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Star Trek 11 bei twitter

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Ich möchte hier mal ein paar kleinere Mitteilungen posten, die man bei twitter lesen kann. Viele Leute kommen aus dem Film und sagen kurz bei twitter, wie er denn angekommen ist. Sehr interessant ist dabei auch, dass Angels & Demons immer mal wieder erwähnt wird, aber das ST scheinbar besser bei den Leuten ankommt und interessanter zu sein scheint.

Am Anfang stehen immer die nicknames der Autoren.

"Phill2k12 Off to see Star Trek, maybe Angels & Demons too."

"Taylorswiftstar Finished watching Star Trek with my band, it was awesome! I love Chris Hemsworth!"

"rainbowdarling I guess we're going to see Star Trek tonight. Then I will no longer be the only person left who hasn't see it!"

"marihduarte someone please take me to see star trek!! +1 I NEED to see that movie =)"

"RedHawkins Star Trek was freakin' awesome!"

"unknowntrekkie Got Star Trek waffles at the store today. I don't know if its right to be toasting Kirk and Spock and covering them with Mrs. Butterworth." --> niedlich, oder?

"ycervera I want to see Star Trek again. It was soooo good!"

"hendrik82 Gerade #Star #Trek gesehen...Genial. Da gebe ich gerne Geld fürs Kino aus..."

"banger50 Just got home from "star Trek" Good movie. Nice back story. Not as good as I hoped, but still well done. Look forward to the next one."

"humanjunk You have to love the banality of the average American movie goer; Wolverine and DiVinci Code Part Deux had better openings than Star Trek."

"alltimemolly i agree with all the star trek people, it's the sexiest thing ever."

"mm537 RT @BadAstronomer:http://twitpic.com/5dvuc - Astronaut Mike Massimino uses an old-style Star Trek phaser on a stubborn bolt on Hubble." --> schaut euch mal den link an

"WhooItsScott Finished watching Star Trek! You were right EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON YOUTUBE, DAILYBOOTH, AND TWITTER!!! It was AMAZING!!!!"

"Nickerious the star trek movie is soooooooooooooooooooo amazing everyone needs to see. go now and watch it. what r u waiting for. do it now."

"MurilloJC I must say @jj_abrams you've made one hell of a Star Trek! :)" --> ja, Abrams twittert ebenfalls

"halzer26 @taylorswift13 Star Trek has to be one of the greatest movies ever. My favorite had to be the gorgeousss Chris Pine."

"jpgardner Angels & Demons $48M. Star Trek $43M. Told you Star Trek had legs. Will easily beat Wolverine this summer. $275M when all is said and done."

"freestylejewels star trek was a good movie I rather enjoyed it!"

"joenobody Just saw Star Trek, Best movie i have seen in years!!!!"

"mxpickle @taylorswift13 star trek was amazing(: i loved zach quinto"

"jkaing @davidgideon Saw Star Trek - it was entertaining! A little confusing but not too bad."

"destorm btw Star Trek was the ish and I'm not even a trekky...hey did i spell that right?" --> *gg*

"JenniJenkins Star trek was pretty awesome :)"

"stephenrony Star Trek lived up to the hype in my honest opinion"

"rokrguy826 Laurel is right, STAR TREK WAS BOMB!!"

"Taylorswiftstar Finished watching Star Trek with my band, it was awesome! I love Chris Hemsworth!"

"rainbowdarling I guess we're going to see Star Trek tonight. Then I will no longer be the only person left who hasn't see it!"

"marihduarte someone please take me to see star trek!! +1 I NEED to see that movie =)"

"stmichal I don't like, where's the message about tolerance, open-ness, or ANY principles that Star Trek is known for?"

"willmeam saw star trek, it kicked ass"

"RieHirabaru http://tr.im/lsSw <--- Wow what a storyline Star Trek has... *breathless*"

"andningspaus re-watched star trek today. I am mesmerized. I wish Chris Pine a delightful career. He deserves it."

"Banger_ @adamtool Dooooooode, Star Trek was awesome from start to finish. Hess, STOP BEING A STINKY FUCKING VAGINA AND GO SEE IT."

"foreverisfine Star Trek was FUCKING BRILLIANT! :)"

"joecadre14 Loved Star Trek!!! Now watchng Lakers kill the Rockets."

"lah_maganha @taylorswift13 Chris Hemsworth was pretty cute in Star Trek. Kirk son and Kirk father were fantastic :)"

"sophiehelene Star Trek is epic the second time around"

"MaceosMama We saw Star Trek last night, I was pleasantly suprised. I had never seen a single episode, but I was entertained. It's visually stunning."

"Taylorswiftstar The Star Trek movie was awesome!"

"elykkyle J. J. Abrams hit the reset button on Star Trek. And it was awesome."

"maxskew Just got back from watching the Star Trek movie with my son, it was SO good."

"Dragoniies Star Trek is freakin awsome. Lots of references for us old Trekkies and lots of cool new stuff......."

"mrsdelputnam Really liked Star Trek movie! Go see it, especially if you spent your summers watching the series at Grandma's, or at your own house. :)"

"Janalori FINALLY saw the Star Trek movie. I was NOT disappointed! What a great job, J. J. Abrams!"

"halzer26 @taylorswift13 oh my gosh isn't Star Trek amazing? I mean Captain Kirk? So not outdated."

"izzyBbyy @taylorswift13 did you watch the new star trek movie? Isn't it fantastic!! :DD"

Das waren die Mitteilungen der letzten 5 Minuten - es gäbe also noch unmengen anderer Zitate. Generell scheint der Film durchweg sehr gut anzukommen, auch bei alten Eisen im Fandom und auch bei nicht-trekkies. Nebenbei findet sich dabei noch eine interessante News. Vielleicht kommt Shatner in ST XII nochmal zum Einsatz: http://gossiprex.com/william-shatner-might...tar-trek-sequel

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