down brush.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Indigenous wildlife, perhaps.<br><br>He indicates his tricorder.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>I’m reading residual lifesigns -- they’re humanoid.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Ledosian?<br><br>He shakes his head no.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>(off tricorder) No. But they share genetic traits. (beat) Whoever they are, they may be able to help us.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Unless they’re hostile.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>(smiles) Why don’t we give them the benefit of the doubt?<br><br>Chakotay scans the area, points into the undergrowth.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>The lifesigns lead in that direction.<br><br>SEVEN<br>I suggest you rest your leg while I investigate.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>It’s better is we stick together... (tweaking her)...at least until we know whether they’re “hostile.”<br><br>As they move off, following the lifesigns with their tricorders....<br><br>TIME CUT TO:<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE -- RISE ABOVE CAVE CLEARING -- DAY<br><br>Seven and Chakotay arrive at the top of a small rise, and crouch down to peer through the vines.<br><br>POV CHAKOTAY AND SEVEN<br><br>It’s a clearing, with a cave on the far side. Moving around are a dozen or so primitive aliens wearing simple clothing - the Ventu. A peaceful people engaged in simple tasks: carrying water, stripping vines into fibers, using those fibers to weave material. Others just sit quietly in small groups, communicating occasionally with simple hand gestures.<br><br>RESUME SCENE<br><br>Chakotay and Seven react with surprise.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>(light) I’m guessing they’re pre-warp.<br><br>SEVEN<br>They obviously can’t help us.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>No, I don’t suppose they can.<br><br>He eyes them with interest.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>But they’re fascinating. I never expected to run into people like these on such a technologically advanced planet.<br><br>SEVEN<br>(pointed) This isn’t an anthropological mission, Commander.<br><br>He nods, taking her point.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>You’re right. We should keep searching for debris...<br><br><br>But as he starts to get up, his leg gives out, and he winces in pain, sits back down. Seven scans the wound.<br><br>SEVEN<br>You’re developing an infection. (beat) You should rest.<br><br>Another beat. Then he nods reluctantly.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>I’ll stay here and try to keep out of sight.<br><br>SEVEN<br>I’ll contact you if I find anything useful.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>I guess I don’t have to tell you to avoid interacting with these people.<br><br>Seven nods in agreement, and moves off, taking the Engineering kit with her. Chakotay settles in to his hidden vantage point, and peers through the vines to observe the tribe. A beat, as his fascination grows. Unable to resist, he hits a control on his tricorder. Another beat. He whispers into it.<br>CHAKOTAY<br>First Officer’s Log, Stardate 54814.5 We’ve come across an indigenous tribe that appears to live in caves situated around a central clearing..<br><br>As he continues to speak, we go to ---<br><br>POV CHAKOTAY -- ON CAVE CLEARING<br><br>CHAKOTAY (O.S.)<br>Judging by the provisions near their campfire, and the absence of manufactured structures, they appear to be hunter-gatherers....<br><br>TIME DISSOLVE TO:<br><br>CHAKOTAY’S RESTING SPOT -- LATER<br><br>Chakotay’s in the same place, but dozing uncomfortably now -- a little feverish, in some pain. We hear a furtive rustling noise nearby. Beat. Chakotay’s eyes suddenly shoot open, he jolts awake - to find himself staring at<br>THREE VENTU MEN<br>Standing over him. They utter no sound, but their faces seem grim and threatening. Off the moment....<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE -- DAY<br><br>Seven - following tricorder readings - sees a small piece of shuttle debris sticking out from behind a rock - a coil. When she retrieves it, she finds part of it is still blinking. She hits her combadge.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Seven of Nine to Chakotay.<br><br>No response.<br><br>EXT. CHAKOTAY’S RESTING SPOT -- MOMENTS LATER<br><br>Chakotay’s standing up now, leaning against a tree, looking concerned. The three Ventu men are staring in amazement at the combadge on his uniform - which once again “speaks”.<br><br>SEVEN’S COM VOICE<br>Chakotay, respond. I’ve found something...<br><br>Chakotay tentatively moves to tap his combadge - but one of the Ventu men yanks it off and stares at it in confusion. Seven’s voice comes through the device again.<br><br>SEVEN’S COM VOICE<br>Seven of Nine to Chakotay --<br><br>The Ventu man reacts in fear - drops the combadge and smashes it with a stone as Chakotay steps forward to try and stop him.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Wait .... Don’t....<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE -- MOMENTS LATER<br><br>A fritzing noise comes through Seven’s combadge. She taps it again. This time it just chirps ineffectively. She reacts with concern. Then, carrying the small piece of debris, she heads resolutely back the way she came.<br><br>TIME CUT TO:<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE 0 RISE ABOVE CAVE CLEARING -- NIGHT<br><br>Seven arrives at the spot where she’d left Chakotay, but he’s not there now. She puts down the Engineering kit, scans the area with her tricorder and wrist-beacon. Nothing. She peers through the vines into the clearing.<br><br>POV SEVEN OF NINE<br><br>Silhouetted figures huddle around the campfire, or move around the area. Seven extends her tricorder, scans the clearing - stops when the tricorder is pointing directly at the mouth of the cave. She reacts to some readings.<br><br>EXT. CAVE CLEARING PERIMETER -- NIGHT<br><br>Seven inches her way stealthily through the shadows at the edge of the clearing. She stops, unseen, as two Ventu pass nearby, moving toward the fire.