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Patch 1.2 für Armada 2


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Guten Tag an alle "noch" Armada 2-Zocker und diejenigen, die es noch bzw wieder werden wollen :P

Hab da eine Meldung weiterzureichen, die für viele sehr interessant sein dürfte.

Patch 1.2 coming soon!

The Star Trek: Armada II Patch 1.2 Project is an unofficial patch made by the developers of the Fleet Operations total conversion for Star Trek Armada II.

What is it?

It is meant as a patch for every Armada II installation, despite of it is stock or has been modded. It patches serveral bugs that were not fixed with the latest official 2002 release of Patch 1.1. More and more reports of people not being able to play Armada 2 coming up as today people are using much more enhanced software and hardware than 5 years ago. The developers of Armada 2 targeted Windows 98 and partly Windows 2000 as plattform.

What is it not?

The patch project does not provide new textures sounds or anything else that is related to change the game experience. Patch 1.2 is fully backwards compatible with Armada 2 Patch 1.1. That means, you will be able to play together with people still using patch 1.1

What does it do?

Some of the most "popular" bugs patched are:

* "Sorry, there is not enough memory to continue"- error for people using more than 2gb of ram

* Crash to desktop right after splash screen

* Multiplayer/Online gaming fix for Vista users (should work with Wine installations too. Please confirm).


* An enhanced exception catching engine. The new patch makes Armada using madExcept by madshi as new exception handler which allowes you to send us extended debug info to us when a crash occuors on your computer related to Armada which we can fix for new releases of the Patch 1.2 Project.

* The first "clean" NoCd patch available for Armada 2. An optional NoCD patch, which is available seperate for Patch 1.2. Free of multiplayer problems occouring with existing NoCd patches. This is also intended for Vista and Wine users having problems that their disk is being recognized correctly. It will be available seperate as addon file for the patch

Is that all?

No, it isn't. The first releases of Patch 1.2 are intended for bug fixing only. Later version will feature full widescreen support and new enhancements for mod developers.

Who should install Patch 1.2?

Everyone playing Star Trek Armada II. Fleet Operations players do not require to install this patch. An enhanced version of that patch is included in Fleet Operations 3.0 final.

When will it be available?

Within the next few weeks

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