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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

Hello IC-Master

Hello Marc, Best MC ever,

Marc I agree with completely, FedCon the best Con ever...

I'm counting the days till FedCon IX  :D

IC-Master Yes you're damned right...let's make one


Marc that was a very great dress, you must wear it again at FedCon XI... :D  :P  :0

Greetz yours

Lord Schweizer

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Ihr habt recht, ein Panel mit Dominic war zu wenig. Daran war ich Schuld!

Weil ich es einfach nicht einsehe, daß Stars von einer neuen Serie, welche erst seit knapp einem Jahr läuft, die gleiche Gage bekommen möchten, wie zum Beispiel die TNG Stars oder Second in Command Leute wie Robert Beltran. Alle Enterprise Stars verlangen exakt die gleiche Gage (warum das so ist, erzähle ich euch später mal, wenn ich mehr Zeit habe), außer natürlich Scott Bakula.

Ich sehe das aber absolut nicht ein, warum ich einem absoluten Newcomer (so nett und freundlich der auch sein mag) das gleiche Geld zahlen soll, wie zum Beispiel jahrelang gedienten Stars wie Frakes, Beltran und Co.

Aus diesem Grund war ich bei DK nur bereit ca. 2/3 seiner geforderten Gage zu bezahlen. Der Agent blieb auch stur und schließlich einigten wir uns darauf, daß DK nur 1 Panel macht (weil er ja ein Drittel weniger Kohle bekommen hat).

Aber das war von mir eine Prinzipsache, die Stars können sich auch nicht alles erlauben.

Also in dem Punkt nehme ich den Schwarzen Peter gerne an.

Thema Preise für die AG der Nebenstars. Fast alle haben mich gefragt, was sie verlangen sollen. Ich habe allen gesagt, Leute, uns in Deutschland geht es nicht so gut wie in Amiland, deshalb verlangt für Eure Farbfotos mit Autogramm drauf 10- maximal 15 Euro.

Wenn dann irgendwelche Gierhälse 20 und mehr verlangen, kann ich daran auch nichts mehr ändern.

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Like Dirk said, I was also "shocked" that the fans enjoyed an actor from a series that has not started here yet.  It took me by complete surprise.  Dirk would have changed the contract negotiations if he had known that the European fans would have loved him THAT much!

As for the autographs, something new has happened with celebrities now.  They know that they can make a lot of money at FEDCON and can be a little greedy when it comes to the prices they charge.  I honestly don't know if it is fair to charge someone for a foto but then again, the actor has to stop what he is doing to allow somwone near him for the foto.  Is this fair to the fans behind him?  Maybe it is ok to charge for it then if it will cut down the number of people who do not care about the person behind them.

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Like Dirk said, I was also "shocked" that the fans enjoyed an actor from a series that has not started here yet.  It took me by complete surprise.  Dirk would have changed the contract negotiations if he had known that the European fans would have loved him THAT much!

Well, it was hard not to enjoy Dominic's panel!

First of, most of us had at least had more than a glimpse at the Enterprise eps that were shown on the holodeck by the time Dominic came on - and some of us know people who live in the States or know people who know people and therefore had seen more than the one ep that's out in Germany now before the con.

And secondly, how not to love the performance of somebody who so obviously enjoyed himself and had so many funny stories to tell? I know, Dirk already made it clear that there will be no encore for Dominic next year (sniff), but I do hope he comes back soon! Although he's one of the "new guys" I enjoyed him as much as any of the "established" ones - if not more.

It was also nice to get an insight into the Star Trek world from the European perspective. :0

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Wait till you meet Conner!  He's much more of a NUT than Dominick!!!  He will shock the audience with his sense of humor and will be a much better guest than Dominick!!!

That will be very difficult to accomplish if you ask me...

But anyway: I understand Dirks decision, thanks for explaining it to us. And i guess that makes an appearence of Dominic&Conner together unlikely... (maybe fedcon 15?)

Regarding the photos: I think if someone buys an autograph he should get a foto for free - like i got my picture with nicole  :)

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