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Remember Khitomer


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Hab im Netz ein geniales Gedicht/Lied über das (romulanische *fiesgrins*) Khitomer-Massaker gefunden. Es wurde 1992 von Andy Wheeler geschrieben (wer immer das auch sein mag).

Achtet vor allem mal auf das Wortspiel in der drittletzten Strophe. ROTFL

Remember Khitomer

Well sit back, son, let me tell a tale

Of days gone by and of blood grown pale

Of warriors' creed and a traitor's bale

Let me spin the tale of Khitomer.

Now in those days the men were men

Women were women and hens were hens

Birds were birds, well you get the idea

When life was good at Khitomer.

Khitomer, Khitomer

We'll face them here at Khitomer

Those treacherous foes with the pointy ears

Crash and burn on Khitomer.

Now in our day a true Klingon

Wouldn't be caught dead with a Romulan

We'd rather be drinking with the Federation

But not in the days of Khitomer.

The Romulans once were on our side

In the days before the great divide

The cloaking device and a new warp drive

Technology swaps on Khitomer.

Khitomer, Khitomer

We'll meet them here at Khitomer

A Bird of Prey full of Romulan Ale

Party tonight on Khitomer!

Starfleet said we could end the game

Of hostile acts and calling of names

Let's get together with some beer and dames

Let the peace talks start on Khitomer.

When the Romulans heard news of this

Well, one could say they were mighty pissed

"Those spineless fool," the High Command hissed

"We'll kick their ass at Khitomer!"

"Khitomer, Khitomer

We'll head them off at Khitomer!"

Those dark-haired freaks with the pointy ears

Attacked us here at Khitomer!

The Romulans sent 10 Birds of Prey

With a thousand troops in each cargo bay

But even plasma bolts to their dismay

Couldn't break through the shields at Khitomer.

Now those on the surface were brave and strong

But could be no match for the Romulans

And they knew their supplies couldn't last very long

Keep raised the shields at Khitomer!

Khitomer, Khitomer

There's help on the way for Khitomer

Starfleet has sent the Enterprise C

To come to the aid of Khitomer!

There's many ways to honor a man

Who bravely dies at the enemy's hand

A warrior knows when to take a stand

Which led to the fall of Khitomer.

There's so many ways the story gets told

Some say the shields were just worn and old

But there's some who say it was a Dur-ass hole

Who dropped the shields at Khitomer.

Khitomer, Khitomer

It was a bloody scene at Khitomer

Those bloody devils with the pointy ears

It was a massacre at Khitomer.

Khitomer, Khitomer

Our battle cry is Khitomer!

When we have our sights on Romulan scum

We will shout, "Remember Khitomer!"

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