<br><br>She moves quickly to the edge of the cave mouth - waits a tense beat as another Ventu comes out of the cave. Then she slips inside.<br><br>INT. CAVE -- MOMENTS LATER<br><br>Seven eases along one wall - notices simple cave paintings of abstract figures and designs, illuminated by torchlight. She moves toward the flickering of a small fire deeper inside the cave - and sees two Ventu tribesmen huddled there. One of them moves - revealing that what they’re huddled over is Chakotay.<br><br>Seven steps forward, activating her wrist-beacon, shining it in the Ventu’s faces to startle them. She speaks firmly.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Move away from him.<br><br>The Ventu react to the light and to her voice - standing up quickly, with uncertain motives, making a brief hand gesture to each other. Seven tenses. But Chakotay sits up, raising his arm reassuringly.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>It’s all right, Seven. They’re friendly...<br><br>She reacts. He takes a beat, indicates his leg.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>They’re treating my wound.<br><br>She shines her writs-beacon on his lower leg - which is wrapped in some kind of herbal poultice. The Ventu stand uncertainly in b.g. Off the surprising moment....<br><br>FADE OUT.<br>END OF ACT ONE<br><br>ACT TWO<br><br>FADE IN:<br><br>INT. CAVE -- MOMENTS LATER<br><br>Seven crouches by Chakotay as the Ventu stand back in the shadows. (Note: We may occasionally notice them in the b.g. Communicating with simple hand gestures.) Seven, concerned, speaks to Chakotay.<br><br>SEVEN<br>You said we were supposed to avoid interaction.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>They found me. There was nothing I could do.<br><br>SEVEN<br>You should have tried to contact me.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>I didn’t want to expose them to our technology.<br><br>She nods at the sense in this, notices his combadge is gone.<br><br>SEVEN<br>You hid your combadge.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>(chagrined) Actually, your call scared them. (beat) They broke it.<br><br>SEVEN<br>(drily) I suggest we leave before they break anything else.<br><br>Chakotay takes a beat -- he’s thought about this.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>They’re friendly .. And I am hurt....<br><br>SEVEN<br>What are you suggesting?<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>We may as well stay the night.<br><br>SEVEN<br>(objecting) Commander....<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>It’s good shelter... (indicates his wound) And my leg feels better since they put this dressing on.<br><br>Seven can’t argue with that.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>(continuing) I’m going to get some rest. I suggest you do the same.<br><br>He closes his eyes. Seven takes a beat, looks around uncertainly. She moves to a corner, sits against the wall, alert.<br><br>A VENTU GIRL<br>Who appears to be a teenager has been watching them. Tentatively she approaches Seven. Seven looks unsure of her intentions. The Girl reaches out her hand - touches the borg implant on Seven’s brow. Seven reacts, pulls back. Startled, the Girl moves back too, withdraws further into the cave. Seven looks around at the primitive figures watching her from the shadows. Off her discomfort....<br><br>EXT. SPACE -- VOYAGER (OPTICAL)<br><br>In orbit of Ledos.<br><br>INT. CORRIDOR<br><br>Kim, Torres and Neelix are on the move.<br>KIM<br>Chell says we shouldn’t miss the Flame Gardens.<br><br>NEELIX<br>I hear the arboretum is beautiful, too.<br><br>TORRES<br>We can do both.<br><br>Tom enters from a side corridor, joins them.<br><br>KIM<br>Tom! You joining us? (pretending to remember) Oh, that’s right. You have to go to “pilot school.”<br><br>Torres joins in the ribbing, “explaining” Tom’s sentence to Neelix.<br><br>TORRES<br>I hear the course takes days.<br><br>PARIS<br>(undaunted) For most people. But I did a little research. If your instructor agrees, you can skip the lessons and go right to the test. (confident) I’ll be joining you in a couple of hours.<br><br>Neelix looks to Torres.<br><br>NEELIX<br>You have to admire his optimism.<br><br>B’Elanna smiles, Paris knows he’s being ribbed as they exit into....<br><br>INT. TRANSPORTER ROOM (OPTICAL)<br><br>A Transporter N.D. Is working the console as Kim, Torres, Neelix and Paris enter. Kim nods to the Transporter N.D., starts toward the Transporter pad.<br><br>TRANSPORTER N.D.<br>Just a moment, sir.<br><br>It becomes apparent a figure is materializing on the pad in a transporter effect. He’s an old, crusty Ledosian gentleman - Instructor Kleg. He speaks with dour authority.<br><br>KLEG<br>I’m Instructor Kleg, the flying teacher. (squints at Kim) Are you Lieutenant Paris?<br><br>Kim smiles, points at Paris.<br><br>KIM<br>He is.<br><br>Tom hurries up to escort the old guy off the pad.<br><br>PARIS<br>It’s an honor to meet you, sir. May I show you to the Delta Flyer?<br><br>KLEG<br>(gruff) Why?<br><br>PARIS<br>(obvious) So you can explain what I did wrong, and then administer my test.<br><br>KLEG<br>It sounds to me like you need lessons in patience, as well.<br><br>Paris hesitates to reply, not wanting to make things worse.<br><br>TORRES<br>Oh, Tom’s very patient, sir.<br><br>NEELIX<br>Never impulsive.<br><br>KIM<br>Take all the time you need. He’ll enjoy the extra attention.<br><br>Paris shoots them a look. Kleg takes the commentary at face value, though.<br><br>KLEG<br>I’m please to hear it. (To Paris) We’ll start with a review of safety procedures. Do you have a visual display system I can access?<br><br>A beat. Paris covers his annoyance.<br><br>PARIS<br>I think I can find one.<br><br>Torres and Kim step onto the Transporter pads, stifling grins. Torres waves at Paris.<br><br>TORRES<br>Have fun.<br><br>KIM<br>(to the N.D.) Energize.<br><br>As they dematerialize....<br><br>PARIS<br>So how long will this "review" take?<br><br>KLEG<br>Typically, about four hours. But there's no rush.<br><br>PARIS<br>(strained smile) Of course not.<br><br>As they exit....