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Sir Patrick Stewart


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So, jetzt hat sich jemand von GLAMOUR (den Award-Veranstaltern) zu Wort gemeldet und klärt die Sache auf:


However, what I and everyone at GLAMOUR thinks then happened was, that when Sir Patrick took to the stage, he opened with his spiel, which made the audience laugh. But as far as I can tell, and I may be wrong, but I really do think this is right - he thought the laughs were due to James pulling faces behind his back. James wasn't doing this. So Patrick stopped, amidst the laughter, to turn to address James. Like I said, some lighthearted ribbing is all part of it, and at this stage, this is what I thought Patrick was doing. But as the seconds turned into minutes of insults, it became clear, he was ticked off, to say the least. He started criticising James's talents, and he took quite a while to do it. Most of the audience, including me, were starting to think you, you know what, we need to give Zoe Saldana her award - that's why we're here, right? People started heckling which, honestly, just chilled my blood. There had been such a lovely light atmosphere until this point.

James, rattled by this stage, asked him to 'fucking get on with it'. Admittedly, not the most composed response, which bellowed the flames. But then again, some firmness was definitely being called for at this point, as James had already tried to apologise (for something he didn't do) graciously. The videos I've seen online start at this point - but if you've only watched those, you don't see that by now it had been going on for about five minutes. Oh God, when was this going to end? By this stage, my whole table's laughs had faded. Lily Allen gave me two thumbs-up, but with a sarcastic grimace. Claudia Winkleman held her head in her hands. Jason Lewis just laughed, but nervously. The whole table was giving me 'do something' faces. But what could I do?

But then it really went below the belt with SPS trying out some rather lame, personal jokes about James's 'belly'. Personal - with the full intention of being hurtful - is not in the spirit of the awards. As much as I felt sick at the ensuing 'boos' from the crowd, I thought, well, at least he won't dare drag this out any more now.

Kudos to Zoe Saldana - that one is as sharp as a tack - who defused the atmosphere by telling us all she liked James's belly but would also 'pay to see Sir Patrick Stewart dying on stage any day'. It was a superb double-edged line that thank God, brought the laughter back into the room. I also hear the situation went a long way to helping Man of the Year Aaron Johnson, who had been crippled with nerves until that distracting spectacle. Every cloud, eh?

So there you have it. Just a completely unfortunate misunderstanding that really got out of hand.


Wie ich sagte - wenn Sir Patrick einmal anfängt, hält ihn nichts mehr auf.

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Ist ja sehr offensichtlich, welches Team er unterstützt. *g* *auf Bild zeig* Er hat aber heute auf der Comic Con anscheinend gesagt, daß er den Amerikanern einiges zutraut. Seinen Engländern offenbar nicht so sehr. *lach* Er ist SEHR fußballbegeistert. Er hat auch mal selbst gespielt für eine ganze Weile.

Zum Thema Sir Patricks Reaktion auf das Tor der Amerikaner gestern hat jemand bei Twitter etwas Lustiges zusammengebastelt:



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*schnell noch anfüg*

Für die Trekkies hab ich jetzt auch was... Brent Spiner hat heute mittag mal wieder glücklicherweise nichts besseres zu tun gehabt als in Sir Patricks Q&A session auf der Comic Con reinzuplatzen.

gibt es das amüsante Video dazu!

"You don't have to call me sir all the time." "Sorry, sir."

"Do you live with The Queen now?"

"You understand the word qualify?" - "Sir?"

"It doesn't hide the fact that you are Data the android." "SIR Data the android."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Die zwei sind einfach nur noch LOL. *ggg*

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Ist ja sehr offensichtlich, welches Team er unterstützt. *g* *auf Bild zeig* Er hat aber heute auf der Comic Con anscheinend gesagt, daß er den Amerikanern einiges zutraut. Seinen Engländern offenbar nicht so sehr. *lach* Er ist SEHR fußballbegeistert. Er hat auch mal selbst gespielt für eine ganze Weile.

Das Bild ist mir aufgefallen wollte aber sicherheitshalber lieber mal nachfragen bevor ich falsche Rückschlüsse ziehe ;) Gibt ja viele Promis die sich einfach mal so ein Trikot überstreifen, um ihre Beliebtheit zu steigern bzw. weil es sich aus einer Situation her ergibt.

