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  • Star Trek in der Arbeit, Schule, zu Hause oder beim Einkaufen?

    Das soll die neue Generation der Handys erreichen. Internetfähige Handys werden mit den Star Trek Spielen "First Duty" und "Prime Directive", vom Hersteller Digital Bridges, die Star Trek Welt in einer neuen Dimension sehen.

    Gamespy hat ein Interview mit Brian Baglow geführt. Dabei zieht Brian Baglow die Star Trek Spiele für Handys in ein sehr positives Licht. Mit hunderten anderer Spieler, soll man ein Teil der Galaxie von Star Trek sein und das alles läuft über das Internet. In First Duty muss man eine Ausbildung als Sternenflotten Captain absolvieren und mit einem geschickten Übergang zum Spiel "Prime Directive" übernimmt man die Kontrolle über ein Raumschiff und wird Teil eines massiven Multiplayer-Rollenspiels. Hunderte von Spielern sollen mit ihren Raumschiffen die Galaxie erforschen. Wird einer der Spieler von Romulanern angegriffen, kann er ein Notsignal aussenden und andere Spieler können ihm zu Hilfe kommen. Über SMS Nachrichten soll der Nutzer immer über die aktuelle Lage in der Galaxie informiert sein.

    GameSpy: I understand that you are currently working on some Star Trek titles. Could you tell us a bit more about them?

    Brian Baglow: We have a deal in place with Activision to do two games based on the Star Trek license. They're both quite different, but they're both doing something completely new with the idea of mobile gaming.

    The first game is called Star Trek: First Duty. In this game, the player takes the role of an officer-cadet entering the famous Star Fleet Academy. The player then has t go through the same rigorous training program as Kirk, Picard and the rest of the captains we know and love. The goal is to graduate as a Star Fleet officer. Along the way you have to learn about navigation, weapons training, engineering - all of the things that a good captain needs. Each player is placed into a class as they join the game, so you can pick your classmates brains over anything that's giving you problems. Depending upon your performance, you can graduate as a number of different ranks, but the goal is to reach 'captain'. If you do, you qualify for an immediate action posting and can take command of your own Star Ship…

    …which leads us neatly onto Star Trek: Prime Directive. This is a massively multi-player, persistent on-line game, in which the player can take command of his or her own Star Ship and boldly go, where no one has gone before. Star Fleet have just discovered a new worm hole that leads to a completely uncharted sector of the galaxy. Given the sorts of trouble that's cropped up in the areas of space they do know about, they decide it would be a good thing to go check it out. So you, be player, can become part of the Federation's largest exploratory force ever. You can go seek out strange new worlds and new civilizations (in accordance with the prime directive, naturally) and generally Captain Kirk it up as much as you want.

    Now here's the best bit. The game is, as I said, massively multi-player. Hundreds of thousands of players, from all over the world can take part in the game. The game is also persistent, so you can do things like setting course for a distant solar system, and choosing your warp speed. The game will tell you how long it's going to take and you can then log out and go about your business…

    Of course, with mobile games, you don't have to be seated in front of you TV or Monitor - the games come with you, so we can actually send messages to the player, telling them what's going on in the game and dragging them back in - no matter where they are or what they're up to. So you can get situations where your phone will bleep and alert you to the fact that several enemy vessels have just uncloaked off the port beam or that one of your friends is having the stuffing beaten out of them by an unfriendly race. Suddenly the game becomes part of the player's everyday life. No other games platform can do that.

    The Star Trek titles are going to be huge…

    Quelle: http://www.treknews.de


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