<br><br>EXT. CAVE CLEARING -- DAY<br><br>Life her is quiet, simple. A female N.D. weaves palm fronds, another mixes pigment from berries. A male N.D. fashions a bowl from strips of bark. Others sit quietly in small groups.<br><br>Camera finds Chakotay sitting up, his leg splinted, beside one of the men who'd been wrapping his leg last night - the Healer. Chakotay has drawn a circular, simple map in the dirt. he draws a bending line, shows the Healer.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>River.<br><br>The Healer doesn't seem to understand. Chakotay gets an idea, picks up a small gourd containing water, dribbles it along the line he's drawn to represent the river. A beat. The Healer nods seeming to understand now. He makes a snaking hand gesture for "river." Chakotay repeats it.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>River.<br><br>Now, Chakotay places a large stone in the circle, points to it.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Mountain.<br><br>Now Chakotay points to a distant mountain (o.c.), repeats the word.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Mountain.<br><br>The Healer nods, seeming to understand, eyes the map, the Girl who'd approached Seven the night before wanders over curiously, to watch. Chakotay "speaks" haltingly in the sign language he's beginning to learn.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Where....?<br><br>He flops his hand palm up.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>....are we?<br><br>He gestures around the clearing. A beat. The Healer gets it, points to a spot on the map. Chakotay nods. The Girl seems to be taking itall in. The Healer then points to the pip on Chakotay's collar. Chakotay touches his pip.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>This?<br><br>The Healer nods, points at it again - then points to himself - then holds out his hand. Chakotay reacts.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>I'm sorry .... I can't give it to you....<br><br>The Healer takes a small colored stone out of his pouch and hands it to Chakotay, who takes it tentatively. Then the Healer points to the pip again, and holds out his hand. Chakotay hesitates.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>You want to trade....<br><br>A beat as Chakotay considers. Then:<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Well, I suppose it can't hurt....<br><br>In b.g. Seven emerges from the jungle, in time to see Chakotay remove his pip and hand it to the Healer. The Healer smiles, points to Chakotay, then draws his index finger diagonally from one shoulder to his waist, smiles. Chakotay nods.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>I'll take that as a "thank you."<br><br>A NEW ANGLE<br><br>Seven walks up, carrying the Engineering kit. Dry:<br><br>SEVEN<br>Did you make a beneficial exchange?<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>I didn't want to insult their customs (indicates jungle) Any luck?<br><br>SEVEN<br>I may have found a way of communicating.<br><br>She sets down the Engineering kit.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Me too. (light) I've learned to say "thank you..."<br><br>He points at Seven, then draws his index finger diagonally from shoulder to waist. Seven remains focused.<br><br>SEVEN<br>I was referring to communication with Voyager.<br><br>She opens the Engineering kit, revealing a power cell, and the coil she found yesterday.<br><br>SEVEN<br>It may be possible to construct a beacon by connecting these components to the shuttle's deflector.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Did you find it?<br><br>SEVEN<br>(re: tricorder) I detected it six kilometers from here. I believe it's intact.<br><br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>(re: leg) I'm not sure I'm up to that long a trip.<br><br>SEVEN<br>I'll go.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>I've started mapping the area.....<br><br>As the Girl continues to watch curiously, he indicates the circular map drawn in the dirt.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Here's the river we passed ... this is where we beamed down... and we're here now...<br><br>He points to the spots on the map. Seven points to a third location.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Then the deflector should be approximately here.<br><br>Seven's eyes meet the Girl's. Chakotay notices the Girl's interest, and has an idea.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Six kilometers is a long way. Maybe one of them could guide you.<br><br>SEVEN<br>(eyeing the Girl) I'm still trying to limit our contact with these people.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>The sooner you get to the deflector, the sooner we can get out of here. (beat) They know the terrain. Maybe they can get you there faster.<br><br>SEVEN<br>And watch me construct a tetrion-based signaling device?<br><br>Her objection makes sense. He nods in agreement.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>All right. But be careful.<br><br>She takes the power cell, tetrion coil, puts them back in the Engineering kit, and sets off in the direction of the deflector. He calls after her.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Seven.<br><br>She stops, turns, looks at him. He smiles, light.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>This is how they say "good bye."<br><br>He makes a sign, extending his arm forward, fingers spread wide. As Seven sets off into the jungle....<br><br>TIME CUT TO:<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE -- DAY<br><br>Birds twitter, a river can be heard rushing in the distance. Seven is having a hard time maneuvering through the dense vines - holding her tricorder in one hand for guidance, holding her kit in the other, and trying to push the undergrowth out of the way. Suddenly she trips and falls - her tricorder flying out of her hand, and skittering down into a crescent-shaped crevice. A beat. She pushes herself up, takes note of a...<br><br>FALLEN TREE BRANCH<br>that she apparently tripped over. Then she moves over to the crevice the tricorder fell into. She looks into it, can't see anything. Reaches her hand down to retrieve the tricorder. Feels around. Can't find it. No tricorder.