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Oh nein da gehört er definitiv nicht dazu. Was er anzieht, ist mit Bedacht gewählt, wenn es etwas ist, das eine Aussage macht oder ausdrückt, daß er Fan von etwas ist. Er rennt nicht aus Modegründen mit dem Shirt rum. *ggg* Er ist wirklich ein großer Fan der englischen Nationalmannschaft - ein leidender Fan meistens. lol

Er hat das Shirt aber schon nicht mehr, wie mir mittlerweile zugetragen wurde. Er hat es noch auf der Convention ausgezogen (er trug ein weißes T-Shirt drunter, falls jetzt jemand hier auf falsche Gedanken kommt -.- *g*) und signiert und dann wurde es versteigert für einen guten Zweck. :)

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In einem amerikanischen Forum hat auch schon einer (ein Brite lol) angemerkt, daß sie ja eventuell Sir Patrick ins Tor stellen könnten, schlimmer kanns ja eh nicht mehr werden... *g* Woraufhin ich sagte, daß der gute Sir Patrick für einen Torwart wohl etwas zu klein ist. ;)

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Och naja, der Gute hat schon schlimmere modische Fehltritte verbrochen (ich denke da an die wirklich unsäglichen Socken die er manchmal anhat, ist fast schon ein Markenzeichen)! *lach* Ich bin ja erstmal froh, daß er überhaupt endlich mal in einem Kilt auftauchte - darauf warte ich schon eine Ewigkeit! (Er trug zwar einen auf der Bühne als er den Malvolio in Twelfth Night spielte, aber das ist ja nicht dasselbe.) Und jetzt endlich. Ist ja auch angemessen, wenn man bei einem schottischen Filmfestival in der Jury sitzt! *g*

Freut mich, daß es dir hier gefällt! ;)

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Gestern gab es ja das Q&A mit Sir Patrick auf dem Edinburgh Film Festival... und hier kann man sich entsprechende Fotos ansehen.

Einen Artikel darüber gibt es natürlich auch:

Sir Patrick Stewart, the actor and special guest at this year’s Edinburgh International Film Festival, was visibly moved last night as he spoke of the effect he has had on the fans of his most famous role, the Star Trek captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Speaking at a sold-out Bafta Scotland interview at the festival, the acclaimed stage and screen actor had tears in his eyes as he told of his “favourite ever letter”, which he received from an American police officer.

Stewart, who played the character on television from 1987 until 1994, said the officer told him that the only thing that helped him deal with the feeling that evil had triumphed in the world was to reach for a Star Trek video and admire the moral, upstanding character the actor played.

He was unable to continue the anecdote, as he became too upset. The 69-year-old, who was questioned on stage by Alan Morrison, arts editor of the Sunday Herald, also said: “After a while on Star Trek, it became a question of where Jean-Luc ended and I began.

“Eventually I began to realise, and it never occurred to me before, that if there is not a significant part of you in the character you are going to play, then it won’t be too interesting.”

He added: “There was a point where it became an albatross: a producer who I was lobbying for a part once said to me – why would I want Jean-Luc Picard in my film?

“So I resisted playing another role like that, Professor X in the X-Men series, for a long time. But another actor said to me: you can never have enough franchises in your career.”

Stewart, chairman of the festival’s Michael Powell Jury, which selects the best new British feature film, said he initially took the Star Trek role because he did not expect the series to last very long, and friends had told him to “go to LA, get a tan, and some cash in your pocket for a change.”

Stewart said of being at the festival: “I have had one of the best weeks of my life: being in Edinburgh, in this city, with this fabulous weather, watching film after film for the jury, it has been a delight.”

Asked by an audience member if there were any roles he regretted taking, Stewart said one film did not appear on his own CV: Wild Geese 2, in which he played a Russian army officer.

“Hold your nose, for the smell of bad acting by me in that film,” he said. He said he took the role because it paid £2000, exactly the sum it cost to fix his leaky roof at the time.


Erklär mir mal einer wieso er seit neuestem immer auf Wild Geese II rumhackt - SO schlecht ist seine Performance da nun auch wieder nicht... ich meine man sieht ihn ja kaum... *ggg*

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Und jetzt gibt es auch endlich ein offizielles Datum für Sir Patricks neues Stück am Broadway:

Dates have been set for the upcoming Broadway revival of David Mamet's A Life in the Theatre at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre. Neil Pepe will direct the production.

Previews will begin on September 21; the show will open officially on October 12, and the limited engagement is scheduled to end on January 2.

(Quelle & mehr)

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