Nicht nur der Film schien bisher die Kritiker überzeugt zu haben, auch die PR scheint gut angekommen zu sein. Bei den 39. Key Art Awards, ausgerichtet vom Hollywood Reporter, gewann der aktuelle Star Trek Film drei der Trophäen. Die Key Art Awards zeichnen Filmmarketing in insgesamt 11 Kategorien aus.
Star Trek gewann für sein Teaserplakat in der Kategorie Theatrical Print — Action/Adventure Posters Rated PG-13 and Below, in der Kategorie Theatrical Audio/Visual — Action/Adventure Trailers Rated PG-13 and Below mit dem Kinotrailer und für die Website in der Kategorie Theatrical New Media — Best Website Design.

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Mehr Informationen zu den Gewinnern:
Theatrical Print — Action/Adventure Posters Rated PG-13 and Below:
Star Trek: Final One-Sheet, created by BLT & Associates and Paramount Pictures
Creative/design: BLT & Associates
Co-president, marketing, Paramount: Josh Greenstein
Senior VP creative advertising: Amy Mastriona
Director of creative advertising: Abbie Wisdom
Theatrical Audio/Visual — Action/Adventure Trailers Rated PG-13 and Below
Star Trek: Domestic Trailer #3, created by Aspect Ratio and Paramount
Co-president domestic marketing, Paramount: Josh Greenstein
VP creative advertising, Paramount: Peter Giannascoli
Creative directors, Aspect Ratio: Justin King-Hall, Shawn Yashar
Editors, Aspect Ratio: Robert Schulze, Eric McCormick
Music supervisor, Aspect Ratio: Jordan Silverburg
Theatrical New Media — Best Website Design
Star Trek: Star Trek Official Site, created by Project C and Paramount Pictures
Creative director: John Cristiano
Art director: Morgan Keep
Lead Flash developer: Andy Schlossberg
Senior VP interactive marketing: Amy Powell
VP interactive marketing: Bryan Warman
Producer: Josh Lawson
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