<br><br>She gets to her feet, frustrated, looks around.<br><br>POV SEVEN OF NINE<br><br>To her left is the gnarled dead tree the branch feel off. All the other directions look exactly the same - passable, but seemingly unending foliage.<br><br>RESUME SCENE<br><br>Undaunted, resolute, she grabs her kit and sets off in the same direction she'd been walking. Into unscanned territory.<br><br>EXT. CAVE CLEARING -- DAY<br><br>The Healer finishes smoothing off a rough-hewn cane with a sharp-edged stone, and shows Chakotay how to lean on it for support. Chakotay uses it to walk a few steps. The Healer gestures Chakotay to continue. Chakotay makes the sign of thanks - pointing to the Healer, then drawing his finger diagonally from shoulder to waist.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Thank you.<br><br>The Healer nods. Chakotay walks slowly past a clustered group of men, and gestures to them.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Hello.<br><br>Two of them look over - and Chakotay stops short. One tribesman is using a piece of burnt charcoal to draw a design on the face of the other man. It resembles Chakotay's tattoo. They smile at Chakotay, and point to his tattoo. The others turn - revealing another man with a facial design that looks similar to Chakotay's tattoo. Off Chakotay, unsettled....<br><br>TIME CUT TO:<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE --- NIGHT<br><br>Seven's now using a wrist beacon to light her way. She looks tired, she's been struggling through this all day. Lightening and thunder flash not far away, making Seven flinch just a bit. She stops, looks around.<br><br>POV SEVEN OF NINE<br><br>The terrain is seemingly endless foliage. It looks all the same - and though it's too dark to tell for sure, it looks distressingly like the same place she was walking earlier in the day.<br><br>RESUME SCENE<br><br>She picks a new direction, and sets off that way - but nearly trips, catching herself in time. A beat, as she has a moment of recognition. She shines her wrist-beacon down on the ground - and there she sees the fallen dead tree branch that she'd tripped over earlier in the day. With a rising sense of dread, she turns her wrist-beacon to the left, where it settles on the same gnarled dead tree that was there before. And finally, she brings the spotlight down on the crescent shaped crevice her tricorder had fallen into. A beat, as she reacts to the confirmation that this is the same place she passed hours ago - she's been walking in a big circle. She shivers a little - as with a low rumble of thunder, it begins to drizzle rain.<br><br>A beat. She looks around, decides there's nowhere to go for the moment. She sits down, draws her knees up to her chest, wraps her arms around them to huddle for warmth.<br><br>Off Seven, lost and alone....<br><br>FADE OUT.<br><br>END OF ACT TWO<br><br>ACT THREE<br><br>FADE IN:<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE -- LATER -- NIGHT<br><br>It's stopped raining, but it's gotten colder, and Seven is shivering. She reacts to a sound in the underbrush, and shines her wrist beacon in that direction.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Identify yourself.<br><br>There's a tense beat. Then the Ventu Girl emerges from the bushes, wearing a blanket.<br><br>RESUME SCENE<br><br>Seven reacts, wary. The Girl tentatively takes the blanket off her shoulders - she's wearing another warm wrap underneath. She offers the blanket to Seven. Seven, uncertain, makes no move.<br><br>The Girl brings the blanket over to Seven, and motions to put it around her shoulders. This time Seven doesn't motion her away - but instead takes the blanket, and wraps it around herself. Nods a cursory thanks.<br><br>As Seven watches curiously, the Girl digs around in the dirt and comes up holding two different kinds of rocks. She puts one rock on the ground and crushes it easily into a crumbly powder with the other rock.<br><br>Then she goes to some nearby foliage and picks a small fruit off a branch. She squeezes the fruit over the powdered rock - a few drops of juice drip into the powder. The mixture begins to smoke. The Girl adds tinder, and the mixture flames. Seven reacts, impressed, to herself:<br><br>SEVEN<br>An exothermic reaction....<br><br>The Girl piles a little kindling on the fire, and it grows, providing light and warmth. Then she pulls a root out of her pouch, takes a bite - and offers some to Seven. It doesn't look very appetizing - and in any case, Seven doesn't like feeling this vulnerable or dependent. She shakes her head.<br><br>SEVEN<br>I'm not hungry.<br><br>The Girl shrugs, and takes another bite, as the fire grows. Off Seven, watching warily...<br><br>INT. SHUTTLE BAY (OPTICAL)<br><br>The Delta Flyer is docked, inside Voyager.<br><br>INT. DELTA FLYER - COCKPIT<br><br>As Paris looks on, Kleg inspects the controls, ticking off dissatisfactions on his padd-like device.<br><br>KLEG<br>Visibility impaired by lateral sensor array...insufficient console accessibility....<br><br>PARIS<br>I couldn't agree more. Those are some of the defects that led to my so-called "pilot error"<br><br>KLEG<br>(off console) Polarity thrusters. They've been known to cause accidental acceleration.<br><br>PARIS<br>Exactly my point. Why should I be held responsible for the ship's design flaws?<br><br>Kleg consults his PADD - and furrows his brow.<br><br>KLEG<br>According to the maintenance records -- you were this vessel's chief designer.<br><br>Paris can't find an answer.<br><br>KLEG<br>I make it a point of professional pride to research every case I'm assigned to. (squints at Paris) Are you familiar with that term, Lieutenant? Professional pride?<br><br>PARIS<br>(subdued) Yes, sir. (beat) In fact, that's why I'm so eager to get underway. I want to prove to you that I'm a good pilot.<br><br>KLEG<br>There are protocols, Mister Paris. System by system diagnostics, preflight simulations...<br><br>PARIS<br>You must have other students who need your attention. It wouldn't be fair to...