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Games: STV: Elite Force Neuigkeiten

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Im Mai kommt der Star Trek Voyager: <font color="yellow">Elite Force</font> Addon raus und wird, soweit man gehört hat, die Trekki Herzen höher schlagen. Fans sollen sich an einem neuen Modus erfreuen, indem man durch die ganze Voyager ohne Zeitdruck laufen kann, auch Captain Protons Abenteuer werden spielbar sein. <br><hr><br>Unterdessen können Sie ein neues Interview mit James Monroe von <a href="http://www.efmodcentral.com/">EFModCentral</a> lesen:<br><i>1. After reading several previews of the game, I found out that there will be two single player missions/stories. Why did you decided to choose that approach, and not continue with the story. (Who has built the forge... etcetera)<br><br>JM:We really wanted to finish the Explore Voyager mission, so that is what we set out to do. That grew into what we now call Virtual Voyager, complete with mini-missions and lots of exploration.<br><br><br>2. The single player experience, will it take you a lot of time to finish it? Many people thought that the original STV:EF was a little bit short. Will it take longer to finish the add-on? (Personally I think a good game is always too short, it are the bad ones that take forever <img src=""> )<br><br>JM: eheh. Yes, when the game is good, you always wish it were longer. There are a LOT of decks to cover in Virtual Voyager and tons of little secrets to discover. You could easily spend days finding it all. Of course, that won't stop somebody from just blazing through all the levels - but then you won't get the groovy victory ending!<br><br><br>3. Are there any new weapons/powerups in the game?<br><br>JM: Single Player has a new Capt. Proton pistol. It completes the B/W look of the Proton mission. We also updated the tricorder to full power. You can use it to get additional info on crewmates and items you find lying around. HoloMatch has some new Borg weapons for use during an Assimilation game. <br><br><br>4. Have you made any additional changes to the Quake III engine for the add-on, apart from bugfixes?<br><br>JM: Not really. We made a few fixes, and some enhancements to game code, but nothing really in the engine. We did update the sound manager to keep it's own memory separate from main memory so that the sounds don't have to be reloaded each level. And I did a some clean up with the way HoloMatch handles pure server pak file authentication. <br><br><br>5. Is it hard combining your fatherhood with the upcoming STV:EF add-on, SOF2, STV:EF2? <br><br>JM: Yes. I was mostly working on the expansion pack during those final months before my son's birth. It was tough managing my time, but I have extremely talented teammates here who kept things running just fine in my absence. <br><br><br>6. This question is mainly for the mod community : When you released Star Trek Voyager <font color="yellow">Elite Force</font>, the mod community was almost immediately provided with a way to build the maps, first by changing q3radiant, afterwards by providing us with efradiant and the GDK. When the add-on is released, how long will it take before the community receives updated versions of the tools?<br><br>JM: <br>I plan to get it out on the same day the HM patch is released, if not sooner. I just need to wrap it all up and check it over. I will also be releasing the source to many of our tools this time.<br><br><br>7. What do you think of the recent evolutions : the GeForce3 and the Doom3 ingame movie?<br><br>JM: My own opinion is that: they rock. I really look forward to seeing what can done. <br><br><br>8. Raven is a great company when it comes to helping the online mod community. What mod(s) are you looking forward to?<br><br>JM: Thanks! Hmm, there are already quite a few cool mods out there. I'd hate to put pressure on any one by declaring a preference. So I'll just leave it at, I look forward to all mods, as i really appreciate the time they put into enhancing our game. <br><br><br>9. In the latest screenshots released to the public there are a lot of terrain shots. Will the add-on use the Team Arena source for terrain?<br><br>JM: Well i can't really answer that, as there is no source for terrain. A popular misconception seems to be that this is something new. When in fact it is not since the quake3 engine has been able to do these large terrains all along. The only NEW code is in the bsp utility and q3radiant. We just removed the hard-coded constants limiting the size of the map. We already had a flag to mark the ground as vertex-light only, as lightmaps for a surface that size would take up too much memory not to mention computing time. <br><br><br>9. When can we expect the add-on in stores? Will it be released in Europe and America at the same time?<br><br>JM: I believe Activision are aiming for another world-wide simultaneous release as they did with the original game. I saw "Release Spring 2001" for a release date on a web preview.<br><br>10. When will you start making STV:EF2 with the Doom 3 engine? ;) <br><br>JM: I need sleep first! <img src=""></i><br><hr><br>Eine neue Nachricht ist, dass Seven of Nine nun von <font color="yellow">Jeri Ryan</font> im Addon synchronisiert wurde. Für die Original Version wird ein Patch erhältlich sein, der die Englische Original Version mit Jeri Ryans Stimme updatet. Dies trifft logischerweise nicht auf die deutsche Version von <font color="yellow">Elite Force</font> zu, da in dieser 7of9 von der deutschen Synchron Stimme Jeri Ryans in der Serie synchronisiert wurde. Jedoch steht über dieses Thema nichts eindeutiges, was die deutsche Version betrifft, da. Mehr über dieses Theme können Sie <a href="http://gaming.startrek.com/">hier</a> lesen.<br><br>Viele glauben wieder, dass der EF Addon ein neuer Hit wird, dass wurde jedoch auch von Star Trek: <font color="yellow">Away Team</font> geglaubt. Hoffen wir mal, dass es ein richtig guter Addon wird, der sein Geld Wert ist. Auf dem unten angeführten Link könnt ihr euch die Screenshots zum EF Addon ansehen, die bis jetzt gemacht wurden, die unsere Kollegen von 3DGamesZone Online gestellt haben.

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