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  • McKay als Klingelton

    seine zehn besten Sprüche
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    MGM wählte vor einiger Zeit die 10 besten Sprüche von McKay um diese als Handy-Klingelton herauszubringen. Die Kollegen von Stargate-Planet haben sie für euch zusammengefasst.

    Hier sind sie:

    10. "No no no no no, this sequence first and then the secondary code unless you're intentionally trying to blow us up, in which case, excellent work."
    From Episode: Letters from Pegasus (# 1.17)
    Submitted by: Ben, Location Unknown

    9. "That would make it approximately the size of....I have no idea, but it sounds huge."
    From Episode: Suspicion (# 1.05)
    Submitted by: Holly from Dayton

    8. "We overload their ZPMs, half a dozen of them in a symmetrical pattern around the Replicator mass. Creating our own Replicator Fusion bomb. Whole planet will be destroyed in the process."
    From Episode: Be All My Sins Remember'd (# 4.11)
    Submitted by: Matthew from Paulsboro, NJ

    7. "If we can get those non-essential systems shut down, then the ZPM will need to pump less power through the leaky pipes and we will be able to put off imminent death for another hour or so."
    From Episode: Adrift (# 4.01)
    Submitted by: Raphael from Porto

    6. "If only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?"
    From Episode: The Storm(# 1.10)
    Submitted by: Josie from Pontiac, MI

    5. "Slower than I expected but faster than humanly possible."
    From Episode: Condemned (# 2.05)
    Submitted by: Meghan from NY

    4. "Their operating system is a mess. Thank goodness I remembered DOS...Trust me, that was hilarious!"
    From Episode: No Man's Land (# 3.01)
    Submitted by: Roberto from Greenacres

    3. "The problem is there's no direct link between it and the main power control system, which, among other things, has lead us to theorize that it's an ancillary power supply for weapons systems."
    From Episode: Trinity (# 2.06)
    Submitted by: Tim from Fennville

    2. "Still, we're not dealing with Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots here. We are dealing with a complex code of over three billion chemical base sequences. It's like trying to reconfigure the DNA double helix."
    From Episode: Progeny (# 3.05)
    Submitted by: Jessine from Tega Cay, SC

    1. "Oh and one fun, added, side bonus is that because their stargate is in such close proximity to our planet, we can't dial our stargate. We're stuck."
    From Episode: First Strike (# 3.20)
    Submitted by: Josa from Nieuwegein

    Die Klineltöne kommen auch bald... falls man das Technobabbel dann noch verstehen kann ;-)

    Quelle: Stargate-Planet.de
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