<br><br>KLEG<br>(cutting him of) Don't worry, Lieutenant. I'm planning to spend as much time with you as necessary.<br><br>Off Paris, steeling himself for more of the same....<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE -- DAY<br>Morning now. The sun beats down on Seven's sleeping face, rousing her. She looks up to see the Ventu Girl watching over her. Seven is a bit unsettled, but the Girl signs to her a "good morning" sign: hands cupped at the ground, then she brings them up and spreads them. Seven thinks she gets it, and nods hesitantly.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Good morning.<br><br>Seven mimics the sign back to her. The Girl nods. She pulls another root out of her pouch, takes a bite, and offers it to Seven again. Seven - hungrier than before - takes it, bites off a piece and chews. Not great - but - not bad. As they eat in silence a moment, Seven gets an idea.<br><br>She draws a circle in the dirt, then draws a few rough characteristics so it resembles the map Chakotay showed her - the mountain, the river. Then she points to the area where she had said the deflector should be.<br><br>SEVEN<br>I’m trying to get here.<br><br>She points to herself, then at the spot on the map again.<br><br>The Girl nods,<br>points at the spot on the map, then points out a specific direction in the jungle. Seven picks up her Engineering kit, and starts to walk in the direction the Girl is pointing.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Can you show me?<br><br>She points to the Girl, then points into the jungle in the right direction. The Girl considers, nods, walks ahead of Seven, and motions her to follow. Seven does.<br><br>TIME CUT TO:<br><br>EXT. JUNGLE -- DAY<br><br>The Girl is guiding Seven through an area with exotic alien flowers. The Girl happily points to one and signs something. Seven isn’t really interested, but nods as she continues walking. The Girl stops her, a little piques by Seven’s apparent apathy. She points to the flower again. Again Seven nods, and resumes walking in the direction they’d been going. The Girl grabs her arm, starts walking in another direction. Seven hesitates.<br><br>SEVEN<br>I thought it was this way...<br><br>But the Girl keeps walking the other way, motions Seven to follow. A beat - Seven follows, through some dense foliage, beyond which is a clearing. Seven and the Girl emerge from the foliage, and stop - reacting to what they see.<br><br>POV SEVEN AND THE GIRL (OPTICAL - MATTE)<br><br>It’s a breathtaking, panoramic view of waterfalls and exotic foliage.<br><br>RESUME SCENE<br><br>The Girl spreads her arms with a big smile - presenting the view proudly to Seven. Even Seven can’t help but be moved just a bit by the beauty of the scene.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Yes ... It’s quite an impressive view. But now we really have to....<br><br>But before Seven can finish, the Girl plops down, makes herself comfortable, looks out over the panorama with profound appreciation. Not about to budge.<br><br>Seven looks at the Girl, looks at the vista, looks back in the direction she wants to go. Frustrated and impatient. But she seems to have no choice. Finally, she sits down beside the Girl, staunchly admiring the view with her. Off the Girl, sneaking a sidelong smile at Seven.<br><br>EXT. CAVE CLEARING -- DAY<br><br>Chakotay is walking around the village with his cane, looking toward the jungle with some concern. He sees the Healer and approaches him.<br><br>The Healer now has a facial tattoo that looks similar to Chakotay’s and he’s wearing Chakotay’s pip on his clothing. He makes a sign of greeting to Chakotay, but Chakotay looks serious.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>My friend....<br><br>Chakotay moves his finger around his own brow, indicating the location of Seven’s borg implant. Then he points out to the jungle.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>She hasn’t come back.<br><br>Chakotay tries making a few more rudimentary signs, but the Healer looks confused, and responds with a few obscure signs of his own indicating that he doesn’t understand. Chakotay shakes his head, frustrated, and kneels in the dirt.<br><br>As the Healer looks on curiously, Chakotay draws an oval for a face. Two dots for eyes, a vertical line for a nose, a horizontal line for a mouth - and an angled half circle around the left eye to represent her Borg implant.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>She looks like this.<br><br>Then he looks at the Healer and makes the palm-up sign for “where?”<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Where?<br><br>A beat. The Healer nods - he thinks he understand what Chakotay wants. He motions Chakotay to stay here, and hurries into the cave - then returns a moment later with a woman. Chakotay looks at her, reacts.<br><br>The Woman’s face is adorned with a small piece of debris from the shuttle, tied with a strip of leather around her forehead, so the broken bit of technology is fixed around her left eye. Unmistakably meant to mimic Seven’s Borg implant.<br><br>RESUME SCENE.<br><br>The Woman and the Healer both seem pleased to show Chakotay, but he reacts with some distress, wonders out loud:<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Where did you get that?<br><br>He points to the piece of debris, then points out to the jungle, and makes the sign for “Where?” Again.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Where?<br><br>The Healer and the woman motion him excitedly to follow, and take him a few feet to the edge of the cave - where the Healer pulls a bundle out from behind a rock, and quickly unwraps it.<br><br>ON THE BUNDLE<br><br>Inside are several damaged pieces of Starfleet technology. Part of a power cell, a section of control panel, a thruster fragment.<br><br>RESUME SCENE<br><br>The Healer motions out toward a section of jungle, to indicate where the pieces came from. Chakotay looks disturbed.<br><br>The Healer looks concerned. He doesn’t understand. Chakotay walks back to his picture of Seven in the dirt. He points to it again.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>My friend. (flops hand, palm up) Where?<br><br>Off Chakotay’s frustration...