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TrekUnited-Gruender in Deutschland


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I am the real Tim.

The one only real Tim - is Tim Allen! ;)

Können wir jetzt hier dichtmachen?

So langsam wird´s absolut unsinnig - wenn jemand seine Identität offiziell bestätigen kann, gebt ihm einen neuen Thread.... - oder auch nicht...

Bearbeitet von Locutus
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Fair enough, I can understand you all wanting to make sure who I am. Please have your admins or mods check my ip address. I am sure they will verify where it comes from.

Anyone here send an email to me Tim@trekunited.com and I will respond to that email.

I just want to make sure that you have the facts before you pre-judge something or someone.


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Hi Tim,

I really appreciate, that you come here to talk, but I think this is much too late. At first: We have no porblem with you as a person, how could we since we never met. But we had a problem with the way people, affilated to TrekUnited, treated people who weren't the same opinion that donations were the right way to save Trek. We took our right to say, that there is no sense in it and that is a little bit obscure. But that's past. The only thing discussed here is a misunderstandable formulation of a TrekUnited Flyer from Galileo 7.9 convention. Nothing more nothing less.

I would love to talk to you all about anything. If you want to know something now. Why not just contact me and ask? I am floored by all of the rumors that are spread that have no meaning to them at all and that I NEVER said.

I really don't know, what was right and what wrong, but our team at TrekNews saw no chance and sense in your campaign and most of our users didn't. We tried to contact you as this topic was actual, but you rejected our request for a short Q&A. Now the time of the "Save Enterprise" efforts is over and so there is no real need to talk about it. One fact is, that TrekUnited in Germany just reached one thing: It divided the fandom more than ever. I don't blame that this was intended, but the behaviour of some TU supporters caused it.

We as TREKNews have no questions and to prevent any flame wars, I would propose to clear up everything at FedCon.



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