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Am Montag soll der Trailer zu X3 bei www.apple.com erscheinen. Hier die Highlights aber noch im O-Ton.

Much more a trailer than a teaser, it includes many images that show off the film's many characters and a dramatic voiceover by Patrick Stewart.

Highlights include:

* The X-Men walking down the Cerebro hallway, including Wolverine, Colossus, Kitty Pryde and Storm.

* Several good looks at Kelsey Grammer as the Beast.

* The first look at Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut. His costume is very faithful to the comics, including the color scheme and helmet.

* The main hook of the film -- a cure for mutancy -- was revealed as Magneto rallied mutant troops to fight it, including Juggernaut, Pyro and what looked like -- although unconfirmed -- Madrox and Callisto.

* Ben Foster's Angel, in what appeared to be the Worthington laboratory, popping out his wings from his shirtless body.

* A funeral scene.

* Wolverine in Magneto's magnetic clutches.

* A quick action scene of Mystique.

* Magneto flipping an oncoming vehicle.

* Storm flying and spinning to create a tornado.

* Jean Grey, getting up from the infirmary, and blowing away the door.

* The Golden Gate Bridge being ripped apart.

* A student flying paper airplanes with his powers.

* Wolverine and Cyclops at Alkali Lake; Cyclops, looking skyward, screams "Nooooo!"

The trailer was shown a second time, and Jackman, who had left briefly, came back to watch it again as well.

Associate producer David Gorder said that Stewart's voiceover was recorded over the Thanksgiving weekend from London. Stewart had wrapped his work on the film quite some time ago.


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