<br><br>CUT TO:<br><br>EXT. ROCKY AREA - DAY<br><br>Seven and the Girl walk into a clearing, where they come upon the deflector, still connected to a large, mangled section of shuttle hull approximately three meters square. Seven looks pleased, sets down her kit, takes out the power cell and tetrion coil.<br><br>The Girl approaches the deflector curiously, reaches out to touch it - but Seven stops her.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Don’t touch that...<br><br>The Girl takes a step back - and Seven softens her tone a bit.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Please.<br><br>Seven begins connecting the power cell and coil to the deflector. The Girl watches for a moment then walks over to investigate an area a short distance away, scattered with black rocks. Off Seven, working...<br><br>EXT. SPACEPORT -- VOYAGER (OPTICAL)<br><br>Voyager is docked.<br><br>INT. ASTROMETRICS LAB (OPTICAL)<br><br>Tuvok and Kim are working at the Dome when Janeway enters, looking concerned.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Problem?<br><br><br>TUVOK

<br>Commander Chakotay failed to report in at the scheduled time. We tried hailing, but there was no response.<br><br>KIM<br>We contacted the conference coordinator - he said Seven and Chakotay never showed up.<br><br>Janeway reacts.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Anything on sensors?<br><br>KIM<br>We located a hull signature over the southern subcontinent...<br><br>He brings up a graphic on the Dome - the damaged, sheared off shuttle wing, floating over a land mass covered with jungle.<br><br>KIM<br>But it’s only a wing.<br><br>Janeway reacts to the disturbing news.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Nothing else? No lifesigns?<br><br>KIM<br>(grim) No, ma’am.<br><br>Janeway stares at the graphic of the wing. Something strikes her.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>That’s awfully low for something to be in orbit.<br><br>TUVOK<br>It’s not in orbit. It’s resting on an energy barrier.<br><br>As he works, the graphic lights up with a semi-spherical energy barrier inverted over the land mass, with the shuttle wing resting atop it.<br><br>KIM<br>We think the shuttle may’ve collided with it.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Why didn’t they see it?<br><br>TUVOK<br>Standard scans didn’t reveal its presence. We were only able to detect it with our Borg sensors.<br><br>A beat. Janeway considers the implications.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>If all you found was a wing -- maybe the rest of the shuttle made it through the barrier.<br><br>TUVOK<br>Logic suggests that possibility, (beat) Unfortunately, the barrier deflects all our scans. There’s no way to know if the shuttle -- or its occupants -- are on the other side.<br><br>A beat.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Hail the Ledosian ambassador.<br><br>Off her determination....<br><br>INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL)<br><br>Janeway, with Tuvok beside her, is mid-conversation with a Ledosian ambassador on the viewscreen.<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>We’d have warned your Commander, but his flight plan didn’t go anywhere near that area.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>He must have altered his route for some reason.<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>(nods sympathetically) And collided with the barrier. (beat) I’m sorry.<br><br>Janeway and Tuvok react.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>We’re not assuming they’re dead.<br><br>TUVOK<br>We believe they may have found a way through.<br><br>The Ambassador is dubious, but tries to be diplomatic.<br><br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>That’s very unlikely...<br><br>JANEWAY<br>They’re resourceful people... (beat) Can you tell us anything about the barrier?<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>It shields the territory of an indigenous society, the Ventu.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Then the area’s habitable. If you’d lower the barrier, we cold scan for our people’s lifesigns.<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>I’m afraid we can’t do that.<br><br>Janeway reacts.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Why not?<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>It was erected by aliens ... Hundreds of years ago ... They haven’t been back. (beat) The technology is a mystery to us.<br><br>Janeway and Tuvok exchange a look.<br><br>TUVOK<br>Why did these ... “Aliens”... Build the barrier?<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>To protect the Ventu.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>From whom?<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>(chagrined) Us.<br><br>Tuvok and Janeway react.<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>Our ancestors fought them, polluted their habitat .. (embarrassed) I’m afraid we weren’t very enlightened back then.<br><br><br>JANEWAY<br>(diplomatic) Earth went through its dark period, too, Ambassador.<br><br>He nods.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Would you have any objections if we tried to lower the barrier? Just to scan for our people?<br><br>The Ambassador doesn’t hold out a lot of hope.<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>I told you.... It’s not possible.<br><br>TUVOK<br>(undeterred) perhaps if you gave us information about the barrier’s power source?<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>The generator is inside. There’s no way to access it.<br><br>Beat. Janeway and Tuvok react. The Ambassador continues.<br><br>AMBASSADOR<br>Even if your people did survive, I’m afraid there’s no way to get them out.<br><br>Off his disturbing pronouncement.....<br><br>FADE OUT.<br><br>END OF ACT THREE<br><br>ACT FOUR<br><br>FADE IN:<br><br>EXT. SPACE -- VOYAGER (OPTICAL)<br><br>In orbit of Ledos.<br><br>JANEWAY’S VOICE<br>Captain’s Log, Stardate 54827.7. Although the Ledosians are skeptical, they’re allowing us to try to locate our people...<br><br>INT. ENGINEERING<br><br>On a piece of debris - the torn shuttle wing - being scanned by Torres, as Janeway’s Log continues.