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  • "Planet der Affen" auf Blu-Ray angekündigt

    alle Filme in einem Set
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    Fox Home Entertainment hat die Veröffentlichung von “Planet der Affen: 40 Year Evolution Blu-ray Collection” angekündigt, in der alle fünf Filme enthalten sein werden. Das 5 Disc-Seit wird ab dem 04. November in den USA veröffentlicht und wird ungefähr 159,98 $ kosten.

    Das enthaltene Extramaterial
    • NEW: Science of the Apes BONUSVIEW
    • NEW “Beyond the Forbidden Zone” Adventure Game
    • NEW “A Public Service Announcement From ANSA” in HD
    • NEW “Evolution of the Apes”- HD featurette tracing the apes story from the original novel to the screen
    • NEW “Impact of the Apes” - HD featurette on how to market a worldwide pop culture phenomenon.
    • NEW HD Making-of Featurette for Each Sequel
    • NEW Each Apes sequel will have an isolated score track in 5.1 DTS Master Audio

    • Commentary by Composer Jerry Goldsmith
    • Commentary by Actors Roddy McDowall, Natalie Trundy, Kim Hunter and Makeup Artist John Chambers
    • Text Commentary by Eric Greene and Author of “Planet of the Apes as American Myth”
    • Behind the Planet of the Apes Documentary – Includes all new interactivity and timeline
    • Behind the Planet of the Apes Promo (1988)
    • Planet of the Apes Makeup Test with Edward G. Robinson (1966)
    • Roddy McDowall On-set Footage
    • Planet of the Apes Dailies and Outtakes (No Audio)
    • Planet of the Apes NATO Presentation (1967)
    • Planet of the Apes Vintage Featurette (1968)
    • A Look Behind the Planet of the Apes (1972)
    • Don Taylor Directs Escape from the Planet of the Apes
    • J. Lee Thompson Directs Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
    • Original Theatrical Trailers
    • Original Sketches by Costume Designer Morton Haack
    • Photo Gallery
    • Planet of the Apes Timeline
    • Interactive Pressbooks
    • Vintage Apes Newspaper Galleries
    • Advertising and Lobby Card Galleries
    • Behind-the-Scenes Galleries

    Quelle: treknews.de
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    • Werewolf


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