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  • Keine öffentliche Armada 2 Multiplayer Beta

    Ihr habt richtig gesehen....es wird keine öffentliche Multiplayer Beta Version von Armada 2 geben. Activision und Mad Doc haben das Spiel nur Intern getestet . Aber Doug Pearson von Mad Doc Software lässt uns wissen, dass Star Trek Armada 2 kurz vor der Fertigstellung ist.

    The game is rapidly coming to a close. We still have some issues to resolve, but the game is shapping up nicely. I'd like to thank all our Visioneer testers who have been very helpful in testing the game along with our internal testing teams at Activision and at Mad Doc Software.

    The Development Team at Mad Doc Software have been amazing over the past several weeks as well. The game is very fun and I wish I had more time to just sit back and play.

    We ran into some issues during our testing of the Multiplayer Test build which delayed our launch of the Test. As those issues were resolved it became quite apparent that we were spending too much time focusing on that separate Test build and not enough time on getting the WHOLE game done.

    In short there will be no Multiplayer Test. We've been able to utilize our internal QA, Mad Doc testing group, external testing labs, and our Visioneers to cover the remaining issues in the multiplayer and single player game.

    We are still planning on having a demo of Armada II available around the same time we launch the product. We are evaluating the potential addition of multiplayer as well for the demo version of the game, which should be available when the game hits the shelves.

    There are only a couple weeks left now till we are done based on the current state of the game. I've told my relatives that i'll be home for Thanksgiving rather then working this year. I'd also like that Pumpkin day off, but that's unlikely. ;)

    Quelle: http://www.planetstarmada.com


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