<br><br>JANEWAY’S VOICE<br>But analysis of the barrier has been slow...<br><br>Camera finds Janeway and Tuvok standing nearby, mid conversation with Torres.<br><br>TORRES<br>The burn pattern suggest (TECH) flux.<br><br>TUVOK<br>We found a reference to similar technology in Seven’s Borg database.<br><br>Janeway’s antennae go up.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>You think the Borg erected it?<br><br>TUVOK<br>No, but it may’ve been constructed by people they later assimilated. (off a PADD) Species Three One Two.<br><br>A beat. Janeway appreciates the irony.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>If Seven were here, she might be able to figure out a way to get through it.<br><br>TORRES<br>Maybe she already did. (off Janeway’s look) Some of the damage to the wing was caused by feedback from the shuttle’s phasers.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>(catching on) Seven and Chakotay might’ve used them to penetrate the barrier for some reason.<br><br>TUVOK<br>(nods) If I can determine the appropriate frequency, I may be able to do the same thing. (beat) But there’s risk involved.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>What sort of risk?<br><br>TORRES<br>It looks like the feedback from the barrier is what destroyed the shuttle. If we’re not careful, the same thing could happen to Voyager.<br><br>Off the moment......<br><br>EXT. ROCKY AREA -- DAY<br><br>Seven is making adjustments to the power cell-neutrion coil-deflector apparatus, as the Girl sits some distance away, in an area where black stones are scattered over the ground.<br><br>ON THE VENTU GIRL<br><br>She’s clicking together a chain of small black stones. They’re obviously natural magnets. She’s turning the chain into a loop - and we realize she’s making a bracelet, which she slips over her wrist. Then she begins gathering more stones, clicking them together to make another bracelet.<br><br>SEVEN (OPTICAL)<br>Glances back at the Girl to make sure she’s at a safe distance - then makes one more connection. Several lights power up on the deflector-assembly. Seven backs off, as the Girl stands up, reacting to the lights.<br><br>Suddenly energy arcs from the deflector to some large rocks on the ground right beside it - causing the lights to flicker off, as the deflector powers down again.<br><br>Seven looks frustrated. The Girl, disinterested again, goes back to clicking her magnetic stones together into a short chain. Seven notices, and walks over to her curiously, pointing at the short string of stones.<br><br>SEVEN<br>May I see those?<br><br>She holds out her hand. The Girl seems pleased at the request, and gives Seven the string of stones. Seven pulls the short string of stones apart into two segments - then brings them close - and watches them click together, drawn to each other by a strong magnetic force. As she considers this --<br><br>Chakotay limps into the clearing on his cane, accompanied by the Healer - who starts signing in b.g. to the Girl. Chakotay’s relieved to have found Seven.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Seven. Is everything all right?<br><br>But she’s too focused on the stones to offer even a cursory greeting. Instead, she holds out a hand:<br><br>SEVEN<br>I need your tricorder.<br><br>Chakotay reacts, a little amused.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Nice to see you too.<br><br>He hands her the tricorder. She takes it, finally looks at him, a little chagrined, re: tricorder.<br><br>SEVEN<br>I lost mine.<br><br>He reacts as she scans the area.<br><br>SEVEN<br>There’s a strong magnetic field here that’s preventing me from generating a deflector beam. (off tricorder) But the field drops off.... (pointing) ... Approximately four point eight kilometers in that direction.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Can you transmit a signal from there?<br><br>SEVEN<br>Not through the barrier. But I may be able to neutralize it by generating a dampening field with our deflector.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>(re: hull fragment) Even if you’re right, this must weight five hundred kilos. How would we move it?<br><br>Seven considers, indicates the Healer and the Girl.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Some of them could help us.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>(beat) We shouldn’t involve them.<br><br>SEVEN<br>(dry) Do I detect a change in attitude, Commander?<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Your concern was justified. They’ve been gathering debris from the shuttle -- using it to imitate us. (beat) I don’t want them helping.<br><br><br>SEVEN<br>What’s the alternative? Staying here? Allowing them to find more of the debris? (beat) If we neutralize the barrier, Voyager can transport us and our technology off the surface.<br><br>A beat.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Is there a possibility that this dampening field could disrupt the barrier permanently?<br><br>SEVEN<br>Unlikely. Once the deflector is deactivated, the barrier should reinitialize.<br><br>A beat as Chakotay considers, eyes the curious Girl and the Healer.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>Let’s hope you’re right.<br><br>Off the moment....<br><br>EXT. SPACE -- DELTA FLYER (OPTICAL)<br><br>Maneuvering slowly through a series of blinking marker buoys.<br><br>INT. DELTA FLYER<br><br>Paris is piloting. Kleg sits in the adjacent seat, marking Paris’ score on a PADD-like device - and looking mildly impressed.<br><br>KLEG<br>So you can execute a turn at less than 300 KPH. Well done, Lieutenant.<br><br>Paris musters all the enthusiasm he can.<br><br>PARIS<br>Thanks....(hesitant) I don’t want to seem impatient again...but is there any way you’d let me take the test now?<br><br>KLEG<br>I thought I’d made myself clear about that. All my students complete the entire course.<br><br>PARIS<br>I understand, sir. But two of my friends are missing, and I’d like to help find them.<br><br>KLEG<br>That’s an admirable sentiment.<br><br>Kleg smiles sympathetically. Paris thinks he may be off the hook. Kleg continues.<br><br>KLEG<br>But if I give you special treatment, it wouldn’t be fair to others who have to take this course.<br><br>Paris resigns himself. But Kleg, showing a soft spot for his new favorite pupil, encourages him.<br><br>KLEG<br>Besides ...you’re getting very close to becoming an adequate pilot.<br><br>Off Paris, holding his tongue....<br><br>EXT. ROCKY RISE -- DAY<br><br>Barren, empty. A beat. A Ventu man appears, walking over a rise at the base - but not just walking. Struggling. Pulling a thick vine over his shoulder. Two more men appear, coming up behind him - also holding vines, pulling with all their might. And then --<br><br>The deflector assembly shows over the rise - the deflector with a section of the shuttle hull - dragged and pulled by four Ventu men, the Girl, and Chakotay. Seven walks alongside, carrying the other components.<br><br>As the group continues to drag it slowly up the hill, Seven moves away and scans the area with the tricorder, indicates a spot.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Here.<br><br>Chakotay signs to the Ventu, they drag the deflector assembly to the appropriate spot, and let it come to rest.<br><br>Seven begins to adjust the deflector. The Girl comes over to watch her. Seven motions her back gently.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Not so close.<br><br>The Girl backs off hesitantly. As Seven resumes reconnecting the deflector components, with help from Chakotay....<br><br>EXT. SPACE - VOYAGER (OPTICAL)<br><br>In orbit. It suddenly fires phasers directly at the energy barrier - which is undamaged. But energy feeds back up the phaser fire.<br><br>INT. BRIDGE<br><br>Janeway, Torres, Kim, Tuvok and various N.D.s at their stations. The ship shakes. Red alert.<br><br>KIM<br>Phasers are starting to overload---<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Can we divert any more power to the shields?<br><br>The ship shakes more as Tuvok works.<br><br>TUVOK<br>The shields are amplifying the feedback.<br><br>The ship shakes again.<br><br>TORRES<br>(frustrated) The barrier is interfering with every system we activate.<br><br>A beat. Janeway makes a decision.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Cease fire.<br><br>Tuvok works, and the shaking subsides. Janeway looks frustrated.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>I’m open to suggestions....<br><br>TUVOK<br>We may be able to reconfigure a photon torpedo to detonate at the appropriate frequency.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>What about feedback?<br><br>TUVOK<br>A torpedo shouldn’t create any. (beat) Theoretically.<br><br>Janeway takes a beat, considers.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Do it.<br><br>Off Tuvok, working.....<br><br>EXT. ROCKY RISE - CONTINUOUS<br><br>Seven adjusts the deflector assembly, Chakotay beside her. The Ventu have been inching closer and closer to watch. Seven steps away, speaks to Chakotay, re: the Ventu.<br><br>SEVEN<br>They’re too close.<br><br>Chakotay nods, turns, and shepherds the Ventu back the way they came.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>This way...back below the rise...<br><br>He gestures, and they accompany him reluctantly - they want to watch.<br><br>SEVEN (OPTICAL)<br>Connects the last relay. The deflector begins to glow. The Ventu, amazed, pause. Some take another step further back down the hill, some take shelter behind a large boulder.<br><br>ENERGY ARCS CRACKLE (OPTICAL)<br>From the deflector to the sky. The Ventu react. Chakotay reassures them with his tone, and with simple signs he’s learned.<br><br>CHAKOTAY<br>It’s all right...stay back...<br><br>But the Girl, who’s fascinated, slips away from behind the boulder, and moves back closer to the deflector again, while Chakotay is occupied keeping the others at bay.<br><br>INT. BRIDGE (OPTICAL)<br><br>Kim looks up from his console, surprised.<br><br>KIM<br>The energy barrier’s coming down....<br><br>Janeway reacts, turns to Tuvok.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>I thought you were still reconfiguring the torpedo...<br><br>TUVOK<br>I am.<br><br>Janeway gives him a confused look. Tuvok works his console.<br><br>TUVOK<br>It’s being deactivated from inside.<br><br>A beat.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Harry, scan for lifesigns.<br><br>KIM<br>Yes, ma’am.<br><br>Off Kim working....<br><br>EXT. ROCKY RISE - MOMENTS LATER (OPTICAL)<br><br>The deflector is flowing more brightly. The Girl approaches quite close, from the side opposite Seven. She raises her hand to touch the deflector - but stops when she notices a tingling at her wrist. The bracelet of black stones that she’d made at the magnetic pole are now crackling with tiny sparks of energy - she’s brought them too close to the deflector. Seven sees them, and reacts.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Take it off!<br><br>She takes a step forward, to pull the stones off the Girl - but too late. An energy arc crackles off the deflector, and shoots out to the stones around the Girl’s wrist. She shudders, slumps unconscious, as Seven runs over to help her.<br><br>INT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS<br><br>Kim, working, looks a bit concerned.<br><br>KIM<br>I’m only reading one combadge. It’s Seven’s.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Open a channel.<br><br>INTERCUT:<br><br>EXT. ROCKY RISE - CONTINUOUS<br><br>Seven and Chakotay are now kneeling beside the unconscious Girl. Seven scans while the other Ventu look on, concerned.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Janeway to Seven. Are you and Chakotay all right?<br><br>SEVEN<br>Yes, Captain.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>(relieved) Stand by for transport.<br><br>SEVEN<br>Lock on to Commander Chakotay. I need more time.<br><br>JANEWAY<br>Is there a problem?<br><br>SEVEN<br>Someone’s been injured. She requires medical attention...<br><br>JANEWAY’S COM VOICE<br>Do you need the Doctor?<br><br>SEVEN<br>I believe I can treat her. A medkit would be useful.<br><br>JANEWAY’S COM VOICE<br>Acknowledged.<br><br>As Seven lo

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